League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 850: Crit, crit, crit

He is now, since he and the sword-ho are on the line, all the guesses, so the judgment, almost all wrong. Bayi Chinese Network Ww ★ W.く81zW. CoM

In this case, there is only one possibility, that is, the strength of this swordsman is indeed stronger than him!

"Playing wave ki11!"

A double-killing reminder sounded, Zhao Xin's equipment was really bad, and he had finished all the skills. He just chased the swordsman's wind and water and waited for the e-skill to cool down.

However, after Jian Hao introduced Anne's fire bear to the tower and immediately killed it, Zhao Xin was forced to die under his own tower by the ice hammer.

"It won't work like this!"

Thinking, Sun Yao sighed in vain: "Come on the group!"

"Okay, come here!"


Sun Yao’s teammates should be on the road.

If you play the group, the fire girl's role at this time is much larger than that of Jianhao. With Anne's equipment of the level of the knife, it is completely capable of second person.

As long as one second falls, it is 5 hits 4!

For a time, the purple side began to gather in the middle.

When Sun Yao’s Annie was resurrected, she bought a real eye directly. After she came to the middle road, she inserted it, lest the monkeys come over and cooperate with Jianhao.

"Hey, what about Jianhao?"

Sun Yaoyi, now among the four enemies, there is no figure of Jianhao, his eyes are flowing, but the figure of Jianhao is now on the way.

"This guy is still continuing to learn alone..."

Sun Yao's face sank, he did not forget, this Jianhao is transmitted, and when he will fight, he will soon be able to rush to the battlefield.

"When I will play, I will start first, but don't go up. I will retreat after a second, then adjust and then advance, understand?!"

Sun Yao did this, but did not want to give Ye Chu's sword to the opportunity.

"Ye ok!"

"no problem!"

Several teammates responded immediately.

However, the four people in the blue side also know that there are few swordsmen in their own hands, so they are very insignificant. After more than two minutes of hard life, Sun Yaocai found the opportunity, one side around the big, and lived on the side of Ye Che. nice.

"The fire of breaking, burning!"

Immediately after two more skills, Naomi will be seconds.

While the purple party is still too late to be happy, a voice rang from the summoner's canyon.

"yourtoerhasbeeoryed! Our defensive tower has been destroyed!"

"This guy……"

Sun Yao’s eyes fell on the tower of his own road. There is only one ruin left, and Jianhao is still in the deep.


Sun Yao’s eyes sank and he went straight.

However, just as they planned to evacuate from the Blue Tower, a golden light suddenly appeared, and the blue side of the single weapon with a "counterstorm storm" flashed over.

At the same moment, a monkey with a big stick and armor in one hand rushed into the purple camp.


On the side of a fake eye, there was a whirlwind, and the swordsman delivered!

"Fire the woman, the rest do not care, lost the backbone, they will not be defeated!"

Ye Che is faint, and I don’t think I can beat it because I have lost one.

The revision of the heroic fantasy world is not long. The transmission now takes only 3.5 seconds. Anne just woke up from the dizziness of the weapon, and a swordsman has slowly fallen from the air.

"Distribute, spread out!!!"

Sun Yao’s eyes widened and he was busy.

He was indeed flashed by weapons, and the monkey flashed the output. The scene was stunned. Platinum ii, when was so decisive, no one was behind him, he didn’t believe it.

"Da da da……"

The purple side of the adc and others, do not need Sun Yao said, just awake from the dizziness, they will quickly spread.

And Zhao Xin was a long shot, and opened a big move "new moon sweep", both weapons and monkeys were swept away.

But the monkey drove e and rushed back, and at the same time, started the big move!

The group battle suddenly became chaotic, and some could not tell who was who.

However, for an assassin in the middle, the enemy's crispy adc and medium singles are so conspicuous.

"Boom! Ah hahahaha!"

In the monkey's mouth, a smirk of laughter suddenly sounded, and the long stick began to turn wildly. Zhao Xin and the fire girl were all shot and flew up.

However, the monkey's big move was a little faster. When Jian Hao just entered the scope of the big move, Anne, who had ascended to heaven, had already fallen underground.

Even so, Anne's blood volume is only one-third, so Ye Che does not need to know that he is dead.


Jian Hao first confronted the small soldier in front of him, q remembered, and then began to rush to the enemy adnetbsp; "Before stepping on the front step forward!"

Relying on the small soldier and the enemy's body as a displacement, Jian Hao came to Lu Xi'an's side without a foot.

At this moment, Ye Che did not make a whirlwind, but it was quite ordinary to attack Lu Xi'an, "噗", a frost formed from Lu Xi'an, he was seriously reduced.

Then, a khaki circle fell on Jianhao.

Lu Xi'an's auxiliary astral tour of the gods opened a weakness to Jian Hao.

But the weak reduction is only 3o, while the ice hammer is 4o reduction. Although the weakness lasts longer, the original movement of Jianhao is higher than Lu Xi'an, so the hard life is weak, and the face is once again throwing a sword.

I have to say that the quality of Lu Xi'an is still very good. In this case, there is still no displacement.

"Do not pay?"

Ye Che smiled coldly, and there was no urgency at all. After the wind wall blocked the purple-assisted star constraint, no matter what skills were put, I would pick up the flat a Lu Xi'an.

Crit, crit, crit! !

In the four general attacks, there were three crit attacks with excellent luck, and Lu Xi’an had one-third of his blood.

And Jian Hao, with ice hammer to support the blood, and under the conditions of the third level, the blood volume has only dropped by one-fifth.

After all, Lucian’s mind is mostly placed on the whirlwind of the sword.

"Don't play with you!"

Ye Che sees Lu Xi'an's blood volume, can be closed, "step forward!"


This embarrassing, sly squatting on Lucian.

"call out!"

Lucian was shocked and immediately made the same mistake as Sun Yao before, thinking that Jianhao would directly eq.

But the moment of displacement, but now the Jianhao is just a simple e. Suddenly, others are still in the air, and the whirlwind of the sword's reaction to the extreme has fallen at the end of his displacement.


This whirlwind, actually touched the crit, Lu Xi'an even the treatment was too late to open, and was suppressed by the sudden IQ, to give up his life.

After receiving a head, Ye Che continued to kill the group of war fighters.

This group battle is confusing for others. With Ye Che, there is a feeling that a child has a family. After all, it is about platinum.

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