Said here, Huang Chi looked at Ye Che's already sullen expression, and continued: "This is a very good thief. He was only in the silver area at that time, and he couldn't keep up with the treasures or money. He didn't ask for conditions at all. Again, this condition has been preserved... and when I plan to take him for more than an hour, he puts this condition out, and now... has gone to see the owner. WwくW★.く81√z√W★.くCoM”

"See the Lord..."

Ye Che took a deep breath.

Huang Chi saw it, and looked strangely: "You and his enemies should not be small, the enemy of life and death!? Otherwise he would not be frightened to see the fortress!"

Ye Che silent, long time asked: "The fortress will save him?"


Huang Chi nodded: "The owner of this treasure is the most credible, otherwise there is no way to manage this kind of killer organization with integrity as its absolute purpose. This is a friend who has a brother and can't let him disappear silently. I am sure that when we went to pick him up for the first time, he passed the information to his brother and so on. If he died or disappeared, the information of the owner’s letter of loss will be known to the entire Nether Castle in a short time. Therefore, the prestige of the Fortress will also plummet, so this is respectful, he will certainly keep it!! Moreover, in a short time will never let him appear dangerous, otherwise it will fall into the tongue!"

"This way..."

Ye Che slowly turned his head and looked out the window.

Huang Chi saw it and quickly said: "Ye Che, the current era, it is normal to live and die. As long as it is not a murder of the father, there is no big deal. Otherwise, I will be a matchmaker and let Yin Qijing Just compensate you, this is all, how?"

Ye Che’s face showed a hint of hesitation and seemed to be considering.

Huang Chi immediately hit the railway: "Your League of Legends is a rare talent, and this venerable strength has reached the peak of gold. It will soon break through platinum. It is also one of the main forces of the Nether Castle. Now that you have joined the Nether Castle, Everyone is a family, shake hands and talk!"

Ye Che suddenly sighed and said: "In fact, there is nothing, that is, he is in front of me, killing a person I want to keep, then my friend is also, when the face is too late, I will tie the beam."

"It turned out to be..."

Huang Chi’s eyes lit up and he waved his hand in a sigh of relief: “I thought it was a big deal, but it’s a face, let him make a sin, and then compensate for it.”


Ye Che nodded and said: "Since you and the Lord come forward to protect him, this matter will be considered, and no compensation is given."

Said, Ye Che got up and said: "Take me to see the Fortress, the owner of the East of the Netherland, I have long admired."

"Okay, I am leading the way!"

Huang Chi smiled and pulled the black robe wrapped around his head and opened the door and went out.

"The fortress is on the top floor. Because of the hero's relationship, the temper is usually hot, but it is a great joy to see you like this genius!"

Huang Chi said while holding the road for Ye Che.

Soon after, the top floor will arrive.

Then, the two have not yet stood still, the door has been opened, and a low and full of voice, came from inside: "Come in!"

When Ye Che entered the door, he saw a somewhat burly body sitting in the middle hall.

This person is red-faced, and his blood seems to be very strong, but Ye Che knows that this is because of the change in the external body that is produced by a certain hero.

Obviously, this person has cultivated the hero to a very high level.

Just as Ye Che looked at the red-faced person, a cold drink suddenly sounded: "Nothing!"

As soon as the voice fell, a very sharp sword meant to go straight to Ye Che’s face.

At that moment, Ye Che’s body was like being pinned.

Ye Che turned his head in an instant and glanced at the young man standing five meters away from the red-faced person.

This young man holds a green sword and is full of swords. He stands there like a masterless sword that swallows the edge. The youth is ordinary, but his eyes are like a cold star, and he can directly penetrate the eyes of the person.

"Good and fierce momentum, good sharp sword!"

Ye Che’s heart snorted.

But Ye Che is who, who is alive from thousands of demons and demons.

At the beginning, it was a hundred enemy, this hundred, but it was not the level of the rookie, but the genius of all levels.

In this case, Ye Che can survive, not to mention the youthful momentum of this youth.

The golden bones in Ye Che's body are only slightly swaying, and all the swords are meant to be invisible.

"Blood sword, not rude!"

The red-faced person suddenly opened his mouth. He looked at Ye Che's breath without any confusion, and he couldn't help but win a little appreciation.

Blood Sword nodded reverently, and then converges momentum.

"This is the owner of the Netherland Castle in the East, next to his guardian blood sword..."

Huang Chi is next to Ye Che and whispers a word.

Ye Che nodded, and looked at the person sitting on the right side of the fortress without a trace. The man had a black robe and his right hand was black and red, apparently the main sword.

This person is the Yin Qijing who killed the old man in the innocent shop!

Ye Che’s eyes didn’t aim at him, but he stepped forward and gave a tribute to the owner. “The Lord!”

The owner of the castle laughed and seemed to be very happy with Ye’s attitude.

You must know that Ye Che’s identity is not only the ace class teacher, but also the founder of Guangrui, and he is also defeating the Diamond God in the League of Legends, and is one of the bishops of the Lord.

In the case of these identities, they also prayed to themselves, and he was naturally very useful.

"Haha, good, please sit down!"

The owner raised his hand and said with a smile.

Ye Che’s words turned a bit, and his face became a little dignified: “No hurry, first solve the problem, then talk about other things, otherwise you will increase!”

The main brow of the fort was slightly wrinkled, but the eyes stretched and then said: "Yes!"

Said, turned to look at the right side of Yin Qijing, faintly said: "His respect, not soon to apologize to Mr. Ye, Mr. Ye in the League of Legends, but the first day of the younger generation of the Eastern Region, you apologize, no Will humiliate you!"

Ye Che sneered, the fortress owner deliberately called Yin Qijing as his respect, just want to tell Ye Che, this Yin Qijing is already his person.

At this time, Yin Qijing heard the words, and when he stood up, his face showed a trace of embarrassment. This is the **** kid, because he made himself waste a chance to raise conditions.

This condition is enough to make him fly, but now, in order to save his life, it is gone!

Damn, **** it!

Yin Qijing roared in his heart, but the current situation is not allowed by him. This leaf is less than two months short, and it is full of the East. It is not the current one that he can resist.

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