With the killing of the endless city masters, hundreds of millions of people immediately boiled. √八一中文网WくwW★. ★8く1くzW. CoM

Especially those level forces, one by one is a chicken blood, rushing to the endless city.

And Ye Che just heard this killing order, and his face changed.

Because in a blink of an eye, he clearly saw that the testers in front of him, and even the service staff of the restaurant, all had ids on their heads, but the ids were all red blood red.

This means that these people have become enemies at this moment.


Ye Che finally couldn't help but screamed. He didn't expect to have such a thing. He only killed two guards, but he led the endless city owner to order the killing.

At this time, his eyes swept away and fell on the sister paper with the middle-aged man.

This sister looked at Ye's fierce eyes and only felt that her legs were soft and her legs were faintly twitching.

She looked at Ye Che, her lips trembled violently, completely uncontrollable, and the sound was even more so.

"The deputy head of Wang Wangyan Wang Yan is now in the Valley of Death."

She said with horror.

However, Ye Che, where is the time to work, where Wang Yan is, what he wants now is that it is important to leave the city first.

This red guard is only the lowest level guard, followed by the red guard, as well as the guard captain and the law enforcement officer.

These are the eleventh, twelve, and fifteenth terrorist existences.

Although the "indigenous inhabitants" of this holy forest world, the property growth is not comparable to the trials, but Ye Che is only 6 levels, killing two or three can, if blocked by a large number, and controlled by control technology Then it is sad reminder.

When the attack is high, it is no good.

So Ye Che did not hesitate, just directly add one, and then rushed outside the restaurant.

"Booming and banging"

But just out of the door, Ye Che saw six or seventy guards, rushing from the far side of the black pressure.

The testers in the restaurant also followed the green light.

Ye Che once heard a sentence about the businessman.

When they chase something that can generate profits, if there is a profit of 1o, these merchants will ensure that it is used everywhere, there is a profit of 2o, the business people's minds are active, and there are 5o profits, these businessmen can take risks. If I reach the profit of 1oo, but dare to trample on all human laws, but there are 3oo profits, some businessmen even dare to commit any crimes, even risking

The trials of these restaurants are not businessmen.

The endless city, and even all the trials of the Holy Forest world, are not businessmen.

They are hundreds of times more horrible than businessmen, and thousands of times the power of the practitioners.

Those who dare to come to the world of Shenglin are all trying to become stronger, living and dying in the existence of nothing.

And now, there is a chance to be in front of them.

As long as you kill the gods, you can not only get the perfect gold, purple, but also prestige, prestige, and land, you can resound the entire world of the Holy Forest.

Out of the world of Shenglin, I was afraid that it would be sung by countless younger generations in the blink of an eye.

So no one wants to give up this opportunity. In their hearts, Ye Che’s “profit” for them is now as high as 1ooo.

This degree means that as long as one in ten thousand chances to kill Ye Che, they must fight for their own lives.

"Don't let him escape"

I don't know who shouted, and with a bang, hundreds of people in the restaurant all rushed out.

But both

Did not shoot Ye Che, but hung behind him.

And these people are even more anxious to recite what, Ye Che knows that these people began to call friends.

This made Lin Ming's face slowly and gloomy.

But now is not the time to stay, Ye Che's body turns, he has to rush to the distance like the wind.

"Fast, who has control skills, keep people"

"Retain him, the people of our mad war team are coming soon"

"There is also our Shadow Killing Corps."

The people who came out of the brewing floor heard it.

Immediately, the attention of everyone outside the restaurant turned around.

For a moment, I saw the bright red id on the top of Ye Che’s head.

"The trough, the clear god"

"Nima, there is control technology, throw it, don't let him escape."

Countless people are screaming.

After reaching level 6, you can transfer jobs in the city, and transfer can not improve the attributes, but can determine the specific occupation.

For example, if you selected the warrior category before, you can refine the category after you change your position. For example, you can choose Juggernaut, Weapon Master, Jian Ji and so on.

After the selection, when playing the boss in the wild and exploding to the skill book, as long as it bursts out, it will be related to the hero.

Not only that, but after the transfer, the skills of the previous study will be replaced in exchange for the current hero and an additional skill.

So at this time, these people now have at least two skills in the body, seeing Ye Che to escape, one by one, the remote skills, lost to Ye Che.

"Magic enchantment"

"Bound of Light"

"Phantom Chain"

"Hurricane whistling"

At this moment, the brilliance, the enchantress, the wind girl, the raccoon and so on, all the heroic skills, all smacked toward Ye Che.

The streets of the Endless City are instantly filled with countless skills.

Ye Che's face is blank, and no one knows what he is thinking. When he sees that these skills are going to cover him, he just swayed and shook all the way.

His move is too fast.

However, there are locked-up hero skills, Ye Che moved quickly and useless, but even if you hit Ye Che, no one dares to approach.

No one dares to try the power of gold.

They just want to delay and delay the arrival of the brigade.

At this moment, the six or seventy guards in the distance were all Ye Che, and there was a red light flashing in their eyes. It seems that some kind of information was transmitted.

"The sinner is in the direction of the gods, the endless city a district c street, please rush to the grid to kill"

"The sinner is in the direction of the gods, the endless city a district c street, please rush to the grid to kill"


Three times in a tone, echoing in the ears of the testers.

And Ye Che's ear, also came a hint.

"Attention, your location has been exposed, please leave quickly"

"Location exposure"

Ye Che's face is cold, and if the position is exposed, it is terrible, and it means that he will lead to endless pursuit.

He took a deep breath and finally did not intend to show his affection.

Because now if these roads are not dead, it is himself.

Ye Che is not a saint. Since they all want to die, it’s better to die.


Blade will skill, "blade impact

A cold light, accompanied by a bright red blood sword figure flashed away, the next second, countless blood, bloomed from the street.

In the hot sun, the blood is stained


Ye Che's figure and the golden blood-sucking sword crossed the body of countless trials, with a loss of 160,000, and a blood loss of 170,000, and the madness floated from the top of their heads.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me."

A young man with a white face shouted with fear.

Ye Che remembers that it was this person who shouted and left himself.

"Perhaps you can say that the previous actions are to strengthen, but you are standing here now, regardless of the cause, do not ask for cause and effect, do not judge righteousness, regardless of black and white when I shot, I have lost my life. Personality for you, killing me can get equipment to reward, but for me, it is for my life, to be a good person in the next life."



The twenty-eightth trial, fell

叮 Kill 6 level trials and gain experience value 5ooo, reputation value 78

Required upgrade experience 1o45811oooooo

Looking at this scene, the person who has been hanging behind Ye Che, his face violently retreats, for fear that Ye Che will extend the butcher knife to them.

Ye Che also did not care about the person behind him, he just rushed forward, along the road, who dares to block him, he will kill who, never give them a chance to drag themselves







The amount of blood forcibly deducted, from Ye Che's body, and at this moment, he has at least suffered from hundreds of attacks.

However, because the magic resistance and armor are too high, Ye Che just dropped a drop of blood.




After the release of the skills of the three leaves, the person who wanted to leave was too late to move, and he was dropped by him.

In this scene, those who want to release their skills have stopped.

Ye Che did not care about them, but rushed to the outside of the endless city.

He dare not care, because even if his blood is over 100 million, it is not invincible.

Ye Che did not forget that in the League of Legends, there is something called real damage and a percentage of blood deduction.

The chaos of the chaos and the head of the chaos, led a large number of people into the endless city

叮 阳 耀 耀 天 团 团 乱 乱 乱 云 , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Wang Yu, head of the Eternal Kingdom, led a large number of people into the endless city

The head of the annihilation dream is cold, leading a large number of people into the endless city.

The head of the devil is demon, leading a large number of people into the endless city.


A sound of the sound, this moment of rushing in Ye Che’s ear, Ye Che knows that this is reminding himself that there are a large number of people who are here or are reminding themselves that they are not controlling the age of the world.

Oh, that is, the power of the wild

The earth in the distance began to tremble, and the dust of the sky obscured people's faces. When the sun sets, they see countless people in the dust, emerging in the city of endlessness.

Ps: write awkward, this chapter 3ooo chapter, ask for all kinds of votes to kiss

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