League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 612: Life value, human shackles?

"Oh... I really waited for me to practice this kind of operation. My position is only afraid of falling into the black iron, and I don’t know if I will practice it..."

"It’s still good to have an eye addiction, haha! It’s true that Ye Ye’s true name is not imaginary. It’s just a domineering one. After his blind squats with the belt, the operation is followed again. It’s completely gone, it’s 4 seconds displacement!”

"It seems that this Ye Che is not only Ravin's domineering, blindness is also a cow than the gods, not to take the shot, one shot will be an o for 5, ask who else!!!"

Everyone is talking about passion, and the Tianlan team, Qin Tian Song Yi, Yu Yu Zheng Qin and others have long been stunned. Bayi Chinese Network Ww ★ W.く81zW. CoM

They have been squatting around silver, how could they have seen this high-end operation, and they couldn’t speak for a moment.

At the same time, Ye Che looked at the information from the beast and smiled. He said: "You tried to help your teammates gank in the early stage, playing with your heart and helping them build their advantage. Just want to tell me that the League of Legends is a team battle, and nothing more than I want to blow my self-confidence from this point, so that when I lose the game, plus those gossips, I will be devastated and then achieve your purpose..."

The purple woman’s eyes were widened for the first time.

Ye Che continued: "Since you are so hard gank, I am naturally beautiful, but the fact is that when the teammates do not reach a certain level, the powerful personal strength can indeed crush the team! Strong personal strength, It is indeed possible to crush the team! Strong personal strength can indeed crush the team! Well, important things say three times..."

The woman in purple looks at this sentence, and her eyes burst into a deep anger.

In the field, looking at Ye Che, this sentence does not talk about the slightest affectionate face than the incomparable words, one by one laughed.

There are some dignitaries in the presence, and the knowledge is not bad. Ye Che has something to say, but instead makes them feel real.

"Distressed purple clothes, Ye Che Great God has already seen everything!"

"The important thing is said three times, laughing and dying!"

"The original Ye Che Great God was deliberately not gank. After understanding the woman's thoughts, she deliberately let her help her teammates build an advantage. Then on this wave, she broke her self-esteem, hey, to the other way. It’s cruel... but I like it, hahahaha!”

"The Great God is the idea. It is not that I can speculate. No wonder I am just a little silver, hehe..."

When many people talked and laughed in the field, the beasts had no way to escape, and the blind ones took the second paragraph, and then Pinga Tiamat took over the head.

The bright "ace" group extinguished the sound and instantly rang from the summoner's canyon.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, cool!!!!!!"

Luo Jinxu screamed, and the whole face was full of inexplicable colors.

This wave really made him reach the extreme. The big move fell to the texture of the five people, and now he remembered that he still remembered it.

In the past, even the wilderness could not enter the feeling of grievance, and it was completely released in an instant.

Shen Lintian, Chen Jiang, and Wei Weiyi are also smiling and refreshing. The three people happily control their heroes and rush to Dalong.

This wave is changed to 5, and the big dragon is added. The equipment will immediately rise.

In particular, they know that this kind of unresolved card of the blind man is full of confidence in the later stage.

The song of death is up, the mouse is up, and after the Pansen big move, it is aimed at the fire man, the remaining purple beast and the three flesh of the purple side, what is the use.

Everyone in the Void: "You are not practical at all. If you practice this kind of operation successfully, then you will fall to the Java State!"

Ye Che had originally controlled the blind cockroaches and had not answered anything. But after seeing the words of the sly beasts at this moment, the bottom of my heart suddenly moved, and suddenly I thought of a possibility.

This purple woman, why deliberately point out the shortcomings of her own move, is it not to let those people try new skills! ?

Thinking of this, Ye Che’s heart shocked.

Suddenly think of why there is a life-value existence, I didn’t think much about it before, I thought it was a basic rule, but now I feel from the words that the purple woman seems to cover up, is it... this life value is deliberately blessed in The shackles of human beings are to prevent human beings from trying new techniques! ?

This problem has actually been in Ye Che’s mind for a long time.

After all, a lot of skills, as long as you work hard to practice, can be practiced, but there are very few people who dare to practice, in the final analysis, because of the limitations of life.

If you drop the paragraph, you will lose your vitality, and you can't make up for it!

So, Ye Che has a plan in an instant, he intends to expose the real effect of the belt, and then take a look at the reaction of this purple woman!

Blindly everyone: "The policewoman, if I am not curious about a big Gatimat, I will kill three-quarters of your blood!?"

The policewoman's controller was still a stern face, and it instantly showed an urgent color.

There are two things that have just made him forced. It is natural that this blind man will come to his side across the 17oo yard, but this matter has now been explained.

The second is that a big Gatati Mart, who was blind, actually destroyed his entire three-quarters of his blood!

Even if the output is blind, but a big move, Gatimat, can only hit half of the blood at most, and just now, the whole three-quarters of the blood will be gone.

If it is not normal, half of the blood is left after being kicked, so that Panson can't directly kill himself.

As long as he hasn't died, he can flash out, even if Pansen is locked, but the fire man can vacate his hand.

When the eqr is connected, at least one or two can be replaced, instead of exploding as it is now.

Picheng policewoman: "Think, of course, think!!!!"

When he spoke this sentence, the hearts of many people in the field suddenly fell off. They now remembered that the one who had just been blinded to Tiamat, the blood of three-quarters of the policewoman was gone.

I don’t think it’s scientific.

Even the four people on the side of the heroes are waiting for Ye's answer.

However, the woman in the purple dress in the field suddenly changed her face.

"This Ye Che... Don't you know that the hooks caused these humans to yearn for God-level operations, which will cause them to lower their position and lose their vitality? He actually dares!"

The woman in purple whispered and her face was very gloomy.

Ye Che did not care, he now, just want to prove something he guessed.

“It’s very simple, because the Hextech prototype belt o1!”

Ye Che back to the channel.

"how is this possible!"

The policewoman’s controller showed an unbelievable color in his eyes.

The audience under the field is also in vain.

"Hex's technology belt, I want to introduce, sprint can also scatter a row of fire bombs, causing magical damage, but this magical damage is very limited, hit the policewoman, I am afraid that it will not hurt at all, how could this be major factor."

Someone was shocked.

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