League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 857: Level 3 warfare

The water scorpion snorted and could only be used for one or two?

Immediately, her eyes fell on the body of Xiong Long, but in a flash, her gaze changed, because she is now from Xiong Long, faintly conveyed a very heart-warming atmosphere. Gossip one ★ Chinese network Ww√Wく. ★8く1★zくWく. √CoM★

"This bear dragon... advanced, platinum i!?"

The water scorpion sinks into the bottom of his heart and only feels a little cold.

Originally, when the bear dragon was in Platinum II, it could resist the attack of a little v demons. Now it reaches Platinum i, I am afraid that it can be used for a short time and the v demons.

Although I can fight more and more, this bear dragon is also a metamorphosis, and the segment is still above itself!

This scene is not only the feeling of the water, but Wu Heng and others naturally feel it, and it is even harder to look at each other.

"Hey, who is this?"

The solution was for the soldiers to lick their ears and said lazily.

Wu Heng snorted and did not make an interface.

When the solution was a cold smile, he said: "Do not talk nonsense, let the kid who is lacking in the kid and mouth come out."

"What is the urgency, the time will come, naturally will come!"

Wu Heng said calmly, but at the bottom of his heart, he was completely unfinished.

"Yes? It is better!"

The solution was said to be a soldier, and he found a quick reef and sat down.


At the same time, it is a hundred miles away from Crab Island.


The air trembles, the cracked and bursting air is sprayed everywhere, and a figure is flying toward the Crab Island.

At this time, it is already around 10 in the morning.

After waiting for nearly two hours, many of the soldiers were more anxious and angry.

"What is the official 7 team, the people who recruited are so timid as the mouse, before it was not awkward to die, but also bet the heart of the sea devil, today is not a face to dare to reveal, is a joke!" Some people screamed in a low voice It is.

"Let's go, it's almost noon, labor and even the devil have not killed, in order to see the result, and the kid and the chick have not appeared now, it must be deliberately not coming, it is time to delay labor, coward, spicy Chicken!!!"

In the original three circles and three laps, many of the large number of viewers around have begun to curse and plan to leave.

The solution is not urgent, and the 7 teams are more dissatisfied with the surrounding soldiers, the more cool he is.

He believes that the 7 team recruited a number of information about the teammates of the untrustworthy mouse, and will soon be released.

But after waiting for another ten minutes, I saw that the soldiers were really planning to leave. The soldiers were not going to wait for it, so they made a sigh of anger and said: "Wu Heng! You deliberately took me to open, two Hours, people?!!!"

Wu Heng’s face was cloudy and uncertain. Then he turned his head and looked at the water. He whispered: “You have to deal with it, otherwise our face of the Lanton 7 team will be thrown away by the two guys. It!"

The otter shook his head, but it was: "I am afraid that it is even more embarrassing to go to the 7th team. You also feel the breath of Xiong Long. It is absolutely platinum. I am going up, maybe I can't hold it for three rounds. Then he will be defeated, when will it be..."

Said here, the water babies believe that Wu Heng also understand.

It seems that I saw the entanglement on Wu Heng’s face. The solution was that the military was in a hurry. “The team leader seems to be very embarrassed. Otherwise, you only have to fulfill the promise and hand over 2o sea magic hearts. I am not too distressed. You are, anyway, they will lose if they come or not."


Hearing here, thousands of soldiers around him screamed, naturally, all went to Wu Heng.

Because they are now, Wu Heng seems to have this kind of intentional color.

At this time, there was a buzzing sound around the crowd.

At the same time, a faint voice came over. "Under the deputy captain, as long as you hand over 2o pieces of sea magic, I am not embarrassed, anyway, you are losing!"

"I am going, who is so loud!?"

Everyone looked at the direction of the conversation and saw a young man with a good face, who was holding a sister paper and slowly came in.


Xiong Long’s eyes opened and fell straight on Ye Che.

"This kid really didn't let me down!"

Wu Heng is overjoyed. Regardless of whether Ye Che and Xiao Qing’s warrior ranks have been Xiong Long, as long as they are not deserted, their Lanton 7 team’s face will not be much damaged.

However, I noticed in an instant that Ye Che was actually standing and walking, his body was actually good! ! ! ?

"Kid, you are a big shelf, actually let us so many people, waiting for you for more than two hours!"

Solution for the soldiers, cold channel.

He and other people naturally noticed the physical state of Ye Che, but now it is not the time to be surprised.

"Someone can continue to wait."

Ye Che is not salty and not a light back.

"Oh, talk nonsense, war soldiers, show it!"

Jie Bing did not want to fight with a new soldier, and immediately entered the topic.

"You first, I am afraid that he will have no chance to show it when he comes out."

Ye Che’s words fell, and instantly attracted the surrounding soldiers.

"This kid is too loaded, and he still has no chance to show his bear dragon. Is he funny?!"

"Spoke face and fat man..."

Many soldiers pointed to Ye Che.

The solution was a cold scream, and then nodded to Xiong Long.

In the eyes of Xiong Long, there was a glimpse of a sneer, and then he extended the arms of the big fan, and slowly slammed the soldiers out of his arms.

"this is……"

Many soldiers suddenly opened their eyes.

"The 5th-level warrior order is very powerful. In just three days, it will be upgraded from level 3 to level 2!"

"That kid lost, the 5th-level warrior ordered another level, but the war will make many warriors come to the chaos battlefield, and four or five years may not have the warfare!"

Looking at the number 5 shown on the soldier's command in the hands of Xiong Long, everyone was amazed.

"Wu Heng, willing to gamble and lose, the heart of the sea devil, bring it!"

The solution was a smile, and his eyes fell on Wu Heng’s face. Apparently, he felt that Xiong Long had won.

From the 3rd level to the 5th level, only three days to complete, this is not an ordinary genius can be completed!

"The 5th-level warrior order... this bear dragon..."

Wu Heng’s eyes flashed a bit of dignity. Although he knew that he was promoted to a 5th-level warrior, he would definitely not know the help of the soldiers and others. But with the help, Xiong Long’s martial arts will be divided equally with them, and he wants to reach level 5 Soldiers, certainly with the strength of Xiong Long itself, are inseparable.

"Under the deputy captain, what are you worried about? I don't know my war order. Compared with Xionglong, is it better?"

Ye Che's mouth twitched, then the palm turned over, a golden token, printed into everyone's eyes.

"What, the 3rd-level warrior order... and the Xionglong's 5th-level warrior order, a difference of two, etc..."

Someone has not finished the level of a level, suddenly stopped the words, and his eyes, I do not know when, the boss has long been drumming.

I saw this in the sun, faintly scattered in the golden mang of the war, there is a "will" word, is a dazzling atmosphere.

This is... Level 3 war will make! ! !

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