League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 843: Annie, the meaning of 5

Ps: Attention! ! ! ! Pay attention to ps, a lot of information I said in the ps, don't look at the situation that I asked for updates, there are three chapters, I am now writing, writing a chapter, a chapter today!

In the summoner's skill column of Jianhao, there is a flash that is printed and two skills are transmitted!

This Eastern First Raven, with such summoning skills, means that he does not intend to fight against Anne at all, but intends to support the game. Bayi Zhongwen Wenwang WくwW√.く8√1zくW★. CoM

The key point is that Anne is not the usual Annie, but is controlled by the violent ii Sun Yaoyao.

When Jian Hao is so skilled, he must be crushed when he is sure of the first level. Even if he is sent online, he will not dare to fight with Anne unless he is infinitely cared for.

But Sun Yao is not a fool. The victory and defeat of this game is counting on the middle road, so there will definitely be unlimited help on his side.

"He is not wise with such a squad. The rest of the teammates, even if he sends help, what is the absolute gap with Sun Yao? If there is a igniting, it can also form a deterrent to Anne, so that he does not dare to suppress it easily. But with this, it is doomed that the economy will be suppressed by the embarrassment. It seems that he does not want to fight."

The monk frowned.

"Maybe, but his small law, whether it is the overall situation or the details, is very thoughtful. He has such skills, maybe it is not meaningful."

He said, obviously, he is quite confident about Ye Che.

At this time, along with their arguments, Ye Che and Sun Yao’s teammates also selected heroes.


With the roar, League of Legends entered the loading screen.

Soon, in the cheers of some people at the venue, the familiar Summoner Canyon picture appeared.


Five heroes from both sides were born in the spring.

"Play wild, red will take you to the middle of the road, you can die if you don't die!"

Sun Yao sneered, and he did have some contempt for the kid opposite, thinking that it was the cannon fodder assigned by others.

If it wasn't because of 30,000 martial arts, he didn't even bother to play, but the one who made them in this line was afraid that the gutter would turn over the boat for a lifetime, so even if he was the ace of the Sun's team, he also personally shot.

This is disdain, but now it seems that this inexplicable boy who seems to have a good look, even the captain of the killing team, seems to have a tribute to him.

That being the case, then no wonder he is not kind.

"Well, I am finished with red, go straight to the middle!"

Sun Yao’s playing wilderness laughed, and Sun Yao’s playing wilderness took Zhao Xin’s wilderness, a hero who restrained Jianhao.

Anyway, when Sun Yao played Jian Hao, he met Zhao Xin and was disgusted to die.

e skill reduction, and so on, Jian Hao is not easy to get rid of the e-small, a pick and fly, and pick up, these time, enough to match the teammates to complete the kill.

Therefore, in this game, when he was picking people, he specially chose to play Zhao Xin.

At the same time, in the layout of Sun Yaoyin's arrangement, Ye Che is also playing wild monkeys on his own: "Do not use it on the road, you don't have to take care of the road, grab the road, and die on the road."

"Don't come in the middle, then you play Annie..."

The monkey showed a color of doubt.

A sword with a transmission, facing Annie, it is not being abused! ?

After all, Anne's q is directional, and ignores the wind wall. The e-skills are not afraid of standing. The general swordsman is really not good.

"Nothing, I am a district..."

Ye Che smiled and gave a sigh.

In the wild, I was thinking about the area that Ye Xuekou repeatedly mentioned. When it was the gods and blessings, Ye Che had bought a Dolan sword and a blood bottle.

"Dolan sword, the blood bottle goes out, it is normal to go out..."

The people nodded and fell their eyes on Sun Yao. Sun Yao’s Annie was also a normal Dolan ring and two red.

Both sides are very cautious and have not started a first-level group.

Soon, the beat of time is close to the point of war.


Ye Che's hands are placed on the light-sensitive keyboard and cursor, and his eyes are watching the time of the beating.

at last……

"Army attack!"


There was a moment of silence in the audience, leaving only a faint breath.

The main heart of the two small soldiers, slowly appeared in the middle of the road, and then across the military.

Ye Che's eyes are no waves, Summoner Canyon is no different from his home. He stands inside, everything.

Sun Yao’s eyes have always been cold, but this is also a state that can make the heart more calm and watery.


The soldiers on the middle of the road began to attack each other.

Ye Che took a look at Annie, first sweeping the equipment, then armor magic resistance.

Not surprisingly, this Anne's armor and magic resistance are only 27 and 3o respectively. Obviously, seeing the leaves of the leaves is the transmission, Sun Yao has changed the runes, all replaced by injuries.

Fa Qiang, just bought a more than one ring, has already smashed 4o, which does not say the hidden spell penetration.

After all, an unsimmered Jianhao, facing Annie can only be arrogant, dare to fight, then how to die does not know.

"Sure enough, I have..."

Ye Che has a slightly ticked corner of his mouth, and the swordsman under the cursor, but directly went under the small soldier, Ping a shot.

Anne really couldn't bear it. It was a flat a pick and a q hit. In an instant, Jian Hao's blood volume was one-fifth less.

This damage, that is to say, Anne only one to two levels, a set of q Jianhao will be less than half of the blood!

"Oh... the details of this Sun Yaozhong Road have grown. Knowing that it will attract the hatred of the soldiers, but it will be lost."

Zhu Xian said with amazement.

Breaking the shield of Jianhao will not attract the hatred of the soldiers, but if you destroy the blood of Jianhao, it will be different.

Anne doesn't have much armor. If she catches the hatred of the little soldier in an instant, it won't be worth the candle.

"He is good, the key is... Why is this sword hobby not learning skills?"

Say God’s face reveals the color of doubt and said.

The rest of the scene also noticed that the sword's skill icon also shows the state of skill plus points.

"This sword is not stupid, I have learned q Qing Bing, otherwise I will wait for Anne 2, absolutely must be a dog!"

"I can't get drunk, I don't learn skills!"

Among the people, many of the soldiers are not busy.

Of course, no one thinks that this sword will learn e, and e is in the face of the non-directive skills, such as glory, ball girl, fire man and the like.

Now that Jianhao is not igniting, if he dares to learn e and fire, it will be very bad.

However, they did not appear, Ye Che's eyes, on the five small soldiers in front of him, swept swiftly.

The flat a in the hand has not stopped.

Suddenly, he stopped Ping A and began to withdraw.

"Oh... it’s quite timely to withdraw."

Sun Yao gave a slight glimpse, because at this time, his q skill "fragmented fire" cooled down.

Seeing that Jian Hao has already withdrawn from the scope of his q skills, Sun Yao will move his fingers, and the "fragmented fire" will go to a small **** soldier.

But in vain, in the moment when Anne’s q skills almost just took off, Ye Che’s eyes flashed, and a number was read in the mouth, “2.5!”

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