League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 629: Routine, no longer allowed

Somewhere in the east, the sea election site. Bayi Chinese Network WwくW. 81zW. CoM

"Small, flashing, weak!"

Zhou Xinjiao sighed, Xiaoyan did not pause, flashing weak and began to stay.

The opposite adc did not expect the sky blue team's down the road so fierce, just about to turn the pace, instantly become slow as a snail.

And Zhou Xin controlled the ice, and in three or two steps, he approached the opposite adc Loli, and then gave him a reduction.


The sky blue team's playing wilderness paper screamed, controlling the stone man, and the straight one flashed up, and instantly the two people on the opposite side were all bombarded.




Under the field, there was a voice of praise, not an accident. After the ice had picked up another big move, the two of the enemy were quickly cleared of blood.

"Oh, as the Alliance said, it directly flashes the weak and keeps people. Most of the opposites are scared to fight, but just want to run."

Xiao Yan said with a sweet smile.

This double-killing of the road directly laid the advantage for the Tianlan team. The next step was to kill the dragon. In 26 minutes, the opposite was solved. It must be said that the five people of the six-day blue team are making great progress. .

"Yeah, won!"

The five sister papers rushed down the stage and gave everyone a good news. Everyone also sent congratulations.

The oriental neon is also encouraged to say a few words: "My team's game will start tomorrow. I will go to the club to watch the game first. You will talk first, then come back to you after the end."

"Good, no problem!"

Everyone replied quickly, because the teams playing in the club are all using routines. They don’t have any meaning now. It’s better to know the personal strength of the rest of the ordinary teams here, so they don’t plan to go.

After greeting each other, the oriental neon left.

The sky blue, the soul of the soul, and the three teams of the Curtains stayed here and talked about it. They talked about the game that started again.

"Hey, isn't this the five sister papers of Sky Blue, actually winning?!"

At this moment, a very sharp voice appeared from the side of the crowd.

When Wang Nuoshui turned his head, he saw several familiar faces and printed them in his eyes.

"Snow sister, it is Wang Hao who..."

Wu Hao whispered, she looked at Wang Hao and others, her eyes showed a trace of disgust.

Wang Nuo Xue was also slightly wrinkled, but then stretched out and said: "Is there anything?"

"what's up?"

Wang Hao’s several men smiled and then surrounded the five sister papers of the Tianlan team and turned around with a good intention. They said, “There is nothing, that is, you just have the road, you are not allowed to use it again!”

Wu Hao sneered aside and said: "That road is your home? You can't use it if you don't want it?"

Wang Nuo Xue did not make a sound at this time, but looked at these people with a cold eyes.

She didn't want to give up this routine, because Ye Che did not come, so they had no other routines available.

In the past few days, the practice has only been an operation. However, with these operations alone, the hope of achieving good results is very small.

"Wu Hao!"

Wang Hao finally spoke up. His eyes were very fierce. He stared at Wu Hao and said: "The stone routines are made by you Wang An and Hu Mei. You handed it to me. You dare to use it. It is an infringement. And it will cause the people in the audience to question my team! So, after the sky blue, you are not allowed to use it again, otherwise don't blame me!"

Just like some kind of peerless treasure, if there is only one, it is naturally invaluable, and if there are two or three pieces, the value is naturally much cheaper.

The reason why Wang Hao did not want the Tianlan team to use this routine was entirely to use the power of this routine for himself.

"Ha ha!"

Wu Hao raised her anger at the bottom of her heart. She had been in the same league with the students in the ace class for a few days. Her eyes were also a lot higher. At this time, she was not shocked by Wang’s momentum. “It’s just funny. This set of roads is owned by Ye Che. He was also used in the case of joining our team. How can we not use Tian Lan?! Wang An and Hu Mei gave the routine to you, but this does not mean that Your private property, don't forget, Ye Che is the founder!!"

"Ye Che!?"

Wang Hao snorted and smiled. "You mean the dead man hiding in the basement? What is he?! The kid now estimates that there are no bones left, and the founder?"


A few of the Tianlan team had no time to talk, and Qin Tian’s eyes suddenly widened, and Wang Hao looked down and sighed.

The rest of the people, Yu Yu Song Yi, and the scenes and other people, also looked at Wang Hao one by one.

"Why, you still dare not do it!? I don't know how to live!"

Wang Hao said that his temperament rose, and a very strong silvery white light overflowed from his hands.

This degree of richness, apparently his position, has almost reached the peak of silver.

At this moment, his face was full of embarrassment. It seemed that the next moment, I saw the face of the Sky Blue team and the rest of the people.

Just kidding, the silver peaks, the people who pinch the new people's initials are as easy as pinching the ants.

Wang Hao’s men also hold their chests with their hands, waiting to watch the show.

However, after a few full seconds, Wang Hao is now opposite the group of people, but there is no response at all, but instead looks at himself in an odd way, it is like looking at a stupid ratio...

The three teams are often familiar with the peaks of Platinum. Now see a silver show in front of them, you can panic and go out.

"you guys!"

Wang Hao tightened his fist and couldn't help but want to shoot.

But when he remembered the consequences of dare to destroy the order of the game, he immediately resisted it.

Then, he looked at Wang Nuoxue, and his eyes flashed a gloom. "I am here, you can't use this routine anymore, and Wang An can't keep you!"

After that, after a cold sigh, turn around and go.

"Snow sister, what should I do?"

Xiao Yan seems to have been shaken a bit, and his face is not good looking.

"You are afraid of a ghost, he dares to come to me to let the League to pick them up!"

Wu Hao stunned and continued to knock on Xiao Xiao’s little head.

"Sister, I said, don't hit me, it will become stupid!"

Xiao Xiaobai took a look at Wu Hao, quite resentful.

"You are not stupid, I am too lazy to fight!"

Wu Hao chuckled and took another shot of Xiao Yan’s head.

Upon seeing it, Wang Nuo Xue said with a funny smile: "Don't make trouble, watch the game well. This kind of opportunity is very rare."

The two men suddenly stopped talking and went to the stage.

The rest of the people also stopped their thoughts and began to look at the stage and carefully ponder the play of these teams.

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