League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 670: Asking for trouble

"No, then I will accompany you to complete the task. Eight ★ one Chinese network WwくWく. ★ 8√1√zW.CoM"

Ye Che thought for a moment, since Dongfang Jian has retired from the War College, and even can draw people to rescue, presumably the situation is not bad.

And the sky blue team and other people have the care of the oriental neon, it should be no big deal.

The main reason is that Ye Che does not want these cute soldiers to die like this. With their own help, the rescue work will be much faster.

Seeing this Ye Che’s attitude that seems to be afraid of being angry, Sheng Ling’s face suddenly looked good.

"Then keep up, you will look far away, don't get in the way."

Sheng Ling said, it seems that in order to reveal it, his whole person sprints in an instant, the platinum in his feet is blasting, and he has already glided away, and he seems to be chic.


Sheng Ling stood in the air and looked down.

"Platinum trembles sharply, his body is faint and unstable. It is estimated that he is most vacant for more than ten seconds, and he looks at his white gold and breath. It is estimated that Platinum ii is near Platinum i..."

Ye Che snorted a few times and immediately followed.

Because of the need to rescue, so Sheng Ling's degree is not fast, with Ye Che's strength, and even do not need to run the power of the segment, relying on physical fitness, it will keep up with the degree of Sheng Ling.

Sheng Ling did not pay much attention to Ye Che. After he glided about a dozen meters at this time, he had already galloped against the city wall below.

"Devil, die!"

Silver light appeared, and Sheng Lingyu appeared behind a giant bird whose body was stained with blood.

This giant bird is fierce and fierce, and the blood is almost human. It can be imagined how many people it killed.

"Scrapping the roots!"

The blade with the force of the segment is cut directly against the neck of the giant bird.

But the giant bird is not a weak one. After the slamming, the soldiers in the claws are put down, and the wings are swept away against the blade.

Its pair of wings is like a steel bar. It is just a fan. The dozens of blades of Shengling are directly fanned away by half. The rest of the blade is hit by the blade. Although it has many small blood flowers, it is not fatal.

“A little bit resistant!”

Sheng Ling said, taking a deep breath, this time he battled, and he started a big move.

The silver cloak rose slightly, and the sharp face of Shengling's horns seemed to have a certain degree of blade shadow.


At that time, the overwhelming blade suddenly appeared, such as the illusion, this blood-colored giant bird could not come back to God, it was cut straight from the middle.

The dark disc appeared, but it was too late to fly away. The dozens of blades were instantly received, and they heard a "jingle", and the black disc broke into three pieces on the ground.

"I... I am going, cool!"

Several female soldiers looked at the eyes not far away, and even did not take care of the dangers around them.


Sheng Ling is worthy of Platinum. At this moment, he was displaced again. After he came to a female soldier, the heroic skills were shot again. It was extremely decisive and he broke a demon who wanted to attack.

Then the figure flashed again, and the heroic technique "The Battle of Cutting the Throat" was incomparably pure, and another female soldier was rescued by him.

"Sheng... Shengling adults..."

At the moment, the two female soldiers have become a heart-shaped pair of eyes, looking at the water like a water.

Sheng Lingqiang endured the discomfort caused by the use of heroic skills, and said very indifferently: "Nothing? Go back to the War College, the city command!"


"Yes Yes Yes!"

Although the two female soldiers are soldiers, they are also the daughter's body. Seeing Sheng Ling killing the enemy so lightly, and the appearance of the extremely male god, it has already collapsed. Sheng Ling said what is natural.

"I don't see, this Sheng Ling is quite pity and cherish the jade. In order to save these two female soldiers, they do not hesitate to use the hero skills."

Ye Che touched his chin and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Platinum can be used in conjunction with heroic skills, but it is also limited. In particular, before the Shengling, it has opened a very powerful way to use the power of the segment. After several times, "the battle of cutting the throat", Sheng Ling’s body should be extremely uncomfortable at this time. It is.

While Ye Che was observing the strength of Sheng Ling, his left side suddenly heard an abnormal sound.

Ye Che did not turn his head, he heard Sheng Ling burst into a burst: "One-eyed king lion, flashing open!!!"

"One-eyed king lion!?"

Ye Che slowly turned his head and saw a huge brown demon screaming at himself.

This demon is full of face and face.

On its forehead, there was actually a blood-red eye. This eye seemed to feel the view of Ye Che, and he screamed directly at Ye Che.

"Oh, there is a magnetic field fluctuation, but it is not strong. It should be a white gold peak demon."

Ye Che stood in the same place and analyzed without hesitation.

Only in this way, falling in the eyes of Sheng Ling, is a symbol of scare.

"damn it!!!"

Sheng Ling whispered, and this moment was scary.

In his heart, he began a fierce struggle. Now, this Ye Che is saved, or not saved! ! ?

The two female soldiers also seemed to be scared. The one-eyed king lion was extremely imposing. The soldiers along the road, whether they were laser guns or various bombs, were all rebounding on it.

The blood of the forehead has been continuously scattered with magnetic fields. Although it is not comparable to the black crocodile, it can also be used to ignore this level of ordinary attacks.

"Yes...is the founder of Guangruiwen, Ye Che!!"

Two female soldiers, and some young people who dared to stand in front of the one-eyed Wangshi Road, exclaimed.

"Mom, I really ask for it!"

Sheng Ling whispered, he saw it at this time, and now he can't save it. This Ye Che has made great contributions to the League of Legends. If he tries not to save, he will definitely be sprayed to death by countless Raven fans. .

"Damn, what are you going to give me off!"

Sheng Ling swayed the power of the whole body, yelling at the side of Ye Che while screaming.

Originally he was quite close to Ye Che, but because of the rescue of the two female soldiers, it was a long way from.

At this time, the one-eyed king lion rushed, no difference than his gliding.

"It's too late to finish!"

Sheng Ling’s body stopped and stopped.

Because at this time, the one-eyed king lion, from the "scared" Ye Che, only less than two meters away, this distance has completely entered the attack distance of the one-eyed king lion.


Sure enough, the one-eyed king lion saw the direct way to block his own way, and immediately patted the past.

This slap is bigger than Ye's head, even if it is Sheng Ling, he asked himself to bear the blow, but also to fall into the blood.

"But, anyway, I tried my best, these soldiers also saw it, can't blame me!"

Sheng Ling sighed and saw Ye Che's slightly tender and delicate face. It actually produced a trace of regret. After all, it was a kind of powerful skill creation. If anyone died, he would sigh a little.

At the same time, the slap of the one-eyed king lion, the closer to Ye Che’s head.

Around, there was a terrified scream and anger, and countless shells exploded on the one-eyed lion, but it didn’t make any sense.

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