League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 887: Outbreak eating, the third is before 9 o'clock

"The trialer enters the Summoner's Canyon, and the Alliance Warfare opens."

"No communication with the outside world during the alliance war"

"Because the trials enter the Soraka star field, choose the difficulty of seven turns, the enemy Solaka will strengthen the treatment capacity of 1o"

"Every 10 wins, Soraka's healing ability will be increased by 1o"

"After winning sixty games, Soraka's treatment ability is additionally strengthened by 1oo, and then wins ten games. It is counted as a seven-turn copy of the customs clearance. After losing one game, the game will recalculate the winning streak and pay the prestige value to re-challenge."

“After the seven-turn copy of the customs clearance, the ultimate difficulty will be activated. During the nine-turn period, you can choose to exit the star field of Soraka or continue to challenge”

At the end of the prompt tone, then Ye Che appeared in front of more than 100 hero choices, as well as the configuration of talent runes and so on. August 1st √文网WくwW★. √81★zW√. CoM★

"It turned out to be"

Ye Che’s eyes flashed a hint of insight.

Going forward and going left, it is equivalent to the actual challenge, and to the right, it is the alliance challenge.

However, the average person will choose a very effective combat challenge.

After all, according to the present, even if it is a difficult turn, I am afraid that I have to win ten games in a row.

If you win ten games in a row to get through the customs, you can even play six or seven times.

In the case of a winning streak of 70 games, it is still difficult to win in the case of the opposite of Soraka.

Moreover, the time spent is also huge.

However, at this time, Ye Che’s heart was relieved. Since there is a coalition battle, he still has hope.

Considering that it was only the first game, Ye Che chose a wild leopard woman and planned to brush the wild while observing the strength of both sides.

"There is only one person detected that the trial will automatically match the impression projection, please assign the location of the teammate and the hero"

After Ye Che listened, he reported a few normal heroes.

"Match success in match"

As soon as the voice fell, only the sound of the cymbals was heard. Four people have been born in the spring water.

The end of Ye Che, also appeared in it.

In the first game, he did not spend much effort on Ye Che. Although the enemy's ability to assist Soraka was strengthened by 1o, Ye Che's wilderness led the way, and it took about 26 minutes to win.

"Congratulations to the first victory of Chess, you can choose to continue the challenge, or rest for ten minutes, or withdraw from the copy."

"Continue to challenge"

Ye Che is firm.

If you want to dig people from the hands of the big forces and become the first battle group in the Holy Forest world, you must have enough temptation to attract them to join their own battle groups.

Therefore, the nine-turn battle group reward, Ye Che must get the hand

There was nothing unexpected in the second game. The impressions of both sides of this game were balanced, with only Ye Che and Soraka two variables.

However, it is still impossible for Solaka to control the situation with only 1o of treatment capacity.

So in this game, Ye Che also won easily.

Then said the fourth game of the third game until the tenth game

工具 YE Yu has a few rest, so the last day of winning the 10th.

"Congratulations to the victory of the 10th League War of the Chess, and get a reward."

“叮 Congratulations on getting the perfect level dagger and getting the perfect level to attack the sword”

Ye Che took out the equipment from the parcel and saw it. The so-called perfect level is the synthetic equipment.

The rest of the levels are not synthesizable.

Perfect level dagger, attack power 1oo, perfect level attack sword, attack 22



Ye Chemo meditated twice, and suddenly his heart moved. He suddenly thought of a point. Before choosing the seven-turn difficulty, when deducting the attribute, he said that he deducted his own attributes, not the equipment attributes.

Therefore, if there is the best equipment, then it is not difficult for a person to go through seven rounds of customs clearance.

This now makes Ye Che’s heart clear, after all, she has always chosen the league to clear the customs, and it’s too pithy. It’s not enough people to win a 70-game winning streak.

"Since the equipment attributes are not deducted, then this winning streak is cool."

Ye Che’s vocal self-talk began and immediately began to match.

Soon, 15 games, 2o field, 3o field, 4o field

4o field winning streak, counting the previous day, almost spent Ye Qi nearly 3 days.

However, the gains obtained are also huge. The reward of 1 to 4 turns is enough to give Ye Che 13 pieces of perfect equipment.

"The 41st game, the single monkey, the single fire man, the adc policewoman, the auxiliary wind girl"

Ye Che reported several positions to his teammates, and all of them began to fall in the spring.

Ye Che chose a small fish field, Ye Che appeared in the spring water

By now, the nurse’s healing bonus has already reached an additional 4o.

This is exactly the same as a half-milk, adding blood to his teammates.

Just when Ye Che was in 41 games, there were nine people in a village in Shenglin. Under the horror of everyone, they began to transfer the place.

"Hey, you said how the boss is doing now, how can there be no news for three consecutive days?"

"For three days, Che Shen’s boss should be able to rise to level 7, or even level 8."

The nine people each bowed their heads and talked hotly.

They are the Li Suifeng who was brought to the 5th level by Ye Che, and the candlelight and others.

After these three days of brushing, they finally had 100,000 experience points and reached level 6.

"No matter what the gods are, let's do our own thing first, he will always contact us."

Li Suifeng sighed.

"Yes, maybe he is doing a certain task and is trapped in a special scene."

Be careful with the candlelight.

With the words of the nine people, the legend faded away, and they also entered the land of turning.

Soon, time passed again for four days. After so many days, many people have reached level 6 in 66.

After all, with the upgrade, killing the devil will not be so difficult.

The place to turn is a huge six places, of which six are standing in the city, and each city can accommodate millions of people.

The six cities are the endless cities that symbolize the warriors, the city that symbolizes the Master's destruction, the city of the blade of the Assassin, the city of guardianship, the city of Langton, the symbol of the tank, and the city of the hurricane symbolizing the archer.

The most powerful one is the endless city.

Nothing else, because the base camp of the two major forces in the sea of ​​chaos is in it.

Chaotic clan, and, the magic capital

After the chaos Yunyang and the magic light reached the 6th level, they could not help but say that both chose to enter the endless city of symbolic warriors.

Both sides have more than 100,000 people to be appointed, so the 1o point of prestige, and the 5oo reputation reputation to create a battle group limit, has long been achieved through various means.

However, there is more than one chaos in Yunjia, and the devil is more than one magic.

Therefore, a chaotic home, there have been several leaders at the same time, there have been several battle groups, so the contradiction has exploded, that is to start robbing people

This kind of robbing, finally broke out on the third day when the two sides just came to the endless city.

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