League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 867: Level, 0? ? ?

"so many people!?"

Ye Che is slightly stunned, apparently did not expect Shenglin to open, will attract so many people. Bayi Chinese Network WwくW. 81zW. CoM

These people are full of breath, no one is weak!

"God, the ancient tree with a diameter of several hundred kilometers, Manima has long seen it!"

"This volume has definitely been deified, and this kind of experiment is really worthy of the name!!!"

"I just don't know when Shenglin is open, really anxious!"

A close to the slightly swirling vortex, Ye Che heard a variety of words.

Sweeping away, I saw that many people are in groups, mostly tens of hundreds of people, obviously a force.

Only these people, although many look at the old trees anxiously, but still have a lot of eyes calm, like water, obviously quite patient.

Soon, the third day has arrived, and the Holy Forest test, which will open today.

Only Ye Che knows, but those people don't know that many people have been waiting for three days and have already become quite dissatisfied.

"Mom egg, labor and money have been drinking for three days of the northwest wind, this stuff does not open in the end!?"

"Wait, otherwise I will lose some of the first time, and my family leader said that the advantages of advanced will increase!"

Complaints and comforts have been echoing in Ye Er’s ear.

Ye Che did not care, anyway, the Shenglin experiment was opened today, so he is not in a hurry!

At this time, in the distant sea, suddenly there were more than a dozen "sounding" sounds, and this "sounding" sounded through the heavens and the earth, as if there was a roar when the giant beast was awake.

Hundreds of millions of people were present, and when they turned around, they saw more than a dozen ships of more than 3,000 meters in length, and they came slowly.

Every ship has a big character of dragon and phoenix dance, chaos!

Many people swallowed swallows in an instant, and their eyes showed the color of reverence and fear.

"The chaotic clan has finally arrived... a big hand, 17 enhanced version of the Frost Warship, how much is worth it!"

"Every warship has at least 10,000 people. These seventeen, chaotic clans have at least 170,000 people. This Nima test is absolutely necessary!"

Numerous people have been talking about it.

Those who were in front of the chaotic warships gave way and allowed the enhanced version of the Frostship to get closer.

When everyone was shocked by the arrival of the chaotic clan, there was another whistle in the distance. Then, more than a dozen giant ships like abyss monsters also drove over.

"The devil is here too!"

"How are all coming today? Could it be that today is the day when Shenglin is open? But how do they know?"

"Crap, the means of this top power is amazing, plus the ancestors have been there, know what the opening time is!?"

Listening to these arguments, Ye Che’s eyes are sweeping through countless people. These people of all shapes and sizes are all the people of the sea of ​​magic!

Today, they are gathered here. They are enemies and some are allies, but they have only one goal, and that is trial.

"Oh, it’s really lively, there are so many young people."

Suddenly, a subtle tornado suddenly appeared in the sky, turning into a ladder of wind.

A rich-aged middle-aged woman with a bright tooth, dressed in a robes, followed by a beautiful woman with a swaying sway, step by step from the wind ladder.

Every time she took a step, the winds around her were shaking.

The following days of pride, suddenly looked up at the people.

"The Lord of the Storm Palace!?"

Many people exclaimed.

The palace owner of this storm palace, who is the anger of the storm, is a master!

There have been countless killings, fierce names!

It’s just that in recent decades, I’ve been living in a simple place. This time, she also came to the elite of the palace.

Then there is more and more lively here, the top forces of the various heroes, the arrogance of the Promise of the Holy Land, the evangelists of the Qitian Great Holy Land... One of the forces that dominated the world in the sea of ​​chaos, has come to the scene.

After all, what the final test can get, for them, is too important!

“Is this the top force in Asia?”

Ye Che said to himself that the children of these forces, outside the battlefield, are capable of fighting more and more.

Only the next second, Ye Che's eyes, and the hot light, the more these people come, the greater the temptation of Shenglin, the help of Xiaoqing, will not be weaker than these top forces! !

Soon, with the continuation of the top forces of all parties, the ancient trees have also undergone a change, and they have been lingering on the suffocating atmosphere, and began to distort with the waves.

Then, in that level of vortex, there are innumerable glaucoma, and there are various ghosts of various strangers, which flash at very fast frequencies.

"this is……"

Ye Che’s heart is moving, and he is aware of the power of his true power. It seems that there is an inexplicable world that wants to squeeze into the world where they are now!

"Is it holy, finally to open!"

Lin Ming slightly shocked his own words.

"Bingo, wait for the vortex to enter directly!"

Xiaoqing smiled with a smile on his face.

However, when the voice fell, she seemed to think of something, and quickly said: "I remember to add my friend after entering, id sister, I am Xiaoqing, and remember to choose a career after entering!"

"What add friends, what career!"

Ye Che was confused by Xiao Qing and was trying to ask what was going on. With a roar, the Shenglin experiment finally opened.

At the very center of the vortex, there was a dark crack in the beginning.

Immediately, the cracks are constantly expanding like the tides, and there are various flashes of light in a strange darkness.

The cracks expanded rapidly, and finally covered the sky, there are countless ancient runes, carrying the power of the wind and thunder volcano, the appearance of heavy and floating.

Everyone was shocked and excited, and the trials of countless people were finally started.

The whirlpool rolled for 500 kilometers. With the appearance of vortex cracks, thousands of people cheered, and the chaos and the demons took the lead, and then everyone rushed toward the crack.

Ye Che did not dare to hesitate, with Xiaoqing, the first time rushed to the inside, the two are as invisible as the dust in front of the mountain, they are so immersed in the whirlpool among thousands of people, no excitement Even a little bit of water.

In the madness of human beings, such as ants, when they rush into the vortex cracks, hundreds of them have the strength of diamond ii diamonds, and the level of demons with IQ is not rushed into it.

However, it does not seem to attract anyone's attention.

"Remember! Don't choose a career!"

At the last moment of the vortex crack, Ye Che faintly heard the sound of Xiaoqing's thin mosquitoes.

When Ye Che was still frowning, she only felt that the surrounding area was dark. At this moment, he seemed to have no sense at all, and it was terrible.

The crowds that entered the vortex cracks were all gone.

At this moment, an indifferent voice was introduced into Ye Xue’s mind.

"Welcome, St. Lin's World!"

"Identity scanning..."

"Scan is successful, identity: Terran!"

"Level: o!"

"Please choose a career: warrior, mage, assassin, tank, shooter, assistant!"

Hearing the words of this voice, Ye Che was completely stunned.

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