League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 646: Me, all-around

They used to encounter such people many times before, and they were all mad at half.

It's the kind of thing, you send instructions to catch people, he fills the knife.

To help fight the blue buff, he made up the knife.

Opposite the wilderness, he added a knife, etc., and so on.

At this time, I saw Ye Che sitting alone, and they naturally thought so, and their attitudes were somewhat bad.

Ye Che always has a feeling that there are two self-existences.

One is the one who played the League of Legends, the other, who is in the real world.

To put it bluntly, it is a state, when it is in real life or in the League of Legends, Ye Che feels that his state will have a very distinct change.

For example, now, if someone in the real world calls him to drink, he is absolutely too lazy to pay attention, but the League of Legends, cough, and good for others, is to be good with yourself.

In any case, you have to follow your teammates and love your teammates. This blue buff, red buff, and human head are so big.

Thinking, Ye Che patted the back of the **** and had no dust, and then turned around, revealing a smile, and came over.

However, as Ye Che went in, the brows of three of the four people were all wrinkled, because they saw Ye Che and others waited for him to appear, and they still had some childish faces.

"So small? It won't be a gold!?"

The three men looked at each other and their hearts were faint.

If it is a gold, then this game is a bit difficult, and the cold wind **** does not need to say more, it must be assisted.

Then how is this small gold distributed, on the order, playing wild, in the single, or adnetbsp; no matter where he is assigned, it is very powerful.

Unless you go to play adc, under the protection of the cold wind god, at least not to die, but what does it mean to stay immortal, this game has a cold wind, they originally thought it would be able to lie flat.

Rather than just keeping the line online.

"how old are you!?"

Ye Cheyi walked in front of the four people and one of them asked for export.

But the tone is not disgusting, and not like.

After all, people have low rankings, and they can't blame him. They can only say that they are younger. Besides, the death ruling is uncontrollable. It is the "system" that is allocated autonomously. This is no stranger to anyone.

Their subconscious frowning was purely natural.

After all, death rulings are of great importance, and they are so normal.

"2o... Some people say that I am 21, but isn't it? I haven't had a birthday this year. The so-called birthday is the day of birth. Only after this day can I be one year old."

Ye Che replied in a serious way, and also made a detailed explanation.

"I am going, what is this Nima with?"

Among the four, except for the cold wind, the other three people had a grass mud horse running.

Just ask the next age, you are still proud, and one year old is also concerned, then we are more than twenty-eighth old age.

After three people sneaked up and down on Ye Che, they all ignored this problem automatically. One of the young people asked faintly: "Golden?"

Ye Che nodded honestly and said: "Today is just the golden peak."

Gold i is the gold i, but also the golden peak, this is not actual combat, is it that the gold summit is higher?

While everyone was unable to vomit, they waved: "Well, OK, where are you playing?"


Ye Che smiled confidently. At this moment, if there is sunlight behind it, it is enough to shoot a youthful flying drama.

Still omnipotent, the three teammates turned their eyes, they naturally what this so-called omnipotence is.

It is to use a single hero to play all the way, for example, someone will hit a monkey, then he will put the monkey to the middle or the bottom, this is the so-called all-around in the mouth.

"Well, you are no one, cold wind, what do you think?"

While the three teammates were speechless to Ye Che, they looked at the cold wind.

After all, the cold wind has the highest rank and the strongest strength. Naturally, this game listens to his orders.

Just as soon as I turned around and asked for a voice, but now the cold wind did not know when I had already had a look of surprise, my eyes were in the blink of an eye, staring at the second "juvenile".


The three people are unclear, so they look at each other.

The cold wind has already taken a few steps, and before I went to Ye Che one meter, I asked with joy: "You... you were the last robbery!"

Ye Che glanced at him and grinned: "It's you, the little hammer stone."

The three people who were next to each other almost squirted out. The hero of Nima Hall’s life is actually called the small hammer stone by the hairy boy who is in his early 2o years.

The cold wind is also a bit embarrassing, and I can only laugh with my hands.

The three saw the attitude of the cold wind, and once again, they were so dumb, so called, the cold wind **** did not have the slightest anger.

But... wait, just cold wind called this kid what.

The three suddenly recalled the title of the cold wind to Ye Che, the last time, the opposite robbery? ? ? ? ?

"I am going, isn't it?"

The three people were shocked. Is it the second kid in front of him that was the last time that led his teammates to turn over and hang the cold wind and other people?

"Cold... cold wind god, are you not mistaken? Even if there is such a master, even if that person is 2o years old, how long did it last time you played the challenge?"

Someone asked, among the three.

A cold wind, I also thought of this problem.

Last time until today, it will be a day or two. It is because of the failure of promotion, as long as you add the power of the rank of the first level.

But the robbery, but the promotion was successful!

It is necessary to cross a full five segments to open the death ruling.

That is to say, in front of this somewhat delicate young man, in this twenty-day time, even the fifth grade! ! !

"Oh my God!"

The cold wind is really shocked, the genius he has not seen, but this way of jumping is too exaggerated.

There was a hunch in his heart. There was definitely a great source in front of him. Maybe it was cultivated above.

Thinking of this, he took a chill and didn't dare to ask this topic.

Instead, he continued to say a surprise: "You will be stable in this game, will you continue to hit?"

"I fill in the position, let them choose first, I am free."

Ye Che took a look at the three people, in order to avoid grabbing someone else's position, making the road collapse, so Ye Che intends to make up.

Ye Che said that everyone has no opinion.

In particular, the three men, after reaffirming the cold wind, finally believed that the younger than their age was the last time Kerry’s robbery.

For a time, looking at Ye Che’s eyes, they all showed a trace of admiration.

Those who can hang the cold wind, they really can't get up.

With their position, there is a lot of difference from the cold wind, not to mention the people who can chill the cold.

Soon, the five people negotiated, and finally decided that the three were tied to Nakano, and Ye Che and the cold wind went down.

This way, in fact, the three people have no confidence. After all, if you go down the road and cooperate with the drill, you are afraid that you can't keep up with the rhythm. If you back the pot, it will be uncomfortable.

"Adnetbsp; Ye Che pinched his fingers and looked at the adnetbsp in the statues; in this game, he didn't want to play the hero who was slowly bred, but he intended to play a hero who was extremely explosive in the early stage.

At the same time, with the voice of the summoner's altar "Rumble", the ban election begins!

Ps: This kind of game to be considered in the face is actually very laborious. Today, two more, more chapters will be added tomorrow.

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