League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 847: Jian Hao, in and out

"Take the sword, two bottles of red medicine, real eyes... very normal, but buy a red crystal, what is this going to be?"

Sun Yao flashed a trace of doubt in his eyes, a red crystal full of 4oo gold coins, for his words, how good to buy a fighting glove. Gossip Chinese website W√wW. 81zW. CoM

But no doubt how long, he re-started the preoccupation of the line.

Now his Annie has reached level 3, and the words of standing are not worthy of the sword, and the degree of passive vertigo is also very fast, so after seeing Jianhao on the line, he is not afraid, but a normal look. Start filling the knife.

Of course, the most important reason for his vain is that Zhao Xin has already been in the upper left corner of the sword, and the cat is ready to wait for the sword to e.

And Ye Che just arrived at the line at this time, and did not immediately go to the line, but went to the right side, and soon in the grass of the river, inserted a real eye, while looking at the newly refreshed f4 Said to the wild: "Monkey, f4 left to me, don't kill."


The monkey nodded and immediately responded. He thought that f4 Jianhao would kill.

Seeing that the monkey left f4 and the right eye was done again, Ye Che began to line up, but his position was always on the right side of the eye, so it was easy to evacuate at any time.

Moreover, this outfit of Jianhao is not as peaceful as everyone thinks. Once on the line, Jianhao first accumulates a layer of “斩钢闪”, and the body immediately rushes over to Anne.

"This sword is really violent, and this will be added to the two soldiers."

Some people said with a bit of swearing, after all, although Jian Hao took a blood, but the outfit was greatly slowed down by a red crystal, it is leading a sword, in this case the fire woman is still not empty.

Sure enough, Jian Hao’s body just rushed to Anne, and a common attack and “fragmented fire” went straight to the face of Jian Hao.

Sun Yao knows that his "fragmented fire" is not lost, otherwise the sword will not open the wall.

However, it doesn't matter if you open the wind wall. You can penetrate the wind wall, plus the accumulated passiveness, then open an e, and the dizziness will be fine.

"Zhao Xin!"

Sun Yao coldly shouted.


Zhao Xin immediately responded, while carrying a long gun, rushed out from the barrier behind the left side of Jianhao.

"Haha, what I saw next is Zhao Xin!"

Suddenly there was some gloating.

And the moment that Zhao Xin came out, Ye Che saw it, but the wind wall blocked the fire of the fire girl, but the "burning" that followed, dazzled his swordsman. In situ.

"Let you be fierce!"

Sun Yao's eyes flashed with fierce light. After dizzying Jian Hao, he was not flat, but was approaching Jian Hao straight, so that after Jian Hao was awake, he would maximize his ability to release his skills.

"Zhao Xin?"

Ye Che's words, this Zhao Xin's appearance in his expectation, after all, he did not flash at this time, the opposite fire woman is Sun Yao, it is strange to not catch.

Only Ye Che did not expect that he just wanted to get close to the fire woman to consume a wave, this Zhao Xin came out.

"Too rush..."

Ye Che snorted, at this time he was still full of blood, was stunned by a fire woman's "burning" shield, the most important thing is a red crystal, more than 15o of life, it is difficult to die.

"Maybe, there is a little extra gain."

Ye Che smiled slightly, and when the stun time passed, he immediately turned around and returned to e.

In an instant, I was in contact with Zhao Xin.

Although Zhao Xin is only platinum, he also understands that when he can contact the enemy, it is best to connect the q directly, so that if the enemy has displacement or flash, he can pick up e.

Only Jian Hao is directly detailing his face, and then an e wears behind him, his "fearless charge" suddenly could not keep.

Flat a, the first heavy q!

Then, fearless charge!

In an instant, under the gaze of everyone, Ye Che was directly injured by a set of red buffs, killing a third of the blood.

If there is no red crystal, I am afraid that half of the blood is gone.

And this is not over, with Zhao Xin's third heavy q skill touch, Jian Hao was picked up.

At the same time, it also entered the fire a woman's flat a range.


Zhao Xin clung to Jianhao and began to level a. Jianhao’s blood volume has dropped by half under the continuous attack of long guns.

"This wave of catching, the advantage of this sword Hao blood will be spit out, but also to be beaten by the fire woman."

Someone shook his head and sighed, and then his eyes fell on the wild monkeys on the side of Ye Che. Now the monkey is doing a wave of useless gank on the road.

"This monkey is also amused. In the middle of the road, Anne did not flash and couldn't come. It would be a flash on the way."

There were also some soldiers who dropped the pot on the monkey.

However, these are now irrelevant to Ye Che. When the blood volume was beaten by Zhao Xin and Annie by three-fifths, Ye Che finally got close to the barrier of f4.

Jewelry eyes, step forward!

"call out!"

Zhao Xin only felt that the figure in front of him was shaking, and Jian Hao, who was about to die, actually fell into the darkness.

"Hey, where to run!"

Zhao Xin didn't want to, and immediately followed the flash. However, just as he flashed over the wall, he suddenly saw a person next to him.

"This... Jianhao!??? What happened? Didn’t he go through the wall e to the f4?"

Zhao Xin’s brain hasn’t reacted for a moment, but he’s too late to wave, and he’s passed by Jian Hao.

At this time, Zhao Xin flashed directly across the wall, but after crossing the wall, Zhao Xin was dumbfounded, f4 was empty, only four lonely, snowy wild monsters, facing him in a round.

He suddenly knew that he had lost the chance to kill Ye Che.

"The trough, this... This operation brightens my eyes, e goes in, then e comes out!?"

"It’s just a ghost, this pair of wild monsters, who can tell me how to do this!!?"

Many of the soldiers who had just arrived in Platinum saw this scene as a horror. They had seen the swordsman who entered the f4 area, but they never came back to see e and can e, because the difficulty is real. Too high and too high.

The people who killed the squad saw this scene and could not help but face each other.

"诛魔...this... can you do that?"

"Difficult, extremely difficult... I believe that you all know that Jianhao can open the front step when he is facing the enemy. It can be directly e to the enemy behind a long distance. This is easy to do, as long as the wild monsters practice hard, I can rely on this mechanism to go through the wall, but just the moment that the sword **** is on the wild monster has attracted the hatred of the wild monsters, they all move up, and it is difficult to think about e. It is the two small monsters against the wall of f4. Because of their small size, they move away from the wall very quickly when moving. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the posture and then come back. This is not only about the hand, but also There is psychological calmness, the familiarity of Jianhao skills and the absolute confidence in yourself. The most important point is that few Jianhao can think of such a skill, which is to use the wild monster to the extreme!"

The devil's gaze is complicated, and there is one of the most critical points. He did not say that it is a pre-judgment.

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