League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 813: Crab ghost devil

“Platinum iv, Platinum iii?”

Ye Che brows wrinkled, I think Wu Heng is not saying the wrong words, but there are several diamonds in the team, but only dare to hunt the demon of Platinum iv and Platinum iii! ?

The otter is directly dissatisfied: "Captain Wu, you are too embarrassed, you add your teammates, but full of six diamonds, I am not ordinary platinum iii, how dare to go to this low-level demon Territory!?"

Wu Heng smiled slightly and seemed to be in a good mood today. He explained: "In the battlefield of chaos, no more than other places, such as the crab demon land that we are going to now, a small group, there are hundreds, that is to say If you happen to meet a few hundred platinum iv demons, you will be very frequent fighting! If we go directly to the diamond demon's territory, or the platinum demon's territory, we will not be able to fight for a long time, and soon, we will be massive. The devil, the heap of death, plus many high-level demons, no fixed territory, flowing everywhere, we do not solve the battle quickly, it will easily fall into extreme crisis, understand?"

The water scorpion suddenly stunned, and my heart was snoring. Gossip Chinese website W√wW. 81zW. CoM

In this case, it seems that even if there is a diamond leader, at most it can only kill the demons of the same level or even lower demons. The gain of the battle is more than many times more difficult than imagined.

At this time, Wu Heng said: "In addition to today, we will take you around for half a year, and then you have to hunt yourself until you become a diamond. At that time, you can choose to join the official team or join other teams, or, Set up the team yourself, but if you leave the official team, you need to pay 5oo!"

The otter was suddenly silent, but the ghost looked at Ye Che and looked at Ye Che.

However, Ye Che’s face is calm and seems to be completely unconcerned.

At this point, after Wu Heng finished speaking, his finger pointed to Xiaoqing, and then asked Ye Xue: "Are you sure to take her too?"

Ye Che spread his hand and said: "If you don't bring it, don't you raise her?"

"Haha, Ye brothers really tell jokes. As long as they come to this chaotic battlefield, no one can be an exception. Even an old man or a child must fight. This is iron regulation!"

Although Wu Heng is laughing and talking, there is no doubt about it.

Ye Qing sighed, his eyes glanced at Xiao Qing, but now, there was no panic on her face, and she could not help but have a trace of doubt.

"Okay, it’s almost finished, and the rest of us will say on the road, now we are out!"

Wu Heng said, taking the lead to go outside the fortress.

Everyone kept up with it, and Ye Che followed up with Xiao Qing and Yi Lin.

Just out of the fortress, Ye Che will shine.

I saw at least seven or eight hundred water curtain ships on the sea level, and it seems that they will be out.

In the ear, there were also various deafening sounds.

Thousands of tens of thousands of soldiers, either trimming or practicing heroic skills on the sea.

"Go, the gathering place of the crab devil, in the direction of the left, with the new soldiers of your group, also go to the gathering place of the crab ghosts."

Wu Heng said, took the lead and walked to the beach on the left and stopped.

At this time, there are about 300 people on the beach, standing next to the water curtain boat, or excited, or talking in depression.

Ye Che looked up, most of them were the soldiers who had been assessed together yesterday, and some of the soldiers had never seen it. It was estimated that they had been assessed before or after.

At the forefront of these soldiers, there are more than a dozen big men, naked with a bronze upper body, laughing and talking.

Look at them and seem to be waiting for something.

Suddenly, one of the big men’s eyes lit up and saw Wu Heng.

"Wow, Captain Wu, you finally came, and waited for more than an hour!"

This big man's face is red, not for some reason and short red, the skin on his face seems to be this color.

"What are you anxious, this time I personally led the team, the battle is definitely several times better than you usually!"

Wu Heng mouth smirked.

"That is that! Captain Wu personally went out, the brothers are blessed, haha!"

This big man laughed.

The rest of the people also came over. "Captain Wu, I heard that you personally went out this time because of the team, there was a third-level soldier!! Let me talk about it, which is a genius, let us Long experience!"

Among these dozens of people, some people said with their eyes wide open.

"Go and go, there are so many things, hurry to organize people on board, don't delay time."

Wu Heng smiled.

"Oh, don't say I know, is this boy?"

The red-faced man pointed to Ye Che behind Wu Heng and said with a strange look.

For a time, the other dozen leaders who were next to him fell on Ye Che.

Ye Che smiled at them and did not speak.

But soon, under Wu Heng’s reopening, these people could only spread out and then organized the people to get on the boat.

"O-class warfare, ten-game combat fee, pay a good deal!"

These dozens of team leaders shouted.

"Ten wars, Nima is too dark, I have only 30 points in total."

Many zero-level warriors, dissatisfied martyrdom.

But they dare not speak loudly. Otherwise, if the ship is not allowed to go on, it will be a tragedy. This is not a peaceful period for bargaining.

Soon everyone was on board.

Ye Che also went to the water curtain boat led by Wu Heng. On the left and right, there were seven ships next to each other. Wu Heng’s water curtain ship was in the middle.

"This time the destination is the gathering place of the crab ghost devil, the crab ghost, the physical attack power is very strong, the defense is also very impressive! Among all, the legal heroes, pay attention to the concentration of fire, cover the melee hero battle Fighting!"

Wu Heng stood at the forefront of the water curtain ship and used the power of the segment to transmit the sound far away.



Many of the soldiers have collapsed.

One by one looking at Wu Heng's eyes, it is very hot. Obviously, they know that Wu Heng is a divine iv, so it is very respectful.

"So out!"

Wu Heng nodded with satisfaction and suddenly waved.

The water curtain ship started to open, and then began to add, countless waves, and rushed.

Ye Che looked back and saw the triangular island behind him, and soon it began to get smaller, and then was covered by thick fog.

There are only fifteen water curtain boats left, driving in the endless ocean.

"Don't slack off everyone, in the ocean, anything can be born!"

"Do you have a spirit!"

Suddenly, on the several water curtain boats next door, there was a call from the leader.

Ye Che turned his head and looked at it. It turned out to be a lot of soldiers. He was planning to wear a helmet of the British soul and fight against the League of Legends, but he was stopped.

"This is just ten minutes off the island. How can it be dangerous?"

"That is, the sea surface is completely calm, and it is better to qualify for the sea than to look at the sea."

"Now it's still in a safe area, let's play a few rounds."

Many recruits are dissatisfied.

More than a dozen leaders began to sneer, and they wanted to reprimand. Suddenly, they only felt that the water curtain ship suddenly stunned, as if they had hit a heavy object.

"not good!"

The leader suddenly changed his face.

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