League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 660: Field battle

"No comment, less envy, do you pay in the end, or not?"

The woman in purple said, the strength of the body, began to rise. August 1st ★ Wenwang Wくw ★ W. 81zW. CoM

"You, who is it?! It is clear that the power of human beings can control the devil."

The old woman looked at the force of the position on the woman in the purple dress, and her voice flashed from time to time.

"You have too much nonsense. It seems that you are not planning to hand it over, but you are planning to delay. If so, I will send you a ride!"

When the woman in purple was finished, the strength of the body of the whole body suddenly soared. All of a sudden, everyone was included.

"This... is another field."

Ye Che has a shock at the bottom of his heart.

Before, he was so miserable because he was included in the field of the East Fort, and only the bones were burned.

Now, this purple woman is not just a newcomer to the v.

Ye Che blinked and looked around.

The lake before it has disappeared, and it is a huge purple space with a full kilometer.

This field is more than double the size of Dongyibao, and the quality is definitely not a grade.

The top of the head, under the feet, in all directions, all wrapped in purple soil.

Only the center, a hollow of twenty or thirty meters, stands for everyone, as if in a completely closed cave.

In this field, the pressure is enough to reach the extreme. If anyone has claustrophobia, I am afraid that when I come to such a field, I will be emotionally broken.

At this time, Ye Che, and three women in purple, all stood in this hollow.

Surrounded by purple and bright, with the psychological quality of Ye Che, in this completely closed field, I feel a pressure on the stock.

At this time, facing the leafy purple soil wall, suddenly slowly squirming, and then suddenly separated.

This separation, the scenery outside the field, was printed in the eyes of Ye Che.

It was a golden red light that shrouded the place.

Countless flames, floating in that space, look like a strange world.

Under these holy flames, the old woman stood solemnly with 6 Yao.

This should be the field of the old woman.

Now the edges of the two fields are firmly together, just like two miniature worlds, and they begin to border each other.


Seeing the old woman's first sight, the leading purple woman sipped a low voice, and without saying anything, she immediately launched an attack.


In her eyes, she rose purple in vain.

A strong energy fluctuation, generated from her around, two drilled the top four, and finally began to play the real.

At the same time, in the huge purple soil, there are countless huge barriers, and the rumble of the old woman's field is crushed away.

A loud noise, two fields shook.

This kind of vibration is like a catastrophe. The ground in both fields starts to shake and shake, which looks shocking.


The old woman reached out and pushed 6 Yao, pushing her to fall back.

The old woman has already flew up in the air, her hands are smashing with the color, and then she is dancing.

The rolling flame, roaring like thunder! ! !

These huge purple barriers have just hit the old woman's field, and these holy flames have already taken the thunder and ushered in the past.


A slap in the face of a slap in the face, the purple soil and the flames of the place, began to sound a variety of strange sounds.


The woman in the purple dress snorted and the energy around her body increased in vain.

In the next second, the purple soil that had been crushed in the past stretched out countless strips of purple soil, like steel bars, and stirred in the flames.

This scene is like an invisible 100-meter giant, holding purple clay and stirring in the magma.

With the rapid invasion of the purple soil field, the holy flame has had a little bleak.

However, the expression of the old woman did not change at all, but the arm stroked, and the sacred flame screamed, and countless golden swords were revealed.

Then, the countless golden swords began to dance with the light of the flames, sweeping away from the strips of purple soil that had been crushed.

These golden long swords, Ye Che is very familiar, it is the weapon of the trial angel Kyle.

This type of attack is like an angel launching an e-skill attack.

It’s just that it’s a golden sword, but now it’s countless.

“Hey, hey!!!”

The two collided and slammed.

When the golden sword was swept, it did not touch the purple soil in close contact, but the volley danced, and the inexplicable force could be blasted on the purple soil that came.

It turned out that the imposing purple soil stopped in the same place in an instant, and it could not be invaded.

"We are all just a single-level field, you can't help me!"

The old woman smiled coldly and was not worried.

"is it?"

For the purple woman, a faint voice, then slowly open: "No. 8 on the 9th!"


After holding the leaves of the woman in the purple cloak, she suddenly let go, and no longer manages Ye Che, but in her eyes, she also shines purple.

Seeing this scene, the old woman’s ugly boss is like seeing something incredible.


On the 8th, No. 9 purple woman, open the mouth and drink the sound.


The purple soil of the woman in the purple coat violently vibrates.

Then the purple soil on the left and right sides slowly separated, and then there were two fields of purple soil that were several hundred meters in size, and then merged in.

"You dare to do this, you are not afraid that you will never be promoted forever!!!!!?"

The old woman saw it and was anxious and shocked.

Fields of the same attribute can be fused.

But if you take your own field and take the initiative to enter other people's fields and start to merge, it is equivalent to being a subsidiary of others. The sequel is that the field can never be expanded, and the real position will never be obtained. Promoted.

But now, it has not reached the point of life and death, this purple woman has actually begun to merge the field.

"What the **** are they!!!!!?"

The old woman saw the 8th and 9th that merged the field into it. Seeing that they didn't seem to care, the doubts in the bottom of the heart could not help but reach the extreme.

Can not improve the position, this is simply more uncomfortable than death, and these women are so young, the old woman can not figure out, how can they give up the bright future, and choose to integrate the field to others.

"Is it controlled?"

The old woman thought of a turn and suddenly thought of it.

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