League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 654: Two figures in midair


Raven snorted and went straight from the corner and went straight to the card. Bayi Chinese Network WくwくW. 81zW. CoM

The Voidwalker has a good understanding of the car, this time a lot of caution, r in the past, directly e-skills reduced hands, but did not use q.

The void skill of the Voidwalker is able to block magical damage. He deliberately does not release it here. He wants to resist when the card is ready to be released.

He knows that this card is not so good to kill, so the details should be noted.

Seeing the Voidwalker's face, the card is not panic, while retreating, while leveling, and then waiting for the cooling of the skill.

Just after the glimpse of the gaze, I saw a rush of Raven, and my heart suddenly screamed.

"Nothing, I am coming!"

The poodle’s mouth sneered with a sneer, and he would not be lucky for his level of playing wild.

For example, if the face or the middle disappears, as long as there is a possible 5o teammate will be gank, he will move closer to his teammates in advance, so that he will not be beaten inexplicably.

With the addition of the poodle after the opening, and the effect of the spirit of the dream, support

Now his eyes are swept away. Now that there is a picture of Raven in the middle of the map, he did not hesitate to start the big move.

"Hunting rhythm!"

The degree of the poodle began to accelerate, the beating of the heart was clear and audible, and the figure was gradually hidden in the void.

"Card, kill Raven first!"

The poodle smirked and said that he was less than four flashes away from the middle road.

The card naturally understands who has the greatest threat. Although Raven’s education is bad, it is a blasting warrior. Besides, if you kill Raven first, it is impossible to give Raven a chance to take the lead.

In this way, Raven is not only wasting a big move, but also wasting a lot of soldiers!


A squeaking sound, in the third paragraph of Raven, q, is about to fall, the card's yellow card, just fell on his body.

Then the universal card swept, and Raven’s nearly half of the blood was gone.

At this time, Ye Che controlled the small cannon and began to move.

"Hey, why doesn't this Raven open?"

The moment the card settled in Raven, I was still thinking.

At the same time, a q-skill of the void has been hit on the card.

The set of skills on Raven's qaaqa, the blood of the card is already very dangerous.

The cards are dignified, and they look at the Nether and Raven. They are ready to release the flash to hide their skills. Finally, the empty body has tilted slightly.

"It's now!"

The card was covered in a tight, slender body that suddenly disappeared from the ground.

At the same moment, the place where the card just stood was slammed by the void.


The card whispered.

"Know know."

The poodle said quickly, the spirit of the dream in his inventory, but also suddenly exploded, the degree of mobility, in a flash has been greatly improved.

The exclamation point of the golden body appeared. This exclamation mark, like the note of death, appeared on the top of Raven and the Voidwalker.

The two of them were so hearty, especially Raven, almost an unstable one and turned around.

Fortunately, at the same time, as a cardinal-like voice, light and calm appeared in the ears of Raven.

"Raven opens up and flashes to me, right away, right away!"

Ye Che said, directly controlling the small cannon to start flashing.

Raven did not hesitate to hesitate to hurt the poodle. I was afraid that the moment I appeared, I would die, and the void was full of time and blood. The damage of the poodle is still not lost.

If a set of seconds can't be lost, the void can flash, so the goal of the poodle must be Raven.

"call out!"

The flash of light appeared, and Raven moved directly to the side of the small gun.

At the same moment, a mighty figure was falling from the sky.

No... not one, two! ! !

Almost as soon as the poodle leaped from the air against Raven, a Yodel was carrying a gun and descending.

Even this body has appeared one step earlier!


When Raven saw the figure of the lion, he only had time to subconsciously wave out the second big move, and he was instantly killed.

The blood of the poodle fell by a fifth, but in the next second, his blood began to appear in exaggerated form.


The small artillery squatted on the back of the poodle, the e-skills came out, and then the "emergency shooting" was turned on, and the void walker also flashed directly, leveling a.

"Rely, how is this small cannon here!!!"

The poodle was shocked. He was one of the small guns at this time.

And all the skills, just for the second Raven has been used, only the flash is available.

But he knows that the small cannon has a big move, even if it is a flash, it is impossible to escape.

Suddenly, he seems to think of something, and quickly cried: "Card, card is going!!"

After the card was smashed, I also thought of the skill mechanism of the small cannon. I quickly tried to escape.

However, the poodle outfit is all output, and it is only a thousand blood. The small guns are not open, and they are blasted to death with the void.

Then the gun was slightly lifted and the muzzle was directly pointed at the card.

Looking at the black lacquered barrel, the card is cold, and the retreat is faster.

But before the card wanted to match the poodle to leave two people, so it was not far from the battlefield. At this time, the small cannon was shocked and jumped.

"Fortunately, the small cannon is still a little far away from yourself."

The card saw the position where the small cannon jumped, and the bottom of the heart was slightly safe.

Just not finished, with a roar, the entire interface, a moment of gray.

"doub1eki11!!! double kill!"

"My day, handsome!"

"Too domineering!"

"Also jumping in midair, the card was directly slammed, Nima!"

"This injury, can not look directly, the card has one-third of the blood, have been a big move, and it is almost the same as the small law."

A few people on the blue side, seeing this scene is still screaming.

The purple side is a dead silence.

All the people silently opened the outfit of the small cannon, the teeth of the teeth, the full layer of murder ring, the glory, the bright shoes, this kind of outfit suddenly let them sink.

This outfit has to reduce the cd to reduce the cd, to continue output has a continuous output, there is a burst, it is very difficult to engage.

"Poodle, how to fight?"

Asked Panson on the order.

The poodle is about to return, and the sly bear said again: "Hey, the poodle you output is high and what is the use, but also landing seconds, my home apc do not have to land, you have to sit one by one free cloud aircraft!"

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