League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 865: Breakthrough, Platinum I

Ps: Please accept the feeling that San Guan was destroyed, hhhh, ask for a wave of support, the main dish of the protagonist is finally coming!


The three statues are all very stalwart, and even if they are vacant, they dare not pass them. Bayi Chinese Network WくwくW. 81zW. CoM

The statue on the left, the whole body is blue, like a crystal blue crystal structure, like the world's most embarrassing gem body, it holds a trident, eyes are not scattered, it is the tide sea spirit, Fitz!

The hero statue on the right is a majestic woman, full of golden, holding a huge gold shield and a golden sword, full of awe, this is the goddess of dawn, Leona!

In the middle of the 800-meter-high hero statue, he has an extremely slender body. He has a pair of guns and a silent face, but his eyes are strangely closed.

This is, Holy Gun Ranger, Lucian!

Many of the old men who crouched on the ground stepped forward toward the heroic gods. They were solemn and solemn. Everyone was sincere and saw blood on their foreheads.

They worshiped and gave the greatest respect to the hero statue, and at the same time offered sacrifices, everyone prayed and looked very solemn.

Are the heroes who gave the power of the human ranks dead? No one can really say it.

However, the ability to borrow their power is true!

Everyone is bowing, and there is a voice in his mouth, which is similar to Zen singing. He requests this trip to the Holy Forest to give help to the geniuses of the Devil City.

If you look carefully, you can see that the Pang leader who tested the 3rd-level warfare at Ye Che was also in it!

At this time, the heroes of the three heroes were in front of them, and they smashed their hands behind their backs, and their eyes fell on the top 20 young people of the hundreds of thousands of people.

These 20 young people, ranging from Platinum to Diamond II, are the best of the more than 100,000 people. They represent the Devil City and go to Shenglin!

"The chaos of the demon city is the first line of defense in the sea of ​​magic, and the last line of defense. Everyone who fights the nine, the strongest king of the gods, has such an amazing number of strong and the first honor, you know why? ?"

The horrible sound of the treacherous, resounding in the air, the clouds in the sky, trembled with this voice.

Before the chaos, all the people in the chaos of the gods were devoutly crouching, and behind them, standing still nine tall figures, these nine people, wrapped in the cloak, full of horror around the body The true fluctuations.

They are nine people, and the ranks have reached the masters!

Jiu Dafan masters peak! It is also the leader of the chaotic family!

The chaos of the Devil City is undoubtedly the first force in the Devil's Sea, but they are not without rivals.

His opponent comes from the other level of power in the magical sea area, the magic are!

The devils occupy the second place in the boss glory hall, which is okay, but the devil also has a full three heroes!

Although there are only seven, but the ultimate power of the strongest king exists!

The two forces represent the ultimate level of power in the chaotic sea. Their competition and battle have never stopped, but in the case of the devil, their battles are in glory and face!

At this point, after a slap in the face, I continued to say: "Why, because four hundred years ago and three hundred years ago, "Sheng Lin" has also been opened! The sea spirits of the sea **** of Chaoshan, dawn The goddess of the big day world, the holy heroes of the Holy Ghost of the Holy Ghost, are all alternative "Sheng Lin", these three, after our ancestors spent a huge price, finally succeeded in trial, and got the ultimate reward, heroes It is precisely because of this that we are in a state of chaos, and it is extremely fast, and it is incomparable to rise!"

In a chaotic way, the audience was excited by the presence of hundreds of thousands of Junjies.

At this time, in contrast to the Chaos Devil City, in a lacquered black suspended building, a figure covered in a black robe, quietly suspended, under him, there are also countless young and handsome young people, 跪Fu, his voice is a little hoarse: "This time, your opponent has only one, that is the chaos of the magic city! Shenglin test, where and more than ii can not enter, so this is your chance, as long as we are magic Get a heroic **** again and become the first in the sea of ​​chaos, just around the corner!!!"

"Swear to die!"


The children of more than ten thousand magical capitals are in unison.

Its voice has reverberated in this vacant demon for a long time, causing countless roars.

And in the entire magical sea area, because the Holy Forest came out and began to boil, the city of Titan, in a separate room, Ye Che slowly took off the British soul helmet.

In the eyes of it, it seems that there are white awns.

"It took a total of thirteen sea magic hearts, and finally managed to advance to Platinum i!"

Ye Che sighed with a sigh of relief, and there was a glimmer of joy in his eyes.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered when it was still black iron.

"In a blink of an eye, it has been half a year since I came to the world..."

Ye Che gently sighed, pushed open the window, the crowds of various colors under the window, the soldiers carrying the big sword, the wizard holding the staff, made Ye Che a little bit of time.

But soon, a feeling of enthusiasm emerged from his body.

"Transmutation... started?"

Ye Che whispered, the next second, only heard a terrible explosion in his body, with the beginning of the promotion of Platinum i, a surge of power came from his chest, like a thick platinum giant, From the bones of Ye Che’s chest, break out!

The sternum of Huang Jinze has finally begun to change. They are like a long drought and a shower, and the moment that emerges, all the leaves of Ye Che are shining.

The body's force, like the heavy liquid white gold in the body of mercury, is swallowed into the bones of Ye Che's bones, and even in the skin.


Ye Che's body, cracked.

However, this time, there was no blood spattered, but the bones and blood of the muscles were all white gold. All his flesh and blood, inside the bones, seemed to be branded with sparkling stars, shining!

The light of these white gold stars is profound and profound. After Ye Che, they are intertwined into a splendid galaxy, such as a silver waterfall.

Platinum i, which means that all the bones of Ye Che are platinum, except for the skull, there will be no more weakness!

More and more powerful forces are emerging in Ye Che, which is a near-perfect state. Now Ye Che is twice as powerful as before!

Under the force of the crazy position, Ye Che's body began to slowly and automatically, and the whole body was emitting platinum light, just like a big day.

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