League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 624: Lord of fire

"God! This kid, actually put the bones of the whole body into the power of the ranks, no wonder the gold in the district can fight platinum! This method of integration has been lost for hundreds of years, where did he get it from?"

The owner looked at the scene in front of him and took a breath. Bayi ★ ★ Chinese network W ★ wW. 8★1z√Wく. CoM

Suddenly, his silver bones of Ye Che have begun to melt, and they have stopped the flames. The four arms of the fire that have been firmly locked in Ye Che’s limbs have disappeared.

After burning, he has no place to get what he wants.

But as soon as the flame disappeared, he suddenly appeared near Ye's chest, and there seemed to be a glimmer of light beneath the bones.


The owner of the fort, I was trying to find out what it was, and this thing suddenly jumped in Ye Che’s body.

This jump made Ye Che’s mind shake, and his eyes were stunned.

The body, already numb, but the bones are different from ordinary people, and now it is completely actionable.

At the moment of waking up, Ye Che has already understood the current situation.

"Fatal blow!!!"

Ye Che screamed and watched the hands and feet that had been restored free, and suddenly started the hero skills.

"Don't be stupid, here is my field, you can't use hero skills at all, you are..."

The last few words have not been finished, the fort Lord suddenly looked up, and at a glance, he saw the high point of the fire red, and a very embarrassing star flashed away.

Horror, danger!

Almost the powerful perception and strength of the diamond saved him, and the flame power violently rushed to the top of the head.

At the same time, a golden sword fell to a place less than a millimeter from the top of his head.

A drop of cold sweat, slipped from the owner's cheek.

He is a good diamond, but it is not that King Kong is not bad. If it is inserted into the head by this sword, it is absolutely dead.


The lord who reacted from the edge of death to the fortress was violent.

A fist punched out, and a flame-made fist appeared, and it slammed into Ye's head.

He was always tempered, and before he was indifferent, because everything was under control, but what happened now immediately made him lose his calm.

When the punch hit, he regretted it. The punch was on his head, and Ye Che had a living path.

"I can cross my field, his hero skills absolutely understand the sixth floor, this kind of enchanting, really... a pity..."

There was a trace of regret in the eyes of the fort, but naturally it was not a pity that Ye Che, but deplored that he was afraid of not getting the secret of Ye Che.

Ye Che looked at the fist that rushed to her head, and there was a bitter smile in her eyes.

Sure enough, even if you really understand the high, but the gap between your own position and the diamond is too big.

The force of the additional position of the weapon can not break through the defense of the diamond.

"But it..."

Ye Che sighed, he did not want to run, Ye Che at this time the entire body in addition to the head, the skin of the body has been completely incinerated, just like a monster.

Yes, even if he is strong, he is just a mortal, and he can’t accept himself.

Besides, even if he wants to avoid it, he is powerless. Just after the blow, he almost emptied all his powers.

Coupled with the pain of the whole body, Ye Che thought it was difficult.

"After seven hundred years...Farewell..."

Ye Che’s eyes flashed a trace of sentimentality, and his eyes suddenly remembered how he first came to the world.

Seeing the shock of the mythical battle, the curiosity and surprise in the canyon, the blue bag and the blue-necked brother and sister, the little girl I have never seen before, and Ye Nixiao, and their favorite... League of Legends .

Everything is as if it was just born yesterday.



A huge flame fist, with the thunder of the thunder, slammed on Ye Che's head.

While Ye Che was accepting the momentary death, his eyebrows did not know when it was lit up, and a red crystal nucleus with a warm jade appeared unconsciously.

The flame fist just arrived at Ye's head, and the red nucleus was only a faint shock.

A circle of invisible wave marks, like the autumn wind sweeping leaves, the 霎 that swept the entire field of fire.

The flame fist in front of Ye Che suddenly turned into a long line of slender flames, and rushed to Ye Qing's eyebrows.

Or, it is the red crystal nucleus that appears in the eyebrows.

After waiting for a long time, Ye Che did not feel abnormal, and blinked a little, then he saw the last line of flames of the flame fist and entered his own eyebrows.


Ye Cheyi.

Still thinking about what happened, not far from the place, the treasure owner suddenly screamed at the sky.

"Damn, how is it possible, the energy in the field of my fire, why is it fading!!!!"

The master's hands trembled and looked around.

In the surrounding, countless flames rose into the sky, but they did not fall again, but they were all locked together like what was locked up.

The field of fire is out of control!

The flames rolled, and the flames of a few hundred meters in the field of fire were stirred by an invisible force, and then all gathered together and rushed toward a place.

The lord's gaze followed the flame and instantly appeared. The place where the flames wanted to go was actually the location of Ye Che.

"This kid, actually didn't die!!!"

The owner of the fort, a glimpse of the flames, has not yet stopped into Ye Che's eyebrows, in just two seconds, one-fifth of the flames are gone.

"how is this possible!!!???"

At the moment of the Lord, the eyes are about to come out.

This special kid, how can you absorb the power of the field! ?

But when I couldn't think too much, I saw the flame power in my field. After flowing into Ye Che's eyebrows in a terrible way, he screamed and the force of the crystal of the scorpion appeared on his body.

"Give me back!!!"

The owner of the fort roared, and under the control of the power of the position, these flames swayed, and there was some feeling of reflow.

The owner of the castle was overjoyed, and the more powerful the force of the position.

Just this scene, seemingly irritated, Ye Che only felt a hot heart, a moment of red to the extreme nucleus, suddenly separated from Ye Che's brow, quietly suspended in front of Ye Che.

"This is the fire of the original body!?"

Ye Che was amazed. This thing is exactly what Ye Che spent on his temple at 700,000 points.

Unexpectedly, in this case, it suddenly appeared.

If you haven't guessed it, it's actually used in the field of the fort.

At the same time, with the full power of the Fortress, this fire-like original body showed the true body, the next second suddenly shocked, an unrivaled breath of fire, swept the spot.

At that time, countless flames, and even the heart of the fortress, raised a feeling of wanting to worship.

It is like this thing, it is the same as the monarch of fire!

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