League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 684: Why don’t you play ice this time?

Many Anne players, the big move, the flame bear appeared, it was stocked. Bayi Chinese Network W★w★W. 81zW. CoM

Or, if you trust the bear, you can't take care of yourself.

However, if the two are controlled at the same time, it is extremely horrible, and the specific performance is in the seal.

At this time, Anne and the Flame Bear, one by one, put Weien in it.

If you have a 6th grade, you need 4 seconds of q skills to cool down, but now, the time has just passed two seconds.

Seeing his own blood plunging, the white robe woman did not say that the treatment was turned on, but only one second before, a blazing light appeared on Weien, and the effect of treatment was weakened by half.

The damage that Anne made in the big move, the damage that the bear took for the first time, and the injury of Anne Qe and the injury with the violent bear at this time, Wein’s blood volume has already been extremely dangerous.

"It’s no wonder that I didn’t force the law to pretend. The original plan was to win with a blood, and use the bear to play the output!!!"

The white robe woman licked her lips and looked at Anne and the flaming bear on both sides.

Finally, Weien’s stun time is over and the q skills are cooled.

It’s just a scene of jealousy. Above, it is the barrier of the Great Dragon Canyon.

On the left is Anne, on the right is the bear, leaving the place where Vain rolls, only the square.

But the white robe woman is 100% certain, this position, Anne estimates are also expected!

Although Wayne's rq can pass through people, but whether it is on the left or the right, it will be attacked.

For a time, the white robe woman hesitated.

"Oh, I actually saw the consequences."

Seeing that Weien hesitated, Ye Che was slightly surprised, this Weien just drew v, and the idea was quite a lot.

However, it was only a slight hesitation. When Wein gritted his teeth, he rolled in the direction of the bear.

On the other side of Annie, relying on the direction of the road, only through the bear, let Anne not attack, there is hope to escape to the middle of the tower.

However, Wei En has just moved. This flaming bear has also taken a few steps. He has not lost his goal, but has taken a few steps directly in the middle of the road.

When Vain appeared in stealth, he saw that the flame bear was still stuck in front of himself!

"How is it possible, how can he know that I will roll in the direction of the bear!!!"

On the face of the white robe woman, there was an extreme shock, and there was a panic.

Because her only way of life, she was completely blocked!

The Flame Bear did not attack Wein at this time, but was controlled by an invisible hand, and was blocked in front of Wein, blocking her moving position.

This feeling is like seven hundred years ago, a game called dota, like a small soldier, road closure!

Vain writhed his body desperately and wanted to pass the flame bear.

But the size of the flaming bear is there, and the deliberately blocking the position of Vaughan has caused Anne to get closer and closer to Vaughan.

"It's over!"

The white robe woman's face was white, and she watched Anne come to her side again, and then the q skill "fragmented fire" came out.

This skill can completely capture the last blood of Weien.

"Successful, actually the more successful, this person has to earn big!!"

The white robe woman whispered, and the smile on her face became more and more intense.

This Annie is making a big profit, but the price she paid is huge.

But she is convinced, whether it is the two violent anger of the flame bear she has not seen, or the place where she has just predicted her stealth, and the terrible suppression at the 1st level, as well as the double position control, she has not spit. point.

At this time, when the white robe woman lost her soul, a message appeared simultaneously with Anne's "fragmented fire."

"How come you don't play ice this time?"

The information is clean and pure, just like the greetings of longtime friends.

But the white robe woman is a big shock!

She stared at this message, and in her mind, there was an infinite brainstorm.

"This Annie played more than 4o games. It was a newcomer at first sight, but listening to his tone, but knowing me, I know that I am wearing ice, so it seems that he used to watch me play ice... ...or..."

The white robe woman thought of it, her eyes were wide.

Or, this person has played with himself before! ! !

Newcomers... strong and strong...

Is it... this person is very likely to be the one who has been looking for!

But at this time, the picture in front of the white robe woman has turned into a black and white. With a twist, she has returned to the so1o mode.

"Damn!! Why, why did you say that in the end!"

The white robe woman's face angered, she looked for Weien has been looking for months, just that Anne is very likely, but now, there is no chance to confirm.

The white robe woman quickly went to the list of the recent battles, but now Anne's information is hidden, even the id can not be seen, friends, naturally can not be added.

Upon seeing it, there was a frustration on the face of the white robe woman.

Is it really worthwhile to have this person with this person, and met in this more-order mode, but there is no chance to add friends.

The woman in the white robe is frowning and thinking.

A "tick" sound fell into the white robe women's ears.

The white robe woman’s heart was moving, and she quickly looked at the source and saw the friend’s bar flashing.

"Is it..."

The white robe woman's eyes lit up and quickly opened the friend bar, and she saw a friend adding a message above.

With a hint of surprise, the white robe woman opened the message that the friend added.

"Hey... 2o17, a familiar id, where did you seem to have heard it?"

The white robe woman is slightly stunned, but now it is the most important news of Weien. I don’t want to think about it. The white robe woman chose to accept the addition of friends.

In an instant, a message appeared.

2o17: "hi, little ice, I haven't seen you for a long time..."

On the other hand, Ye Che looked at his own information on the front, and also slightly lamented.

This ice is the first battle when I came to this age.

Ye Che still remembers the accident when he hit the endgame, and the inexplicable emotion.

Now meet an acquaintance and naturally add friends.

You asked him why he didn't say it in the game? Just kidding, it’s not a good idea to get acquainted when you play.

One arrow into the nightmare: "You are... through that mythological assessment, Weien!!!"

2o17: "Yes, it’s a chance to meet here."

"There is a fate, of course, there is a fate!!"

In the eyes of a dream, I burst into the spark of joy. I quickly said, "You don't have to go to the heroic city. With your strength, you should have arrived long ago! Why haven't I found it for a few months?"

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