League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 845: Change the head? Third

"Only hit a third of your blood, and you really can't bear to drink blood to restore your blood. Then congratulations..."

Ye Che whispered, finger micro-bomb, the previous consumption, for what, for, is to narrow the gap without igniting!

At this point, Jianhao was almost full of blood without a knife, and Anne’s blood volume was only restored to three-quarters. Bayi Chinese Network WwW★.く8く1√zW. CoM

"Before you step!!"

Jian Hao's body tilted slightly, and crossed a small **** soldier on the left side, skipping a little, and then crossed the small soldier next to him.

The trajectory of Jianhao's displacement looks a bit like x at the moment.

It is completely lower left, upper right, lower left.

"It's really like that."

Sun Yaoyi screamed. At this time, as the first wave of soldiers was killed by the defensive tower, the second wave of soldiers was just controlled by Jianhao.

Anne is a long-range hero. Besides the fact that it is not good to control hatred when it is just on the line, now Sun Yao has been able to grasp the distance of the hatred of the soldiers. It is quite subtle. After a flat a, it takes a few steps, not too many, just right. The hatred of the little soldier did not cause excessive damage to himself.

And his q, but did not dare to shoot freely, lest this Jianhao seized the gap and came to the previous set.

So now Sun Yao is either passive or dizzy, or... sitting at level 3, as long as he reaches level 3, after learning e-sports rebound damage, it is not a virtual sword, and there is a igniting situation. How do you know what to do.

In the field, no one made a sound, and all of them were concentrating on each operation of the two people. Because of the eye-catching operation of Jianhao Level 1, they all looked forward to it, so now even the knife is added. Actions can dial their heartstrings.

"The timing is almost..."

Ye Che said to himself, because at this time, the third wave of small soldiers, each entered the field!

And Anne, also thrown a "fragmented fire" against a **** soldier.

However, Anne’s distance from Jianhao was a little far away. Jianhao wanted to be close to just a second, and Anne’s q was cooled down.

But despite this, Jianhao is still moving!

“斩钢flash! Before stepping on the front step, step forward!”

Ye Che controlled the Jian Hao, first a q skill, stabbed the small soldier, and then shifted three times in a row, directly to Anne, face her, and then, the general attack!

Jianhao Zhonglu is on the line against the enemy. When you want to play, remember to remember the small soldiers first, then fight again, because of this...

"court death!"

Sun Yao flashed his killing in his eyes. He didn't think that this sword can beat himself.

"General attack, burning!"


Sun Yao Xianpu attacked the shield of Jianhao, and then a large flame flocked to Jianhao's body. Suddenly, Jianhao's blood volume dropped by a quarter.

But Anne's blood volume, from three times of general attack, also fell to half of the blood volume.

However, Sun Yao did not panic, because his fire girl's passive, already full, the next skill, will be dizzy!


Another singular attack of Jian Hao came out, and at the same time he stabbed a smashing steel, whirlwind, appeared on the sword of Jianhao.

The next shot will have a flying effect!


It was a flat a, falling on Annie, and the attack of Anne and Xiaobing also hit Jianhao.

Finally, Anne's q has cooled down, with a hot flame, shot at the sword.

"Give me a dizzy!"

Sun Yao gave a low voice.

But just when the "fragmented fire" just came out, Jianhao turned around, e skills to the small soldiers, extended the time when Annie q skills fell on the body, just this delay, Jian Hao q skills "斩钢flash", ok! ! !

Suddenly, the long sword flipped, Hasaac!



Two strange sounds rang synchronously, Jianhao, dizzy by the fire girl, but the fire girl, but was picked by the whirlwind of Jianhao.

"My God, both of them are charged at the same time!?"

"Good... so handsome!"

"I thought that Jianhao had to lose money to his family. Once he was dizzy, he would definitely be chased by the fire girl."

"This whirlwind is so good, so exquisite!"

The soldiers were amazed.

However, Sun Yao only felt that some of his heart was uncomfortable. Now these two waves are down. It seems that the scene is not what he thought. He suddenly turned black and did not intend to chase.

Anyway, because of this wave, the blood bottle can not be saved, but he has two blood bottles!

However, he wants to retire, Ye Che does not agree.

Because until this time, Jianhao did not e Annie!

"call out!"

"Step forward, continue!"

At this time, Jian Hao's blood, one-third of the blood, drinking a blood bottle, and the fire woman's blood, there is also a third, drinking a blood bottle.

But the fire girl, holding the ignition in her hand!

But just the wave of swordsman is dominant, because when the game was started, Jianhao was almost full of blood, but the fire girl was consumed because of the first wave, and the blood volume was only restored to three-quarters, which is less than four points. The amount of blood.

This amount of blood, almost a hundred points, is equivalent to a ignited!

Ye Che dare to fight, because of the "step before the smashing" damage, has not played against Annie!


With two displacements, Jian Hao rushed to Anne again.

"Not good! This kid wants to change his head!!"

Sun Yao responded, and his heart was shocked. He thought that Jianhao was going to change his head and then rely on the transmission to play the advantage!

Jianhao didn't pass him, he knew it, so he wanted to retire at this time, and he wouldn't let Ye Che get it.

However, Ye Che’s killing has been decided. With the two displacements, “stepping forward” has already fallen on Annie.


"The trough, this is to kill alone!?"

"What the hell, how can Sun Yao be beaten so bad!!!"

Seeing this scene, everyone’s eyes are smashed.

Killing the team, Sun Lao, and Xiao Qing's gaze, also staring at the two people in the picture, holding their breath.


A sound like a sharp edge cut through the body, from Annie's body sounded, in an instant, one-third of Anne's blood volume became a state of death, and Jian Hao had at most one more attack, and Anne was going to die.


Sun Yao was gnashing his teeth, and his face was gloomy and pressed out. At the same time, he looked at his q skills and said, "Damn, fast, fast!"

His q skills, and less than 2 seconds.


With a golden light, Jian Hao flashed with Annie.


Sun Yao controls Annie, who is trying to walk away from the flash of the sword, but now the sword and the flash are almost synchronized to reach their body.

"Flash q... Hey... this kid, really is not this segmentation!!!"

Sun Yao looked at the skill that Jianhao used, and the heart suddenly tightened.

However, Jianhao’s “Shugang Flash” hit Annie, but Anne’s q skills finally cooled down.

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