Seeing the situation, Ye Che did not say a word, directly dragging Sheng Ling across the sky and rushed in. Bayi Chinese Network W√wW. 81zW. CoM

There are countless demons screaming in the sky, but Ye Che is a badge of the War College. He went straight to the War College without any obstacles.

Far away, Ye Che saw a large group of people concentrated in an open space in the college.

This group of people has a total of six or seventy thousand, but the scene is silent, only the Eastern high-level voices are talking about something.

"The entire eastern region was devastated by all sides, but according to the information from the surrounding transfer stations and the surrounding small towns, there was even a shadow of a demon around them. This is a premeditated invasion! But in this way, we will We can find a chance! There are transfer stations in the east direction of the city for 58 kilometers in all directions. After you have replenished the supplementary materials, you can go to the other three domains!"

"And the latest news, the support forces of the three north and southwest regions can be reached in about half an hour! But this is half an hour, if we do nothing, the entire eastern region will have at least 100,000 people dying in vain. There will even be your loved ones!!"

The words of Dongfang Jian have just been said here, and some people are boiling at the place.

"The master of the city, we understand!! Let us go out and kill the enemy!!"

"Yes, kill those gou days!!!"

There are students, and there are also free fighters shouting excitedly.

"not that simple!"

Dongfang Jian waved his hand and said with a heavy face: "In the enemy, there are three diamonds and not mentioned. Outside our college, we are also stunned by two diamond-level demons. If not, there are women in the War College. The spirit of the demon veil is stationed, I am afraid that it has been broken now, but the veil of the banshee stationed in our college is just a piece of debris, and it has not been supported for a long time!"

Everyone’s face was white, and I thought that there were two diamond demons outside the War College.

I noticed the expression of the people. Dongfang Jian said: "But these two demons, we decided to be dragged by me, Shi Jin, Feng Dean and Li Xuan! All of you are quickly dispersed, how many people in the city can save? How much to save."


Many people have a glimpse of it. This is not a gift. Diamonds and platinum are not a concept at all. The power of the magnetic field of diamonds is open, and whether platinum can be close or not is the same thing.

But no one spoke, because they knew that this was the only way, otherwise no one could escape.

"Li Xuan, Feng Dean!"

Dongfang nodded to the two people next to him.

Dean Feng is the dean of the War College. The beard has been gray, but he is also a master of Platinum.

With Feng, the young man with a long gun, slowly stepped out.

This youth walk is extraordinary, and the whole person is very sharp, just like a gun that can pierce the world at any time.

"Li Xuan Li Xuan Li Xuan!!!!"

"Li Xuan Xuechang!!"


Many female students and even male students screamed.

"Li Xuan just reached the peak of Platinum three days ago, and..."

Speaking of this, in the current situation, Dongfang Jiandu’s mouth overflowed with a smile and continued: “At the same time, Li Xuan also activated the power of the blood, that is to say, Li Xuan can already use the power of the blood force!”


Seventy thousand people in the room were sucking in the air, and they looked at Li Xuan one by one.

The power of the blood, even if it is qualified to enter the sky, and activation is a difficult thing, you need to continue to feed with the power of the paragraph.

When Li Xuan first entered Platinum five or six years ago, he was already qualified for the blood force, but until the peak of Platinum, there was enough power to activate it.

"The power of blood, this is one of the criteria for judging the genius of the hero city. Li Xuan is awarded, isn't he saying that he can already rank in the hero city!?"

"Crap, Li Xuan, the first person in our war college, he is not ranked, who else?"

"Hey, have you forgotten Raven's **** Yeh?"

"Cough... This person is too enchanting, no need to participate in the numbering..."

"It is true that the gold and the diamond demon, but also specially gave it to the slaughter, the horror of the horror, is simply non-human!"

Many people whisper and talk about it.

Li Xuanben also held a gun, a light look, but soon the brow wrinkled.

After activating the power of the blood, even if he was excited by his temper for many days, he thought that this moment must be the eye-catching and unparalleled support.

However, the news that he activated the power of the blood, only shocked these students for a few seconds. After that, the names of the students who came out of the mouth were replaced by a name called Ye Che.

Who is Ye Che, he does not know, for him, tempering is the first important thing, how can there be rumors and rumors.

It is not the kind of heart that can't be the first person in the War College.

He is not angry now, but pure curiosity.

"Don't I be in such a long time, the college has emerged as a top genius?"

Li Xuan is secretly indulged.

At the same time, Dongfang Jian has raised his arm and stopped everyone's words. He said, "If you have no objection, do it. I, Shi Jin, Feng Yuanchang, Li Xuan are responsible for dragging the diamond demon, and you break through. !!!"


All of them immediately faced a positive face and shouted loudly.


Dongfang Jian waved his hand and separated people.

Only when Dong Jian and Shi Jingang walked out a few steps, Shi Jin seemed to feel something. When he turned his head, he saw the side of the crowd. The two young people stood there quietly.

"Ye Che!?"

Shi Jin was surprised to open.

"What, Ye Che!!!"

Dong Bang Jian Yi, quickly turned his head, the next second big joy.

"Haha, your Raven God has come, and the chance of dragging the diamond demon has reached eight floors!!!"

Dong Bang Jian laughed and opened, and then greeted Ye Che.

Aside from the side of Li Xuan’s eyes, there was a glimpse of eight layers! ?

At the beginning, when they discussed this plan, Dongfang Jian said that the success rate was less than one layer, and because he showed his blood, the success rate increased to two levels!

But now, he said eight layers! ?

Is it that the people are not diamonds! ! !

Thinking, Li Xuan quickly looked up and looked at the two young people. One of them naturally knew that it was Sheng Ling.

Another young man who looks good and is obviously younger... Is it Ye Che?

When he felt incredible, Dong Jian and others had already communicated with Ye Che.

Ye Che saw that the Tianlan team was safe and sound, and the heart suddenly fell, and the pressure eased a lot.

Only did not say the last two words, suddenly, "bang", wrapped in the college, the mask like an egg shell, broken straight.

"If you don't want to break out, don't let these demons form a close-up!"

Dongfang Jian said quickly.

Ye Che nodded and said: "Okay."

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