League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 616: Snow sweeper...


Oriental Jianyi. August 1st √文网WくwW★. √81★zW√. CoM★

"So rest assured, I have my own size."

Ye Che said, casually asked: "The group of students in the ace class can borrow me for a few days?"

Dongfang Jianyi, quickly said: "Of course no problem, how, you want to retrain them?"

Ye Che’s face showed a strange smile, saying: “No, change them to train others this time!”

Said, suddenly speeded up the pace.

Dong Bangjian said: "What does this kid want to do..."

At the same time, Ye Che has already come outside the War College, and the Tianlan team has already arrived under Ye Che’s notice. It’s natural to have 6 Yao, Qin Tian, ​​Song Yi, Yu Yu and Zheng Qin.

The oriental neo-sports did not come because they had to help Dongfang to handle the peak race.

Looking at the excited ten people, Ye Che smiled and said: "Wait, wait for the curtain team."

Soon after, the Curtain team and other people arrived.

It’s just the scene, I love the chrysanthemums and the birds have just arrived at the scene, and they are attracted by the words of the ten people chatting.

One by one, naturally it is Ye Che’s just the fight.

What blinds, one second, eight, one second, five people, etc., only listened to them one by one, and at the same time made the three people sigh, after all, there is no on-site observation.

"Okay, there are more opportunities in the future."

Ye Che said, with two teams and the rest, went to the war school's trump card class.

Along the way, many students naturally recognized Ye Che, and all of them pointed at the distance.

Since Ye Che last helped the War College and defeated the provocation of the Western Region, he was familiar with many people.

"We... is this going to the trump card class?"

Yu Yu asked stutteringly.

He came to the War College for a few months, and even the elite class can only look up, but now he can set foot on the war school's strongest ace class, can not help but have a feeling of dreaming.

"The preliminaries of the peak hero club, there is still a week, the first six days, the trainees of the ace class teach you, the last day, I am coming!"

I heard that the two teams glimpsed, Ye Che only taught the last day?

"Teach only one day, this time... is enough time... This is the peak hero game, the strong is like a cloud!"

Wang Nuoqi asked with amazement.

"A trick is to eat all over the sky, and then I am teaching how to play and consciousness, etc. What to do, naturally, it is up to you to practice. These six days, you don’t go anywhere, just stay in the trump card, don't get it. The first wave of sea elections will be eliminated."

Ye said faintly.


Sky Blue and the Curtain team quickly nodded, and it was hard to say the excitement in the look.

At the same time, the ace class has arrived.

"You go in, they should have been notified by the city owner, and then you can bring my meaning to it."

Ye Che stood at the gate of the trump card.

"You don't go in together?"

There was a surprise in the eyes of the curtain.

"I naturally have other things..."

Said, Ye Che pointed his gaze to Zheng Qin Yu, Qin Tian and Song Yisi, said: "You come with me..."

Then I turned around and the four looked at each other, unclear, but still followed.

And leaving the Sky Blue team and the Curtain team, big eyes and small eyes.

Finally, the scene began to take a deep breath and pushed the door of the ace class.

Wang Nuo Xue of the Sky Blue team looked at the door of the ace class and slowly opened. She knew that the new world was open to her.

At the same time, Ye Che took Zheng Qin four people and had already boarded the car.

"Where is this going?"

Zheng Qin four people stunned.

However, after seeing Ye Che’s faceless expression, they were all silent, and there was no inquiry about their interest.

Soon, through the flow of people and people, the four of them saw it, this is to go out of town.

Sure enough, after a list of soldiers, the car drove outside the East City.

After about ten minutes, I got off the bus and Ye Che stood silently on the side of the road with four people.

In front of them, it was a taupe of land.

Although it is snowy, this area has no snow. To be precise, there is no snow on this road of tens of kilometers.

At this time, in this taupe land, there are thousands of people who are smashed with clothes, and they are desperately cleaning the snow with a shovel.

Most of them coughed hard and looked hungry, which was caused by long-term hunger.

On the snow-free road, many soldiers patrolled and provided escorts to those who came to the East.


All four have a shock in their hearts.

"I have been in the East for so long, haven’t I been out of the city?"

Ye Che looked at the scene in front of him and sighed.

"Of course not, how can there be such a loose money to take the car out of town."

The four people shook their heads.

"These people... are mostly newcomers, and they have been expelled from the East...."

Ye Che's tone is light, but the four people are listening to the heart.

Because they are also originally from the newcomer.

"The whole eastern region is so big. With so many materials, there are so many people who can accommodate them. Some people who have no identity and escape are not eligible to enter the city. This has caused the pictures you see now... they want to go far. However, I will meet the devil. I can only survive in the vicinity of the Eastern Region for generations. I don’t know what to live on. I only know that every time the demon invades in a large scale, they will be countless dead and wounded."

Ye Che said, his face could not see what it was.

The faces of Zheng Qin's four people are not the taste of the taste, but at the same time secretly feel lucky, if it is not because of the inexplicable greatness of the East, I am afraid that they are no different.

"East domain... can't save them, heroic metropolitan area doesn't work either. After all, this is the general trend."

Ye Che looked at the old man who was shoveling the snow not far away. He took a deep breath and his voice suddenly became high: "These refugees are not only in the East, but also in the southwestern region and even the heroic city. There are also! According to statistics, The world is only afraid of reaching hundreds of millions! These human beings who are as living as us, because there is no protection of high walls, will become the food of the devil and become cannon fodder every time!"

"No one in this world can save them. It is impossible for these forces to let them in. Otherwise, this kind of base will cause chaos, and the resources of this world cannot be idlers again!"

"But one of the goals of my main theology is to strengthen human beings, retreat the devils, and these naturally include them! You now have two choices. One is to settle in the status quo and learn the basic skills every day in the East. Work part-time, and then look at the sympathy of these refugees suddenly and compassionately every time they leave the city. Second, they will participate in this peak hero race and obtain the qualification to join the main gods! So make a copy for the suffering people of this world. contribution!"

Ye Che deliberately took them to see these refugees. I really wanted to do something for them. On the other hand, I was looking for them.

Of course, in the beginning, Ye Che would not directly let the four of them join their own team, but need to sharpen.

People can not be afraid of suffering, not afraid of setbacks.

I am afraid that there is no dream, no goal, and it is no different from waiting for death.

These refugees are from the initials of newcomers and are more likely to resonate with them. As long as they find a goal for them, they naturally have the desire to struggle.

Making money, being rich, is small.

And saving mankind is big!

Such goals, if they break into their hearts, will carry them through their lives!

Immediately after the peak hero game, Ye Che will enter the heroic city, time is imminent, he naturally wants to establish his own team immediately!

In this way, after entering the hero city, no one will be available!

Ps: It’s coming soon, thank you for your support...

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