League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 632: Controlled abyss demon

Looking at the East Four Fortress, the four men turned and left, and when everyone called out a breath, the heart raised again. Eight ★ one Chinese text network Wwく W ★.く81√z√W★.くCoM

Because at this time, a scream of humanity, from the outside of the club, rushed over.

"Go, go help!"

The oriental neon pinches the fist, and in this case, it is not a distraction, it is a dead end!

She said, by the way, I looked at the game table. Now I don’t know when my father has disappeared and I don’t know where to go.


Three horrible figures flew out of the air, and hundreds of thousands of people present were looking up.

The three of them did not know when, they all wore silver-white armor, and the heroes were printed on the left chest. The armor was as thin as a flap, but it looked extremely delicate.

For three people, it is a 50-60-year-old woman who is full of radiance and brilliance.

The other two are middle-aged people. Looking at the momentum, it is not much weaker than this old woman.

Three diamonds! ! !

The appearance of these three people makes everyone feel great!

"Kill ten silver demons, win thousands of credit points, kill a golden demon, award a high-level demon nuclear one hundred, kill a platinum demon, and personally guide the League of Legends technology one day!!!"

The old woman burst into a bang and the clouds that shook the sky were scattered.


Someone was boiling at the place, and everyone was moved by the last sentence of the old woman.

The diamond personally guides, and at first glance, this old woman is not an ordinary diamond.

Besides, she is a hero in the metropolitan area, surely there are countless high-end skills, if I can be personally pointed out...

In a flash, many people are excited.


Countless heroic skills, as well as magic, began to burst in front of the East Star.

The roar of the abyss devil, the human voice, and the pieces blasted in the east.

And in the distance of the Star of the East Star Club, the Eastern volley flying, his face is gloomy, he is about to rush to the front line of the East.

The abyss demon invaded the city, he did not get the slightest news, it is incredible.


Suddenly, a demon like a rhinoceros on the ground jumped up.

This jump actually reached a height of more than 30 meters. Dong Jianjian was careless and almost stabbed by its horns.

"Go to death! Tiger attitude!"

The palm of the Oriental Jian, the abruptly turned into a huge tiger's palm, carrying the platinum light, shot down.


This roar like a rhinoceros, screaming, was directly photographed on the ground by this slap, and could not move for a long time.

The Oriental Jianlian didn't look at it and galloped away.

Along the way, countless human screams come and go, these are his people!

The eyes of the Oriental Review are full of red, but there is no way.

Now find the whereabouts of the disease, mastering the military power in the city is the first important thing, otherwise they can not resist these demons.

"Damn, the communication is still completely out of order!"

Dongfangjian angered the communicator in his hand, he had contacted the eastern high-level for the first time, but the information could not be transmitted.

An extremely bad premonition, born from his heart.

If there is no accident, I am afraid that the communication system of the entire East Region has already failed.

Biting his teeth, Dongfang continued to fly, and soon the wall was already in sight.

As soon as they approached, a burst of gunfire rang from a burst of sound.

However, after listening to Dongfang, he breathed a sigh of relief, and there was gunfire, which represented the East and the resistance. It was not completely lost.

"Void guns, fast and fast!!!"

"Firepower preparation, 3 o'clock direction, shoot!!!"

"Everyone must not leave the post, otherwise hey!!"

"On the gun, the empty gun!"

On the wall, the officers burst into tears, although the bottom of my heart was anxious, but it did not appear on the surface.

Behind them is their home, the people they want to protect, everything they have!

The fall of the eastern domain means they will be homeless!

Can't retire, never quit!


A flying demon suddenly volleyed and directly bite on an officer.

"Ah, die together!"

The officer roared. This officer was just an ordinary person. It took a dozen years to get the position of an officer. It was not easy, but at this moment he did not have any thoughts, and his finger suddenly appeared a round metal with green oil.

Then he pressed a red button on it and banged it, and the round metal exploded.

He instantly blew up a bone without a bone, but at the last moment, Dongjian saw that he had twisted his head, and his eyes flashed like unwillingness, and it seemed painful. The direction... was within the eastern domain.


The flying demon screamed in horror, and the bomb was blown away by the bomb to open a hole in the boss.

Dongfang was very angry. The first time he flew to the wall was a palm shot, and he had to make a blow.

It was only at this time that a black-painted disc flew out of the head of the demon and then began to spin.

On both sides of the disc, it is a sharp edge, with a purple edge.

"this is……"

Oriental Jianyi.

When I had no time to think about it, I saw that the disc slammed against the other officer.


A sound like a cut of cowhide, the officer's head splashed countless blood, and this black disc, actually did not enter.

After the officer screamed, he fell to the ground, but after five seconds, the officer actually climbed up and his eyes flashed purple.


Dongfang Jian finally understood a little bit about how these demons are going, and they are all controlled by this thing! ?

Otherwise, how can some demons come from the east to thousands of miles away! ! !

At the same time, a shrill whistling came, and with the death of a demon, a disc flew up, and then actually confronted the Oriental.

Dongfang Jian did not dare to care, and the power of the ranks flashed, and he kicked the ball directly.

The disc trembled slightly and was cracked by this kick.

"So hard!"

Looking at this scene, Dongfang Jian sinks his heart.

He is a white gold. Although this foot is not full, it is enough to break the mountain, but kicking on the disc is just a crack.

At this moment, the disc is conscious, knowing that Dongfang is not easy to provoke, and then hurries away from the wall, and then rushes toward the abyss of the city.

Dongjian also did not care for him, and he resisted the instigation of his heart. Dongfangjian solved the disc-manipulated officer.

As the second carrier dies, the power of the disc seems to be exhausted, and it is broken on the ground.

"The city owner, the city owner is coming!"

Finally, someone has seen Dongfang Jian from the scuffle of fire, and he screamed in surprise.

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