Time flies, when Ye Che plays the so1o game in the heroic fantasy world, and then restores the power of the position, the sky has turned from dark to bright, and then to the early morning. Gossip Chinese website W√wW. 81zW. CoM

At this time, more than 20 chariots have stopped, and everyone started preparing breakfast.

Ye Che pushes the door of the chariot and prints into the eyes of the leaves. There are hundreds of busy people.

This group of people relied on more than 20 chariots and was on a flat snow, raising smoke.

Although this kind of smoke is very likely to attract the devil, but in the case of sufficient firepower and the presence of many guards, they are not afraid.

Around the snow, there is a dense forest, and Ye’s line of sight looks at it, surrounded by empty space, without the slightest smoke.

This scene makes Ye Che have a feeling of returning to the 21st century and going out with his teammates in the countryside.

"Hey, are you awake?"

Ye Che is still thinking, and Yao Li’s voice has already sounded not far from Ye Che.

Ye Che turned her head and looked at it. Now Yao Li is wearing a special dazzling appearance today. The face's light makeup can't hide the kind of stunning, coupled with the plump figure, making Yao Li one of the hundreds of people.

Behind her, she followed a little girl with a pouting mouth.

Ye Che knows her, Su Yun also said that yesterday, this little girl is very kind, when she is trying to stop Yao Li's order, but the end of the words.

"Yao Ling, but it is the same as the younger sister Ye Ling of my time."

Ye Che secretly said.

Yao Ling stood behind Yao Li and was very curious to stare at Ye Che. It seems that he was still shocked that this person could survive under the impact of the chariot.

At the same time, Yao Li has gone to Ye Che with a bowl of food and smiled and said: "Ye Che, come and have breakfast."

Ye Che looked at Yao Li's enthusiasm, and took the food in her hand silently and said thank you.

To be honest, for this eccentric Yao Li, Ye Che has a feeling of being unable to pick up, because he knows that this Yao Li is not really passionate about himself, but passionate about the "strong".

At this time, Su Yun and Su Chen also came over and spoke with Ye Che.

"After another three hours or so, through this forest, you will be able to reach the two realms, and it will not be flat at the time."

Su Chen said while eating breakfast.

"Hey, the two realms are the intersection of the heroic metropolitan area and the four regions of the east, west, south and north. It is also a very chaotic area. Every time you hand over the goods, you have to take great risks. This time the news of the eastern region was broken, it is estimated. The leading companies in the other three domains have long known that the situation of our Eastern Region caravans is only more sinister."

Yao Li said, looking at Ye Che with a burning look.

Ye Chegan coughed, changed the angle to eat breakfast, Yao Li's subtext is very obvious, is to let Ye Che help her business.

The eastern domain was broken, and the commercial banks in these eastern regions had no backstage, and they were naturally crushed and even in danger of being annexed.

Only now, even 6 Yao did not find it, and Ye Che has some time to work on this drowning.

When Yao Li saw Ye Che's appearance, he couldn't help but bite his lips and wanted to say something, but it was hard to tell.

Yesterday, it was only the use of chariots to hit him. Today he will help himself, and change his own words, I am afraid that I will marry my mother.

Yao Li understands that for Ye Che, such a person, what brakes fail, he can never believe.

Suddenly, her eyes turned, and her eyes were directed at Su Yun and Su Chen, who were talking and laughing with Ye Che. The eyes suddenly lit up.

"It seems that Ye Che's impression of Su Yun is good. I just tied Su Yun. When the caravan is dangerous, I am not afraid that he will not help!"

Yao Li thought of it here, and her heart suddenly fell.

At this time, Ye Che had already finished breakfast, and then called Su Yun Su Chen, together on the chariot.

"Sure enough, as long as I have a good relationship with Su Yun, he should look at Su Yun's face and help me in danger, but the caravan meets the usual martyrdom, and it is estimated that he will not help."

Yao Li thought, suddenly bowed his head and whispered a few words to Yao Ling.

"Sister, that is your favorite virtual projection device!!"

Yao Ling was surprised. The little scorpion was full of surprises.

She still remembers that last year when she accidentally touched the equipment, she was reprimanded by Yao Li for more than two hours.

Now, Yao Li has to give this equipment away! ?

"Not decisive, the business that I have fortunately established for so long will become a bubble. You, and those who follow our Yao family, will cease to exist. What is a projection device? Cheken helps me, I will send him to him!"

Yao Li’s words made Yao Ling completely silent.

At this moment, she was faintly aware of how much her sister had paid for the Yao family for so many years.

Although Yao Li’s conception of people is really weird, in other things, it is impossible to pick up the problem.

"I know, I will take it now..."

Yao Ling whispered and turned and ran.

At the same time, in the five-meter chariot, Ye Che looked at Su Yun and Su Chen who came up and asked directly: "Can you contact the hero city?"

Su Yun and Su Chen, the hero city?

"The big gods don't bury us. We are just a little bit of a famous commentary in the East. How can we know people in the heroic city..."

Su Chen said with a smile.

Su Yun is also a white eye.


Ye Che shrugged, he did not have any hope, just ask.

I can die and meet a lot of great gods, but with Su Yun's position, it is impossible to contact the heroes.

"That changed the topic, this Yao family is reselling heroic weapons. If so, she is in the two realms, do you know the Rune Forgemaster?"

After Ye Che sat down, he asked quietly.

After listening to Yao Li saying that the two cities are in chaos, Ye Che will no longer have any luck. If the boxing cream does not pay, then Ye Che will definitely fight, there is not enough cards, I am afraid that it will cause other two cities. Human jealousy.

So for the repair of the virtual sword, it is still very important.

"Your hero is damaged!?"

Su Yun is slightly surprised.

Ye Che nodded: "It is broken, so it needs to be repaired as soon as possible."

"Broken? The broken hero is not a normal rune forger to fix."

Su Chen, who is on the side, said, "The Rune Forge is equivalent to the advanced version of the Rune Master. Only a good rune teacher can become a Rune Forgemaster, repair the heroes and even strengthen the heroic weapons that are present. The forged trainer has a lofty identity. I estimate that even if Yao Li knows the Rune Forge, he wants to see it and it is estimated to pay a high price."

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