League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 827: Breakthrough, legs, platinum

And the warrior command in this man’s hand is a 5th-level warrior order!

Only when his words fell, the name of the thousandth Ye Che on the list of soldiers suddenly became an illusion, and then slowly disappeared from the thousand. Bayi Chinese Network W★w★W. 81zW. CoM


The man glanced at him and then looked down on his consciousness. He immediately saw the name of Ye Che from 921.

The combat power displayed on it, 526o points.

However, the man did not respond, Ye Che’s name disappeared again, and then appeared in 817.

Then, it was 728...649...432.........361...

"This... this is this..."

The man looked at this scene, his mouth whispered like a nightmare, holding the fingers of the soldiers, and actually trembled unconsciously.



A subtle sound, Ye Che's name, was born in the 87th place in the military list!

"The trough!!!"

Upon seeing this, the man finally couldn’t help but swear, because his ranking is only 126!

"The bunker has a bunker, and where is the metamorphosis? In 5 minutes, Nima jumped from a thousand to the top 100, I... my day!!!!"

The man was full of unrequited expression, thinking that he was a genius, but it took him three years to reach the top 15o of the 5th-level soldiers.

And this guy who has never heard of it, actually within 5 minutes, from a thousand broken hundred! ?

The world view has collapsed and the man has been sluggish.

However, his gaze, but staring at Ye Che's name, never removed it! ! !

The list of soldiers is the place where the fighting soldiers fight.

The chaos of the battlefield is proud of killing the devil and respecting it. Therefore, the ranking is extremely important. Whether it is the sister or the force, as long as it is reported, the number of labor and management rankings will increase greatly.

Therefore, many people above the 4th level of the war, after completing a wave of demons, will check the ranks of the soldiers.

So Ye Che’s soaring scene is not only the man who saw it, but the people he saw, there are many... many at this moment.

Many people were even surprised by the carelessness, and they were almost hurt by the demons who were fighting.

"Who is this Ye Che?"

"I haven't heard of it, but unfortunately there is no team display on it, otherwise it will be easy to find out."

"I am so arrogant, I am really arrogant, and the labor and management have a few eyes, so I have risen from a thousand to a hundred. It is not a human being."

In every place of the b-class chaos battlefield, countless squadrons were horrified.

The increase in the number of Ye Che soldiers has slowed down.

Because, at this moment, his position breakthrough, the transformation of Platinum ii began! ! !


In the left leg of Ye Che, the light of the golden color began to fade.

What followed was a glimpse of the luxurious platinum light, which did not appear from the surface of the left leg bone, but just emerged directly from the inside of the leg, like a heaven!

"Hey, hey..."

The power of the segment of Ye Che began to jump wildly, giving rise to heart-rending energy fluctuations.

The arms, fingers, and legs are all turned into a real white gold color at this moment. Ye Che is like a **** in a white gold armor, and the head is windless under the package of the power of the position.


Crabs and demons, but did not feel the change of Ye Che, like the corpse of the dead, as always, facing Ye Cheyong.


Ye Che’s body suddenly became an illusion. On the left side, seven or eight crab ghosts and demons, 100 meters away from each other, suddenly thundered and burst directly.

And Ye Che just stood in the place, there is actually a leaf Chu exist, after three seconds, it slowly dissipated.

This is actually the afterimage that he appeared because he was too fast!

This is almost incredible! !


Ye Che's legs are virtually stepping on, and he has just stepped on the head of countless crab ghosts.


A series of sounds like blisters ruptured, and in a flash, there were hundreds of crab ghosts, and they were killed by Ye Che’s white gold legs.

On the high ground, the "burning" technology is constantly being sprinkled.

With the promotion of Ye Che's position, the power of "burning" heroic skills is even stronger. The flames have just fallen, and the crab ghosts have been burned beyond recognition. "嗤嗤" screams and turns into a piece of coke.

However, with the promotion of Ye Che's position, his degree of promotion has slowed down.

Because most of the crab ghosts, only Platinum ii, and Ye Che's segment are the same, so each kill one, can only increase 1 point of combat.

However, although there is only a little combat power, but Ye Che's killing degree and the number of crab ghosts are here, although there is no abnormality before, but it is simply beyond the reach of ordinary people.

7657 points...8o56 points...8892 points...8974 points...9ooo points! ! !

After more than two hours, Ye Che’s exploits finally broke through the 9ooo mark!

At this time, within a few kilometers, it has turned into a **** sea. Fortunately, Ye Che has a piece of force wrapped around it, so it has not been contaminated.

At this time, Ye Che looked back, and now he has been protecting the trunk of Xiaoqing. The desalination is very serious.

For more than an hour, the energy will be exhausted.

"1 hour, enough!"

Ye Che called out a sigh of gas, only to feel that the power of the ranks is still boiling, on the basis of the force of the ranks dozens of times, the degree of recovery is also terrible.

Unless it is a huge move that uses the sixth layer of Shinji, etc., Ye Che can continue to fight forever.

"carry on!"

Ye Che's eyes flashed in the blink of an eye, and there was more than an hour left. It was about to break through the 1oooo battle and be promoted to war! ! !

At this time, not only Ye Che took a sigh of relief, but in the entire b-class chaos battlefield, as long as the people who knew the scene, they all stared at Ye Che’s name and the changes in the battle.

"53, and immediately broke through the top 5o!"

"This guy……"

The top 100 masters of countless warriors are all looking at the monster that popped up.

"9,770,612, ninth, seven hundred and sixty-three... nine thousand seven hundred and eighty-three..."

Ye Che's body turned into a phantom, in the 90,000 crab ghosts and demons, smothered, but in his mouth, he recited the figures of warfare.

"See the dragon unloading armor! In ancient times, Zhao Zilong faced the million-strong army and retired. Today, I am only facing 100,000 demons, but the devil is better than the high-end army..."

Ye Che’s eyes flashed a smile, of course, this is just an addiction to his boring killings.

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