League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 700: Spell Glyph Sixth

"Mr. Chee..."

Yao Li was shocked, she was shocked by Ye Che's tone. Gossip Chinese Network W√w★W. √81zW. CoM

According to her estimation, Ye Che’s strength is also around Platinum, but this eye-teacher has reached Platinum itself, not to mention that many strong people support him.

There are a lot of strong people for him, but most of them don’t see the sun the next day.

"Dare to threaten me!?"

There was a cold voice from the eye inside the house, waiting for him to say when he suddenly said, and the alloy door suddenly twisted.

In the next second, under the eyes of the eye-catcher, the alloy gate was directly smashed out by some kind of force, and then the "jingle" banged, and the cockroaches fell on the ground.

The whole man was stunned. He looked at the alloy door that had been distorted, and then turned his head and looked at the door.

Outside the door, a handsome young man walked in with a calm face, and his fingers were still glimmering with a slowly disappearing platinum light.

The eyebrows are an old man who is more than 6 years old. The left eye that has been smashed is like a one-eyed pirate, and is covered up by a belt.

He is white, but the color of his head is blue.

This is the long-term contact with the rune power, causing the color change.

His face was thin and his eyes were not as turbid as the ordinary old man, but full of fierceness.

At this point, the eye-teacher looked at Ye Che, who had broken into the door, and his face was black to the extreme.

"A young man has reached Platinum, and he is indeed a genius, but if I think that I am here, you will come to the wrong place!"

At the same time as the eyebrows spoke, a strange force spread out.


At this moment, many of the heroic weapons that have been made in the house are screaming, and there is a burst of shaking sound.

Yao Li was shocked and walked in to pay a smile: "Misunderstanding misunderstanding, the eye teacher misunderstood!"

"It's you!?"

The ophthalmologist's thin face, the colder the moment, the strange rune power, swept the whole house, especially the giant blade that he was repairing in his hand, and gave him a cold killing.

Although Yao Li has a position in the body, but it is only silver, stimulated by this kind of killing, the scalp stunned, and retreated, and then looked at the eye teacher with a look of fear.

"Opist, I am here for you, not for fighting, but for repairing weapons. If there is anything offensive, I hope Haihan."

Ye Che’s face was calmly arched, and it was because I couldn’t see it in the face. Ye Che was too lazy to wait.

But now, since I saw it, I still have to give it a little bit. After all, I am here to ask for help.

"Repair weapons, sea han!?"

The eye-teacher was anxious and laughing, and the latter pointed to the twisted and deformed door and said: "I have seen you so!"

"The situation is urgent, it must be done."

Ye Che Ying sounds, not in the eyes of the eye teacher.

The eye-teacher is a sharp turn of thought. If it is an ordinary person, he will kill it directly, but this person, at a young age, is at least 2 years old, and he has reached Platinum, and he can count it in the heroic city. General genius.

If it is directly destroyed, the person behind him will come to the door, but it is also troublesome.

Thinking of this, the heart of the eye-teacher is burning anger, and even more glanced at Yao Li, it is obvious that this young man is brought by Yao Li.

Yao Li was looked down at the bottom of her heart, and her heart was bitter.

Originally, she thought that this leaf was very tempered, and at most it was a little cold, but I didn't expect it to be a word.

Oh, it’s still the gate of Rune Forge!

If this is not his own strength, there is platinum, I am afraid that it has long been destroyed by the eye teacher.

"In a word, repair does not fix it. If it is repaired, the conditions will let you open it. I will compensate for this door!"

Ye Che said straight.

The eye teacher snorted, he was a rune forgemaster, how could he allow a little boy to dominate the discourse, and immediately sneered: "I want to repair the weapon for you, it is not impossible, let me first say it!" ”


A wave of volatility emerged from the eye of the eye, that is the power of Rune!

For this power, Ye Che is strange and familiar.

When I was in the temple, the several runes given by the oriental singer were this kind of power.

"It's a glyph of level 3 spells!"

Yao Li was shocked.

The Rune Master is divided into four systems, namely the imprint, the inscription, the glyph, and the combination of the three categories, the essence!

And to become a rune forger, you must be proficient in imprints, seals, and glyphs, so that you can repair heroes and create rune weapons.

At this time, when the eye teacher took the shot, he used the power of the glyph, and the power of the segment increased the five layers in an instant!

He himself has the strength of Platinum ii. After the five-layer power is increased, the general Platinum i can be compared!


The eyebrows carried the power of the glyphs, and the palm of the hand made Yao Li Su Yun and Su Chen stunned.

Ye Che is standing still in the faceless expression. For the power of Rune, Ye Che is not familiar with it. After all, studying runes requires a lot of time, but the power is the same, which is generally used to increase strength.

As long as the overall strength of this eye-teacher does not reach the diamond, Ye Che is not afraid.

"Well, really not back!?"

There was a strange surprise in the eyes of the eye-teacher. Seeing Ye Che seems to be really planning to be one of his own hands, the strength of the shot can not be slowed down, lest he should be killed by a palm.


The eye of the eye, with the power of the paragraph and the power of the glyph, slammed on the body of Ye Che.

As soon as the eye teacher took the shot, Ye Che saw his master hero, who was the wandering mage!

This palm, with the "load" of the wandering mage, with the increase of the glyph, the power is amazing.

However, Ye Che is hard to take a step back, and even no hero skills are used, and he has taken the eye of the eye.


The wind and the wind, the heroic weapons around, all of them were shaken to the ground by the power of the ranks.

Yao Li and others are even more than twenty or thirty meters.

Then, a face suddenly looked at the eye of the eye, and the contact with Ye Che's chest.

There, there was only a loud noise, and then Ye Che’s clothes broke a big hole, then...and then there was no more...

Ye Che looked at the palm of his hand, faintly said: "Opist, according to the agreement, I am subject to you, you help me repair the weapon, when will the repair begin?"


The eyebrows stared at Ye's chest and looked at his palm, his eyes flashing a horror.

This young man actually suffered a blow from his eight-layered power, without any reaction! ! ?

Even, there is no step backwards!

The eye-teacher looked at Ye's chest, and with the force of the position, there was a burst of blue smoke, but it recovered with a terrible degree.

"The body of this young man is harder than composite steel!"

The eyebrows silently put the palm of the hand behind him, and at this moment, he could still see the tremor of his palm.

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