"Xiaoqing, you want to kill me!?"

Ye Che's look is in vain and staring at Xiaoqing. The power of the position in the hand is faintly beginning to swell. It seems that as long as Xiaoqing answers him, he is not satisfied, he will shoot!

"The coward, this is the first layer of the Crab Devil's Nest. You are scared like this? The second and third floors, until the place connecting the abyss, don't you think about it?"

Xiaoqing squatted and said to Ye Che, but his eyes, but he has been watching the screaming female crab, which is a strange color. Bayi Chinese Network WくwくWく. √81zW. CoM

"Oh, you are amazing, you play slowly, I am not accompanying!!"

Ye Che sneered a little, then, when the body moved, he had to leave.

But in vain, I only felt that my body was sinking, and the power of a terrible horror was on my own body, and I couldn’t move it at all.

"Magnetic force!"

Ye Che's face changed.

"Human... Since it is here, leave it!"

The weird sound falls straight into Ye’s mind.

Ye Che took a deep breath and his face was completely gloomy. The strength of this magnetic field, and the strength of the field in the first place, seemed to be inferior. Ye Che could fully feel its power.

In other words, the crab on the first floor of the Crab Devil's Nest has at least the level of Diamond III!

Under the limitation of the magnetic force of this magnetic field, there is only one way to go. Those small crab ghosts do not matter, but this female crab can have at least the strength of drilling iii!

Platinum iii playing diamond iii?

At the thought of this, Ye Che's face began to green.

"Reassure, since I am bringing you, I will definitely not let you die."

Xiaoqing suddenly opened the door, then the white fingers slowly extended, and the piece of green leaves was removed from the ear.


Ye Che's eyes flashed a trace of doubt.

"I said, this is the baby that my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather passed to me, very powerful, so this female crab, I will pull it, you can earn the battle, but I only Can hold back for about four hours."

Xiaoqing said.

Ye Che's eyes suddenly brightened. For four hours, it was enough for him to kill countless crab ghosts, but this is not the power of Xiaoqing. Can you really get a dilemma?

Ye Che is still in doubt, Xiaoqing is facing the green leaves, slowly breathing out.

At that time, the liquid that had been flowing in the green leaves, a slight meal, the next second, a horrible blue light, suddenly shot.


The sea water is boiling, and this blue light is almost the ultimate, and it is directly from the hands of Xiaoqing.

In less than a second, it broke through a few kilometers of seawater and rushed over the clouds.

"Quick, you only have four hours!"

Xiaoqing snorted and then turned and went to the distance.

When Ye Che was looking at the inexplicable moment, a more horrible voice exploded in this square.

"吼!!! The power of the source is actually the power of the source!!!!"

The female crab roared, and the voice was filled with absolute excitement and ecstasy.

In the next second, it is like a stimulus. Actually, I don’t even look at Ye Che’s eyes and go directly to Xiaoqing.

Its body of six hundred meters high, driving countless currents, making the dark tide of terror, began to surge.

A pair of unmatched giant tongs also appeared, straight into the small green inserted.

"Source... give it to me!"

The sound of the female crab is full of greed.

However, just fell in a small green one meter, Xiaoqing's body, suddenly appeared a thick trunk.

This trunk is like a connected world, completely endless.

Although it is illusory, it gives people a sense of thrill.

The double tongs of the female crab fell on it, but it could not be shaken, and Xiaoqing was protected by this illusory trunk.

"Fast, only four hours!"

Ye Che is looking at her eyes. When she was shocked, she heard Xiao Qing’s loud voice.

Suddenly, Ye Che’s heart was shocked, and then he took a deep breath and watched the crab devils, who had surged in the tide, and a huge virtual sword appeared in his hand.

"No matter what your purpose, but willing to help me, I will definitely keep in mind!"

Ye Che secretly said.

Ye Che has strength, but wants to find the right demon to kill in the sea, but also to find it is not too high or too low, but it is somewhat difficult.

But now, this is a disaster for others. For Ye Che, it is completely feng shui!

"Platinum arm, platinum legs, field, hero skills, full open!"

Ye Che whispered, his arms and his right foot began to turn into a real white gold color. Then, the rare earth under the feet exploded, Ye Che took a rapid stream, facing a whole hundred thousand crab ghosts, impacting go with.


Ye Che’s body exploded, and the virtual sword in his hand drawn a pair of Changhong, and the great force of Platinum’s arm cooperated with the hero’s skill to sweep out, only to hear the “song” seven loud noises. Seven crab ghosts were stopped by the waist!

"Hey, kill Platinum ii demon, fight 1o, kill Platinum ii demon, fight 1o!"

"Stop the Platinum Peak Demon, Fighting 32..."

In an instant, Ye Che’s warrior command is a subtle squeak of seven sounds. In the blink of an eye, 157 points are added in the blink of an eye!

The total combat power has come to more than 5oo.

carry on!



The 100-meter field was shaken, and a large piece of fire spurted out, burning away against the 100,000 crab ghosts.


This time, there were hundreds of crab ghosts and devils being burned, and the sea water began to boil.

Generally, the "burning" of fire women does not have such high damage at all. However, with the strength of Ye Che's liquefaction section and the increase of the field, these are generally the crab ghosts of Platinum II. They can't resist at all, just like cutting wheat. Yes, the film fell down.


The increase in the combat strength of the soldiers, the madness of the explosion, this time alone, enough to add more than 1,300 points to Ye Che!

"Haha, cool!"

Looking at the number of crab ghosts that have not been reduced in number, Ye Che’s heart is extremely excited, and the war is soaring. This is all warfare!

Under the blessing of Ye Che's power, the virtual sword is as excited as a dragon, and the tip of the sword is shaking slightly, as if excited.

Ye Che does not intend to use other hero skills. In order to make Galen and the heroic heroes of the fire, one point higher than a minute, so this time, he only intends to use these two heroes against the enemy.

"Come on!!"

Ye Che whispered, and the 100-meter field above his head suddenly fell, and then fell behind Ye.

Ye Che's figure flashed and suddenly flashed in.

The 100,000 devils saw it and screamed and rushed, like a tidal wave, pouring into the 100-meter field of Ye Che.

"Incineration, incineration, incineration!!!"

It was included in the 100-meter field, but it was impossible for these crabs and devils to be demonized. The "burning" of the fire woman suddenly became like a never-ending fire, covering the countless crab ghosts.

Make the crab ghosts, screaming and screaming.

Ye Che, his fire heroine skill and body attack at the same time.

The virtual sword swept, and the bodies of countless crab ghosts and devils blew under his sword or under the boxing.

The huge force of a segment of the stock is in such a **** rain, and it is constantly flowing into his body. The power of his position in the body suddenly rises with exaggeration.

And just then...

"Hey, congratulations, promotion to the 4th-level warriors, open the war list!"

A bright multi-tone sound, ringing in Ye Er's ear!

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