League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 667: Open the field of purple soil


This time, the purple collar used heroic skills. August 1st √文网W★wW★. 81zくW. √CoM√

Ye Che did not think much, and quickly pulled out the seven-star ice crystal bow to welcome it.

"Giggle..." The seven-star ice crystal bow was pressed by the purple collar and the purple claws, and it was bent into a full moon, and it was overwhelmed.

After all, it is the strongest of diamond iv, free to use a hero skill, even if the ice crystal bow has been upgraded seven times, in the absence of blessing runes, it can not stop.

"See how many heroic weapons you have!"

The purple collar said, the light of the shackles was spurting, and it was pressed directly against Ye.


The leaf body surface and even the platinum level in the body began to shake up in an instant.

The power of the diamond segment is above the power of the Platinum segment, especially the purple collar, which is the diamond iv. The deterrent power of this segment is even stronger.

The force of the Platinum segment in Ye Che is like a traction, which is a bit out of control.

"Can't try again."

Ye Che's face changed.

Just now, he wants to try his own gap with the diamond iv, but now I understand that even if the power of my position is several times higher than ordinary platinum, but compared with the strength of the diamond segment, it is a qualitative difference. !

This qualitative difference is simply a tens of times the power of the Platinum segment can not be compensated.

Suddenly, Ye Che understands that in the aspect of fighting the power of the segment, he is far from the opponent of the purple collar. Then this time, he can only return to the field he is familiar with, suppress it with absolute power, and win by force!

Ye Chexin thought, and on his right arm, he flashed a very dazzling light, as if something had been opened.

"Oh la la la..."

This moment, Ye Che's right arm, like a heavy sound like lead and mercury, on which the original flesh-colored arm was occupied by the absolute white gold.


The indescribable strength of the vastness of the sky, from this arm, spread out overwhelming.

The strength of the diamond collar of the purple collar is still under pressure. Ye Che said nothing, and the platinum arm of the right hand was slightly lifted, and then explored the force of the diamond.

This time, it was like being poured into the cold water in the rolling oil, and there was a "beep" sound.


Ye Che single thought of a word, Platinum arm has been madly banged out, in an instant, the radiant light burst out of it, dazzling and dazzling.

Ye Che left holding an ice crystal bow, and the right fist was like a thunderstorm, and he rushed to the purple collar without hesitation.

"Platinum warfare!"

Although the purple collar had seen this arm earlier, but now I saw this thing like a god-like arm, the purple collar is still shocking at the bottom of my heart.

I didn't want to think about it. She immediately put her hands together and held it in front of the platinum arm.


As soon as the sound of the morning bell rang, the purple collar only felt purple claws and numb, almost lost consciousness, which made her have a feeling of avoiding its edge first.


The purple collar felt awkward, and it was a shame to face a diamond and face a platinum.

But before it was finished, Ye Che’s fist was punched out, and the blue-golden fist had a blue light.

"Smart cloak, crit!"


The energy of the platinum arm, this moment caused the space next to the arm to vibrate.

At first glance, there is a feeling of horror.

The purple collar was too late to react, and Ye Che’s second punch with a crit had already come suddenly.


This blow, just banged on the purple claws of the purple collar, there was a buzzing sound.

The purple collar eyes are in vain, because at this moment, her purple claws, actually slammed, and directly broke.

And she herself was flying up from the volley, and after hitting a giant tree, she slammed and fell to the ground, looking at the corner of her mouth, overflowing with a trace of blood.

Ye Che’s attack was so powerful that the purple collar was injured for the first time!

But that's all. Soon, Ye Che will now stand up in a gloomy purple collar and look at Ye Che.

Then, a hint of purple light emerged from behind her.

Now, if you go on such a melee, it doesn't make any sense!

Ye Che’s physical strength, she has been taught, even if hit, it does not matter.

The head was tightly protected by Ye Che, and now Ye Che used a platinum arm, and she was completely humiliated by her fight.

Therefore, it can only be suppressed from other aspects.

"Purple field!"

The purple collar screamed and saw his own attack. He couldn't break the defense of Ye Che, and Ye Che had just taken a move, and he couldn't resist it, so she wanted to use the field to suppress it!

Before, it was Ye Che who was too far away from her, and now that she is so close, even if the micro-field is weird, she has the confidence to directly suppress it!


Singular fluctuations appear, and a huge space rises slowly behind the purple collar.

This space is completely cast from purple soil and looks very different.

It is nearly a thousand meters high, and its purple light is lingering and the power is amazing.

Ordinary people face the purple collar at this time, there will be a feeling of facing the gods, especially when the purple soil field is completely pressed down, there will be a sense of horror against the heavens and the earth.

"Little devil, I admit that you have a micro-field in Platinum. It is amazing. In time, maybe you can grow up and become one of the most peak people of this era, but the order is hard to violate. The order I received was to take you. Bring it back, then don't blame me for being so hot!"

After the purple collar was finished, the purple light flashed over the purple soil field, and the whole purple soil field was completely manifested. Then, with the trend of smashing the sea, the leaves were gone.

This is the strength of diamonds, even if your platinum is a hundred times stronger, in the face of this field, there is only a share of the court.

Once caught in this field, Ye Che can only admit defeat in the face of the overwhelming heroic attack.

So, definitely can't get stuck!

At this point, Ye Li immediately immersed his mind in the micro-field. The only card that can compete against the purple collar is only it.


The purple soil behind the purple collar was crushed down, and the trees that were ten meters tall were not stretched for almost a second, and they were directly broken.

Unstoppable and powerful.

Ye Che saw it, took a deep breath, all the power of platinum in this body, and even the power of the segment hidden in the bones, all were mobilized.

The force of the liquefaction section, "哗哗" sounded, and was urgently transported by the leaves to the micro-field.

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