League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 815: Official squad, 6 teams

"Blood burning!"

A low-pitched voice, the woman’s body suddenly burst into the blue light of the big waves. August 1 Chinese ★ network W ★ w ★ W. ★8√1z★W. CoM

"It’s the otter, I heard that she almost became a level 2 warrior!"

"The courage is so big, it is not scared!"

Many of the soldiers said slyly, but there were also soldiers. When they saw a sister-in-law, they dared to go up and no longer hesitated to restart the attack on the Shanwei Demon.

However, it seems that there is some awe of the "blood burning" of the otter, so no one wants to compete for the demon of the otter.

"The tide of shock!"

Under the watch of Ye Che, the staff in the hands of the water scorpion began to shine with a divine light.

The sea water under her feet is like being controlled by some kind of power, and it is madly shaken up, and then it rises into the sky, turning into a fierce and incomparable tide, and it is a powerful demeanor.

Before the otter did not shoot, he was deeply aware of the power of the demon's magnetic field in Platinum, and how restrained he was.

So I have been looking for opportunities, but now, I found it!


A loud bang, "the tide of the impact" 狠狠 砸 砸 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 恶魔 恶魔 恶魔 恶魔 恶魔 恶魔 恶魔 恶魔 恶魔 恶魔 恶魔

The "shock of the impact" just fell, followed by a thousand-pronged "blue wave prison", and the watery children's fierce position of the attack.

This "Blood Prison" has just been trapped by a scorpion demon, and the water scorpion is mixed with the force of the "Bound of the Waves". It is directly spurred into the tail of the scorpion. Oh!


The eyelids were pierced by the "Blood of the Waves", and the blood rushed. The demon of the Shanwei suddenly became crazy because of the pain, and the tail whistling out, even the air was torn by the tears. .

However, the water scorpion had already been prepared, and almost at the same time as the tail of the Shanwei demon was moving, the big move "the whistle of the raging waves" suddenly started!


The nearby sea water began to roll, and the next second, like the peak of Mount Tai, slammed into the head of the Shanwei demon.

Under the blessing of "blood-blood burning", the power of "Rock of the Fury" has increased dramatically. The two-person demon, which had been seriously injured under the attack of several hundred people, was finally unable to resist and was smashed by the hard-rooted.


A squeaking sound, the water scorpion quickly bowed his head, and saw his own warrior order, increased the strength of 18 points, the strength of the body's position, from the original three-tenths, to five-tenths.

"Sure enough, the more the battle, the fastest way to promote!"

The otter’s heart was dark and happy. When he turned back, another scorpion demon appeared, and all the people joined together and they all died.

But who made the last blow, but now it is impossible to know.

Returning to the water curtain ship, the water scorpion glanced at Ye Che, now the guy is in a wheelchair and has never moved.

"What about the 3rd-level soldiers, the whole body is disabled, and it is impossible to go to the sea, unless there is a demon to the mouth."

The water scorpion secretly sneered.

At this time, Wu Heng has come over and watched the watery child happy smile: "Not bad, really good, initially save the strength, when the demon is weak, one hit will kill! Can be in a few hundred people Under the men, grab the next Shanwei demon, it seems that you are very fighting talent!"

Haishu, Yilin, Su Fengyang, a few people, also surprised a few words.

The water scorpion smiled and said: "The captain Wu has won the prize and he is lucky."

Said, but did not reveal the traces of Ye Che, the corner of his mouth provoked a smug smile.

Ye Che smiled slightly and put his gaze on other water curtain ships. Now it is screaming.

Many of the soldiers stood on the top and were dejected.

"Stupid, stupid!"

"Only a dozen or so Shanwei demons, you hundreds of people, actually still dead more than 30 people, stupid!!!!"

"I want to fight for madness? It’s completely overwhelmed. Can the tail demon have the power to fight back??"

The leader of the water curtain boats on both sides, each sinking his face and shouting.

However, they did not control those o-class soldiers, but angered the 1st-level soldiers of their own team.

Ye Che sighed and his eyes fell on the sea. The blood there had not faded. The bodies of more than 30 people had already fallen into the sea and disappeared.

"The blood smell is too strong, leave here first!"

Wu Heng also noticed that after the brow was slightly wrinkled, the water curtain ship was reopened.

See Wu Heng’s water curtain ship has been started, the leaders on both sides, also stopped yelling and re-moved the water curtain ship.

This time, there is nothing more turbulent.

After all, although there are many demons, the ocean is big enough. Unless you go to a specific area, the chances of being met are not that great.

After about two hours of driving, an island filled with brown stones appeared in front of Ye Che.

However, there seems to be a continuous battle there, and there are countless cheers and sounds coming from a few kilometers.

"That is the recruits who have already come to practice."

Wu Heng explained one sentence.

"Hey, we will only stay with you for three days. After three days, we will take you in turn. After half a year, everything depends on you."

Yi Lin also attached a sentence.

Ye Che and Shui Huer nodded and understood that Wu Heng and others were afraid that they were new recruits. After meeting the sudden crisis, they could not handle it.

At this time, the water curtain ship has begun to land.

More than 300 people began to land on 66.

"Hey, how do you recruit the new recruits this time, you have to bother us that Captain Wu Heng personally led the team, will not be the rhythm of Wu captain you have to be retired?"

Just after landing, the black-skinned youth who was sitting in a black stone not far away, looked at it in vain, and then his eyes lit up and went straight.

Next to him, there are three men of similar age. At this time, with the words of the black and thin youth, there is a strange laugh.

"It is the solution of the 6 teams!"

Next to Wu Heng, Haiyan’s face sank.

Wing Lin whispered: "This solution is the vice captain of the 6th team. Because these years, the captain of Wu has more and more demons. The merits accumulated even in all the official teams, reaching the top five level, so The 6 teams have been suppressing us from time to time."

Ye Che suddenly understood, and plainly, the 6 teams must be afraid of the 7 team to replace it, so it is not right.

At this time, the solution was already rushed by the soldiers. The upper and lower left and right sides carefully scanned Wu Heng a few times, and then the eyes fell on the body of Ouyang Bing, and said: "The captain Wu Heng is really romantic. Going out to work, don't forget to bring a woman to enjoy."

"Defined as a soldier, you give me some attention!"

The sea otter's face was black, and the finger pointed to the face of the soldier.

And Wu Heng also faintly said: "The solution is a soldier, some jokes can be opened, some are open, that is, your captain... can't save you!"

The solution was a glimpse of the soldiers, but it seemed to save the face. The next second he had already turned his eyes to the otters, Xiaoqing, and Ye Che.

Especially after watching a few times in Ye Che, who was in a wheelchair, he sneered: "Captain Wu, don't tell me, you brought the team personally for the sake of two women, and a disabled?"

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