League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 674: Let go of the dead

The feeling of this diamond demon is extremely sensitive, and instantly feels the killing of Ye Che, immediately, a very strange wave, from which it surges out. Bayi Chinese Network W√wW. 81zW. CoM

The power of the magnetic field has appeared.


Ye Che also felt it, and quickly put the power of the paragraph, crazy to the micro-field.


The space began to oscillate, and the intersection of the micro-field and the demon's magnetic field gave birth to a sharp tremor.

Ye Che two meters away, has been almost distorted, many passers-by, as if deep in the quagmire, it is difficult to go east.


"Rolling Thunder!"

Many students, roaring again and again, out of hero skills.

But they are like the bottom of the sea, and they can't be stunned in the magnetic field.

"The attack power of the purple collar is lower than that of the purple collar. The micro-field can withstand fifteen seconds or so, hurry!"

Ye Che speaks to himself, and his heart is slightly loose.

He felt it, the strength of this demon is still not comparable to the purple collar, a moment of magnetic field attack, only let the power of the body in his body consume one-fifth.

"call out!"

Ye Che once again rises and falls, and the micro-area on the head is like an enchantment, which completely protects Ye Che from the interference of the magnetic field.

And he himself, already a fist, slammed on the back of the devil.


The devil screamed and his back was smashed into a deep pit by Ye's platinum arm.

This scream immediately attracted the attention of the demon with the flame tail.


The flame demon immediately turned around, and it was shocked. There was also a magnetic field force. It rushed out of it, and it slammed into the tiny field of Ye Che.

The micro-field is shaking sharply, and Ye Che’s power at the moment is doubled.

"not good!"

Ye Che was shocked. This had just been attacked once, and the force in the body was consumed by half. It was not only one attack left.

But now the "virtual sword" has been broken, and it is impossible to use the "Demacia Justice", which has the strongest attack power, and the other Yasuo and the ice-cold tricks have not been realized.

The body of this demon is harder than diamonds, and his just a strong punch is just to make it hurt.

"Five seconds, leave me time, up to five seconds!"

Ye Che was in a hurry, he did not expect that, only attacked a bit, it led to the siege of two diamond demons.

Dongfang and others naturally noticed the dangers of Ye Che, and they also refused to discuss countermeasures at the same time. They also rushed to the past and wanted to rescue.

"Li Xuan, Shi Jin!"

Dong Bang Jian gave a big drink.

Li Xuan and Shi Jin nodded at the same time. At the same moment, Li Xuan’s long gun was swept by him and he was held in his hand.

On the back of his arm, there are two blood lines.

These two blood lines are like living things, jumping slightly.

At that time, an unparalleled gun, from Li Xuan's body, bloomed, this gun is in the air, just like the essence, against the magnetic field of the two demons.

And Shi Jin, there was a whirlwind of galloping around, and also the same magnetic field.

However, no one noticed that Shi Jin was hidden in the back of his hand in the sleeves, but there were countless blood lines, but only three were lit up.

The rest of the blood line is a taupe, like necrosis.


The power of the magnetic field and the power of the blood, madly swaying.

And Oriental Jian and Feng Dean, the heroic skills are connected, but also on the magnetic field of these two diamond demons, causing shocks.

"There are three seconds! Fight!"

Ye Che gnawed his teeth and suddenly added one, and actually rushed toward the head of the demon.

The devil roared and Zhang mouth bite at Ye.

In the mouth of the blood basin, the sharp teeth are extremely sharp. After biting the enemy, as long as you chew, you can make the enemy become a meat foam.

If it is the past, Ye Che will naturally avoid it, but at this moment, he took a deep breath and suddenly gave up the output of the power of the micro-field, and the whole person did not retreat, but was directly given by this demon. I bite into the mouth of seven or eight meters.


Many of the students who saw this scene screamed.

The oriental neon is even more at this moment, his face is pale, his hands and feet are extremely cold.

Wang Nuo Xue, Xiao Wei, Wu Hao, Zhou Xin, Qin Tian, ​​Song Yi, Yu Yu, Gu Qingqing, Zheng Qin, and the scene, I love chrysanthemums and hairy birds, and have been paying attention to Ye Che fight. The thousands of shadows, thousands of white ink and other people, but also the bottom of my heart trembled, this moment almost forgot to breathe.

"not good!!!"

Dongfang Jian was shocked and thought that Ye Che could not support it. He was swallowed by the demon, and a heart fell into the bottom.

"I am finished, even the Raven God who can fight the diamonds are dead, how can I fight!"

Most of the students also stayed where they were.

At this time, in the mouth of the devil, Ye Che's miserable to the extreme.

His arms, back, and thighs were all bitten by the devil's teeth, and the blood screamed wildly.

Ye Che's right hand formed a platinum arm to prop up, and protected his head, lest his head be bitten by the devil's teeth.

The other hand, started a crazy attack.


Suigang flashed in and out, and the mad stab on the skull of the devil's captain, a pair of thorns.


The devil screamed in shock, tumbling on the ground, splashing countless sandstones.


At the same time, the force of the devil's mouth, the upper and lower teeth actually have a part of the bite together, this bite force is really amazing, Ye Che left foot because it did not stand, a small part of the gold bone was actually directly broken.


Ye Qing pains and **** the cold air, this moment is extremely missed "fatal blow".

"Mom, after the two diamond demons are slaughtered, the first step is to open the challenge, otherwise there will be no powerful means of killing!"

Ye Che immediately thought of it.

The micro-area and the platinum arm are indeed strong, but the former requires big wave energy, while the latter meets this diamond demon, but it can't cause fatal injury in a short time. Therefore, it is imperative to get a new powerful attack method.

The demon madly rolled on the ground, it regretted, and really regretted it.

People who used to bite in, soft, sweet and delicious.

This time, the person who bite into it is like a stone. Not only does it not bite, but the stone is no different from a bomb, and it blasts fiercely in the mouth.

"Suigang flashing steel flashing steel flashing steel flash!!!!"

Ye Che crazy and heroic skills, for a time, actually started more than fifteen times!

Directly put the scorpion of the devil, stabbed a smash, and even worn it.

Ye Che's shoulders, two thighs, waist ribs, all blood holes.

However, he did not care, "courage" has been continuously open, while the left hand is tireless, once again moved a "stainless steel flash"!


The devil can't stand the pain. He actually jumped from the ground and slammed into a big tree.

"This, what's wrong!?"

Everyone was shocked by the performance of the demon.

At this moment, a huge flesh and blood, suddenly blasted from the devil's head, a **** figure, rushing out from inside.

Although bloody, but through some eyebrows, you can still see the general appearance of this person.

"This person... Ye Che, Ye Che is not dead!!!"

"God, is he deliberately running into the devil's mouth, this courage and courage..."

"Slaughter, Ye Che adults once again licked a diamond demon!!!!"

Countless people were stunned, and the original face of the oriental neon was pale, and this moment was more like a spring breeze, raising a good-looking smile.

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