League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 878: Attack power 400+

The black wind is high, and all the places in the Holy Forest are full of horrible roars and shadows. Gossip Chinese website W√wW. 81zW. CoM

Now that the world of Shenglin has just been opened for less than ten hours, no one dares to go deep into such a region. Otherwise, if you encounter any demon, it is your platinum or diamond, and the result is only the second kill!

But now, there is a young man with a calm expression, such as walking in his backyard, walking in the holy forest of the night.


A snoring that is not like human beings, came from the left side of Ye Che, and at the same time there was a dark figure that went straight to the leaf.

Ye Che's muscles are slightly tight, and the back arm is stroked.


A sharp sound of the bones rang, and a bright 98 flew from the top of the black figure.

"Level 3 demons, 24o points of blood..."

Ye Che screamed, his eyes condensed, and began to wave his short sword.

The blood is flying, and it is eager to float on the top of the 3rd-level demon.



Once and twice, the blood of this demon was directly emptied.

During the period, Ye Che was attacked once and deducted more than 3o of blood.

叮 Kill the 3rd-level big-necked beast, gain 5o points of experience, upgrade the required experience 34o1ooo, reputation value 1!

"Not bad, it's here..."

Ye Che nodded and then swept.

The big jaws here are very dense, and Ye Che took a few steps, and immediately several black shadows rushed out.

This time Ye Che concentrated his attention and began to evade while attacking.





Both of them have begun to drift over the blood volume deduction.

However, Ye Che has the assassin's shifting effect, and the movement is really fast, so it has only been attacked once until the two big jaws are killed.

叮 Kill the 3rd-level maximal beast, gain 5o points of experience, upgrade the required experience 39o1ooo, reputation value 1!

叮 Kill level 3 big jaw beast, gain experience point 5o, upgrade experience 44o1ooo, reputation value 1!

"It takes about 12 to upgrade..."

Ye Che Shen Shen, intends to continue to upgrade here, continue to deepen, Ye Che is afraid to meet the elite or lead the devil, then it is dangerous.

Anyway, according to this degree, it will not last long before it rises to level 3.

Soon... an hour later...

Congratulations to the successful upgrade of Che Shen, the current level 3!


When the prompt tone was just remembered, the fine multi-lan sword in the hands of Ye Che was just pulled back.



This **** big-necked beast immediately slammed his eyes and fell heavily.

It didn't happen to think that it would have required three swords to kill the human beings of his companions.

"The attack power instantly broke four hundred!"

Ye Che took a deep breath, his eyes showed a fiery heat, and then did not stop, continue to go deep into the Holy Forest.

This is the advantage of the high base attack, the general level 3, this time the attack power is broken, it is already top.

"call out!"

Ye Che Shi also got an increase in the case, running fast.

Along the way, countless demons of various forms appeared.

But Ye Che has only one sword, and he will do his best.





The horrible blood deduction, the eager floating in the head of the devil, nowadays countless people can not think of it or the 3rd level, or the 4th level of the demon, all support the first sword of Ye Che, and then turned into a big wave The experience value falls on Ye Che.

After passing through the location of this big-clawed beast and another 4th-level demon, Ye Che came to a land that was faint and barren.

In this area, there is silence.

There is only one piece of earthy yellow, something like a stone, and it is there.

As Ye Chegang approached, the thing suddenly trembled, and then slowly opened his eyes.


Ye Cheyi, this is the present, this thing is actually a demon.

I didn’t want to think about it, Ye Che immediately swept the sword.


A number that made Ye Che extremely shocked, floated from the head of the devil.

At the same time, its information also falls into the eyes of Ye Che.

Man Wang Zhu beast: 5 elite demons, attack power 2oo3oo, armor 2oo, blood volume 17762ooo!

"2oo more attack power..."

Ye Che's eyes are sinking, his blood volume is only about 7oo. That is to say, counting his armor resistance, Ye Che can only resist this demon about 4 to 5 times.

If the person Wang Zhu beast hits the highest attack for the second time, I am afraid that I can only resist at most 4 times.

Kill or kill! ?

Ye Che brows up.

These 5 elite demons, in general, need hundreds of 5 humans to hope to kill.

After all, with the attack power of this elite demon, you can kill any 5 humans.

Of course, according to the property of Ye Che's metamorphosis, it is an exception.

Can Ye Che want to kill this person, Wang Zhu beast, but it is not realistic at present, unless it is upgraded again.

But Ye Che did not have this patience, so he only tangled for about 1 second, and decided to shoot.

Because I can't do it, because Ye Che has already attacked the human king beast, so it has already angered Ye Ke's shot.



As the attack fell on Ye Che, Ye Xue's bloodline suddenly shrank.

Ye Che was not in a hurry, but turned around and fled to the jungle.

The human king beast began to chase after him, shaking the earth and shaking.


Ye Che's eyes were bright in the dark, and he looked at the jungle.

Finally, with a few familiar screams, Ye Che’s eyes showed a relief.

This roar is a 4th-level demon.

Sure enough, there will soon be five or six squats, blocked in front of Ye Che.

Then, suddenly attacked Ye Qi.

11,12,16 blood volume, flying fast on the top of Ye Che.

But Ye Che did not care, but continued to fly in the jungle.

Behind him, the person Wang Zhu beast roared again and again, and the value of hatred has not been eliminated for a while.

"6...7...8... enough!"

Seeing that Ye Che was to be chased by Wang Zhu beast, Ye Che’s mouth whispered, then stopped and then suddenly turned.

At this time, in front of him is the rushing person Wang Zhu beast, surrounded by eight level 4 demons around the sides.

With Ye Che's stop, the eight 4th-level demons have already slammed up.

Ye Che did not control the 8 4th-level demons, but tied his eyes to this 5th-level elite demon, the body of the king and the beast!


The man Wang Zhu beast raised his stone arm and slaped it down, and Ye Qi took a shot down. Ye Che did not retreat, but at the same time he smashed the fine multi-lan sword in his hand.



The loud noise rang, and both of them had a large amount of blood at the same time, 223, 177!

As the attack fell on Ye Che, there was still about half of the blood.

And the blood of the human king beast, but there are 15oo!

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