Otherwise, it is impossible to have a special effect attached to it!

"Simply a monster!"

The man snorted and couldn’t think too much. Ye Che had already moved. August 1 Chinese √ WWWW. 8★1zW. CoM

"Get out!"

Ye Che was attacked by this kind of nonsense and was a little angry.

For example, the right leg of gold perfusion, draws a circular phantom, and squats on the ground of the giant Nal.

This foot was terrible. The man was kicked alive and kicked, and he slammed the wall and pulled a hole in the wall.

This is the case when the Nal giantization was turned on, and it was kicked off by a kick.

"Kill him, kill me for him!!!" Blood Sword angrily screamed.

The masters who were shocked by the scene at the moment, only woke up at this time, immediately screamed and summoned weapons one by one, and killed them toward Ye Che.

"Big winter bite!"

"The dragon hit!"

"The magic shadow, the phantom chain!"

"The Holy Shield Strike!"

"War of War!"

In the meantime, countless heroic skills fell on Ye Che.

The entire hall was filled with countless lights in an instant.

Ye Che is like a whirlpool, attracting all the members of the Nether Castle around, heroic skills.

This kind of oppression and quantity is indeed terrifying at first glance.

But...useless, completely useless!


Ye Che's slight glimpse, a strange wave of incomparable, swept the audience.

All the attacks, except for the damage, caused the Ye Che clothes to blast, and there was no incidental effect at all.

Whether it is dizziness, silence, imprisonment, reduction, all invalid, all under the suppression of Ye Chezhen, there is no special effect.


A tiger-backed bear, a strong woman with a height of two meters roared.

Suddenly, a huge fist iron sleeve appeared in the hand, which has the strength of being invincible.

The next second, this fist took her body and rushed over Ye Xue.

Above the surface of the fist, there was a sigh of whiteness, and because of the speed, the air screamed.

"Get out."

Ye Che did not evade. There was a fine sword in his hand. Although it was fine, if the naked eye looked at the sword, there would be a feeling of horror.


"Hey, hey!"

Numerous blasts converge on the sword, concentrated like an alloy steel needle, directly on the strong woman's glove.


Under the contact of the two sides, only a slight jingle bell was produced, and then the fist of the strong woman was directly penetrated.


Ye Cheyi forced, the strong woman's arm has been cut off.

"Red child!"

In the remaining directions, several people angered and yelled.

This is a woman named Red, who seems to be their friend.


Ye Che’s body twisted and volleyed a right leg.

A few people who are going to sneak up on Ye Che from the back are directly dumped by Ye Che.


The blood sword can't bear it anymore. He suddenly puts the green sword against the back, and then puts his right hand in front of his mouth, and eagerly chanting it, it is like chanting a spell.

Less than two seconds later, his confined eyes opened in vain, and then the figure flashed, carrying the luster of the white gold and the green mans, and stabbed the leaves.

At this moment, his degree is twice as fast as before.

Blood Sword, launched the Juggernaut big move! !

At the same time, there have been more and more people coming from the distance to the courtyard.

The entire hall has been filled with people from the Nether Castle, one by one looking at Ye Che's eyes, there are Sen cold, but also horrified.

Because at this time, Ye Che has already collided with the blood sword.

The green sword swiping in the blood sword hand, at this moment, there is a layer of phantom, and then pick up the body of Ye Che.

Ye Che's eyes are like a torch, the true level is fully open, and the perception is extremely sensitive. Even if this kind of attack of the blood sword is actually blocked by his weapons.


The blood sword bites his teeth, his body is slightly illusory, and he completely disappears. Then the green sword passes over Ye Che, and his whole person has already appeared behind Ye Che.

"The blood sword is really angry!"

Someone around Ye Che, someone sneered.

This group of people, each face is full of vigor and radiance, solemn and solemn, standing like a javelin, with a **** and sharp eyes, all of them are elites of the elite of the Nether Castle.

They were surrounded by them, watching Ye Chewan as if he was going to slaughter the lamb.

"The Alpha Assault of the Blood Sword Master, with the degree of the big move, can instantly move silently behind the enemy, and then open the Promise Kendo, and if you stab your head, no matter who you are, you will die!!"

These people sneer again and again, and they don’t even shoot one by one. It seems that they will die in the next second.

However, Ye Che suddenly turned around, with a high level of sincerity and sensitivity, the movement of the blood sword has long been mastered.

"The Promise Kendo...not so useful..."

Ye Che faint, the next second, a dazzling blue light, blasted from him.

As soon as the blue light appeared, some people felt a creepy feeling at the place.

It’s like, there is a dragon, and he opened his eyes in vain!

"what is this……"

Someone screamed in horror.

At the same time, the blue light suddenly rushed into Ye Che's body, and the intense golden light and blue light blended with each other, which looked very different.

"Smart cloak, double attack, crit!"

Ye Che roared, holding his palm into a fist, like a mountain condensed together, covered with a green sword against the blood sword.

This blow, Ye Che used all his strength, liquefaction of the power of the gold segment, such as rolling waves, boiling in the body roar.

For example, the bones of gold casting are even more tremulous!

This blow is absolutely horrible!

The blood sword naturally felt the power of the scalp. For a time, he ran the force of the paragraph to the limit, and the arm appeared a lot at this moment.


The blood sword roared, and the green sword swept across Ye Chee.


Like a flat thunder, the blood sword's green sword actually only supported less than a second, and it was broken into pieces of metal.

Then Ye Che's fist was unrelenting, and it immediately slammed into the arm of the blood sword holding the sword.


The blood sword suddenly became arrogant, and his face showed a deep pain. His arm, under the crit of Ye Che, sounded a huge bone bursting sound, a series of firecrackers.

The blood sword is not only Platinum ii, Platinum Peak, Ye Che has killed a lot.

What's more, the crit is turned on at this time, it is not that he can stop it!

The arm of the blood sword, like the green sword, did not support for a second, and it was blown up from this absolute power, and Ye Xue’s attack seemed to have no consumption at all.

At that time, under the gaze of **** swords, this blue-golden arm slammed his body.

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