League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 823: Boss leaderboard

With the gold card illuminating, Ye Che only felt that the eyes of the card statue in the 100-meter field seemed to show a hint of radiance and breath, as if it had become a little thicker. Bayi Chinese Network WくwくWく.く8√1★z★W√. CoM

"Sure enough, as Felix said, the hero who uses the heroic **** will make it grow."

Ye Che secretly screamed, the golden card in his hand, had already shot the gun and the magic.


With the break of the golden card, the body of the gun rushed out and was stopped.

Then, Ye Che’s body flashed, “Fatal Strike!”


A giant sword appeared out of thin air, and the cockroach was inserted into the head of the gun demon.

The sea water, the scarlet that was suddenly dyed, the gun devil sighed, but only twitched for two or three seconds, then lost the movement.

The gray segmental force, which escaped from the body of the gun demon, was directly absorbed by Ye Che’s body. At the same moment, the number of 28 appeared on the warrior’s order.

"Do you add 28 points?"

Ye Che snorted.

"Faith, most of the soldiers can only kill the same level of demons, and they will add a little more. They must also be divided with their companions! Besides, you have the killing degree, and you get the points of combat, the efficiency is hundreds of times other people. Not only!"

Xiao Qingbai took a look at Ye Che and said.

The next second, the eyes are full of strange colors, continue: "There was nothing wrong with that night, you can really control the power of the field, but I did not guess wrong, this field is not yours, it should be you The luck of a strong person is really good luck, but this area is ultimately someone else, and you can only borrow it for a while."

Ye Che's face was black and didn't speak. It was obviously a thought of a pinhole camera.

"Looking for an opportunity to throw out this gimmick and throw it out, let you know what is shame, see her smug, and show off smart."

Ye Che secretly sweared from the belly.

However, Xiaoqing said something wrong. In this field, since the emergence of the five heroes, it has already become Ye Che, and even its owner, who is being suppressed, cannot take care of himself.

These, Ye Che will naturally not speak with Xiao Qing.

After receiving the war command, Ye Che directly said coldly: "Continue to guide."

"Good, guide the way..."

Xiaoqing also knew that he had just said something wrong. After spitting his tongue, he quickly re-directed for Ye Che.

The sea was so deep and cold, and soon, Ye Che and Xiao Qing, had already sunk four or five hundred meters. After the depth of the fineness, the light was indefinite and began to fall.

"I want to put away the fine, what are you going to do!?"

Ye Che turned to look at Xiaoqing, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

Obviously, he wants to see Xiaoqing, who has no power in the slightest position, dare to follow such a deep dependence.

"Mountains have their own ideas"

Xiaoqing smiled and suddenly touched the head on the head.

Ye Che looked away, now she is at the corner of her head, I don’t know when, there are two crystal leaves, don’t be there.

At this point, with the touch of Xiaoqing, one of the two leaves, a slight flash...

A gleaming blue light shrouded Xiaoqing.

Then Xiaoqing escaped from the protection of Ye Jing, and swam alone, but under this layer of blue light, the sea could not invade.

"What is this, how can you have an ordinary person who has no power?"

Ye Che asked.

"This is the grandfather of my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather gave me the role, it is waterproof."

Xiaoqing waved his hand. "These are not important, fast, the nest of the crab ghost devil, it is coming soon!"

Ye Che snorted, stopped the topic, and dive with a little youth.

With the seven windings around Xiaoqing, the middle leaves have seen seven or eight demonic attacks, but they have all settled, and there are nearly three hundred points in the battle.

It is difficult for a warrior to be promoted. In addition to the rare merits of warfare, it is because warfare has to be re-accumulated before it can be promoted.

Ye Che bought the Sea Devil's Heart and spent so many exploits. Now it is equivalent to a Level 3 warrior starting from scratch. It is necessary to accumulate all the combat skills of the o-class warrior to the 4th-level warrior before they can advance.

Finally, just as Ye Che thought that this Xiaoqing would live to kill himself, a deep, half-sized underwater cave appeared in front of Ye Che.

"Go in."

Xiaoqing pointed to the finger.

"Into your sister, this cave is deep in the sea of ​​a few kilometers, how to see it is chilling, do not say so understatement!"

Ye Che thought, but the expression is very calm and indifferent, after all, as a man, can not be in the face of sister paper, the expression of fear and the like.

So, Ye Cheyi pointed to the cave and said: "If you want me to believe in you, then go first."


After Xiaoqing snorted, he actually rushed in.

Ye Che stunned the gods, and after a little thought, he followed.

The submarine cave was only half-black and lacquered, and it was almost the same size. After about ten minutes, the two men walked in vain.

But I don't know why, the temperature of the sea seems to be a little hot, not far from the sea, but also a faint red light.

"In the past, there was a red hole, through which you could reach the nest of the Crab Devil."

Ye Che went in the direction of Xiaoqing’s finger. It’s a few hundred meters away. It seems that there is a huge deep pit under the sea, shining red.

"Okay, it is best not to lie to me, otherwise you know the consequences..."

Ye Che looked at Xiaoqing, his voice was a little bit chilling.

"Don't go, kill the old nest mother crab, but you can get a lot of merits and achievements in the battlefield boss list."

Xiaoqing seems to be casual, and the information revealed in the words is extremely incomparable.

"Boss leaderboard? What?"

Ye Cheyi.

"Wait for your warrior orders, you will know when you are promoted to the war. You will know when this advantage is so bad."

After Xiaoqing finished, he took the lead and went to the red hole.

Ye Qing's brow is slightly wrinkled. This Xiaoqing is not like a fake. The key is that if she dares to hurt her own words, she can't live, and she and this girl are innocent and innocent, and they just met when they came to the sea of ​​magic. It is impossible. It is sent by the hero city.

Thinking, Ye Che is going to take a step with the past, in vain, a small scream in the little green mouth more than ten meters away.

"what happened!?"

Ye Che shocked, looking at the past moment, his face suddenly changed dramatically.

I saw the five heads with green radiance, an enlarged version of the crab ghost, with a giant tongs that was two meters long, and was facing the Xiaoqing waist.

The sea water is rushing and screaming.


After Ye Che’s low voice, he quickly thought about the rescue in the past, but the crab ghosts and demons appeared too strange and swift, and the giant tongs had already caught the body of Xiaoqing.

When Ye Che thought that Xiaoqing would be pinched off the waist, the blue leaves of Xiaoqing’s horns were as if they were blown by the wind, and they were slightly floating.

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