League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 690: Under the leaves

When I flee now, what is most important at the beginning?

It is not food, not the energy of the locomotive, but the strong ones in the ranks. Bayi Chinese Network WwくW. 81zW. CoM

This will not only ensure security, but also form the backbone of the heart, not to panic.

At this time, not only did the chariot driver see it, but the middle-aged man who sat in the innermost few merchants also saw Ye Che, who had a virtual fireball in his palm.

"Fast, stop!"

The merchants sitting in the innermost shouted.

And beside these few businessmen, there are still a few people like guards sitting by the window. Obviously they are not in a hurry and they are on the road, but they have made some preparations.

This chariot is not bad enough to sit for more than 30 people.

The whistle rang, the chariot driver quickly wanted to stop, but because of the flight, the degree of the chariot almost reached the maximum code, and it was so easy to stop it at a time.

The blue-ribs of the chariot driver’s face came out and slammed on the brakes.

Despite this, the chariot still rushed out of the dozens of meters with the speed of the electric car, and finally the wheel just hit the tip of Ye Che, just stopped right.

This is simply the same thrill of playing acrobatics. If the average person has long been scared to retreat, but Ye Che is standing in the same place as a javelin, and does not move.

He stood upright and gave the impression that even if the car hits it, it will be scrapped.


When the chariot was opened, the chariot driver walked down with a sweaty face, and then he looked at Ye Che with a gaze.

Nima, the chariot rushed in with this degree. If the ordinary person had already retired with horror, the young man in front of him not only did not retreat, but even the look on his face did not change at all.

It’s like fighting a car, not a toy car.

If it wasn't for this young man holding a fireball, the chariot driver really thought it was a fool to stop in the middle of the road.

"This... oh... this gentleman, are you okay?"

The chariot driver slammed open.

At the same moment, the middle-aged people dressed by the merchants also walked down with a smile and greeted Ye Che.

"I want to take a ride, no problem?"

Ye Che did not answer the question of the chariot driver, but instead converges on the fireball and asks.

"No problem, of course no problem!"

"Although the Master is on the train, the fare is free. In this era, we humans should help each other!"

These businessmen said, quickly let the road open and let Ye Che get on the bus.

Ye Che smiled and did not break their cautious thoughts and went straight to them without saying a word.

Several businessmen looked at each other and their eyes were dark and happy.

This is really a free guard of the day!

"Dangdang, hey!"

The chariots were closed, and soon the rumbling started.

Ye Che found a seat and sat down. The chariot was about twenty-five people, but it was a bit more spacious.

At this time, see Ye Che came in, these people could not help but curious eyes on Ye Che.

Ye Che's eyes swept away. Now these people have guards, there are teenagers and girls, and there are even five or six older people, obviously some relatives.

The merchants also sat up at this time. As the chariot started, they immediately opened their voices to Ye Che.

There are questions about Ye Che’s name, and there are complaints about the fall of the Eastern Region.

In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Ye Che did not say his name, and after talking a few words, he closed his mouth and then closed his eyes and began to fully restore the power of the position.

The few businessmen didn't care. They only thought that Ye Che was a little lonely, but the rest of the guards were secretly crying a few times.

If ten people have the power of the ranks, then at least seven are warriors, only three mages, so the wizard is somewhat rare.

But it didn't go to the point where it was absolutely unique. Ye Che was so secluded at this time. In the eyes of these guards, it was deliberately pretending to give himself a price, and naturally he didn't have a good face.

Ye Che did not care, anyway, in this car, staying for a maximum of an hour or two, they have to go all out.

The chariot rumbling started very quickly. About two and a half hours or so, Ye Che opened his eyes and his eyes swept away. Many people have already fallen asleep on the chariot.

Although it is impolite to disturb others, but in the case of the unclear 6 Yao Yao, Ye Che naturally lazy to take care of.

He stood up and said, "Stop!"


The chariot driver turned back in horror.

Ye Che's voice is not big, but the words make many people wake up.

The merchants looked at Ye Che and looked at the window. They frowned. "Now it is more than three hundred kilometers away from the east, and it is surrounded by dangerous areas. If you stop, it is easy to cause siege of the surrounding demons!"

"Yeah, this area belongs to the site of the thorny insects. This thorn is only the size of the palm, but it is a group of activities. If you stop, it is very likely to be locked by them!"

The chariot driver also said help.

Ye Che brows slightly wrinkled, looking through the window of the chariot, and indeed in the sky, there are pieces of blue worms, hovering above.

Around, there are more than 20 chariots in the industry, but none of them dare to stop, all of them are flying fast.

"Nothing, I will clean it for you."

Ye Che slowed down his tone, and people were kind enough to carry their own journey, and naturally they could not put them at risk.

"Clean up!?"

One of them had a sly guard on his face, and his tone suddenly became louder. He even laughed and said: "Do you know their strengths?? Each one can at least compare the bronze of humans iii! This group has tens of thousands. Only, you cleaned up, the tone is really big against the sky!!!"

The rest of the people all nodded with deep regret.

"Mr. Master, no matter what you have, I have waited for this hundred miles to allow the insects to talk about it. We can't let you be in danger because of you!"

Inside the chariot, an old man who kept his eyes closed and raised his eyes suddenly said.

Ye Che's face suddenly sinks, and he understands that this group of people has no other meaning, just because they don't want to take the necessary risks.

But now that the power of Ye Che’s position has been restored, naturally it will not delay time.

Count yourself and fight with the purple collar, and then carry out the more difficult challenges, etc., the punch cream is almost three hours away from yourself. In these three hours, Ye Che must come back early.

Thinking of this, Ye Che sighed and arched the old man. "In the next leaves, there is something to do in the underground car. Open the door. I guarantee that these thorns are not threatened."

"How can your child be stubborn? The hundreds of thousands of thorns in this piece are so powerful that you are so damn, you... wait, what do you call your name!!!"

The old man said and suddenly, his eyes narrowed.

The rest of the guards, as well as the merchants, as well as the chariot drivers, were also stunned.

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