League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 908: Endless palace

The woman's green silk fell, and the blue light on it was faintly flashing, but it has now faded to the extreme. Bayi Chinese Network WwW★.く8く1√zW. CoM

She closed her eyes as if she were suffering from pain.

Looking carefully, it turned out that her hands and feet were bound by a brown tree root. These brown trees were tied to her, and there was a golden red glow. This hot energy made her brow It has been crumpled.

This woman, just as Ye Che entered the world of Shenglin, Xiaoqing.

The vast world of the tree is silent, except for the slightly painful nightmare from Xiaoqing, the seven blue hoods are still ups and downs.

Suddenly, in one of the blue hoods, the helmet-like equipment lit up.

For a moment, the entire helmet was filled with the golden red light.


At this time, I am crying in the mountains.

Ye Che looked at the tree face in front of him and slowly disappeared. He was slightly indulged and left the 18th-level demon territory.

Regarding the tree face, Ye Chexin is half, not half.

The letter naturally feels that “Mao Kai” does not need to lie to himself. It is only a platinum in one district. What is the significance of “Mao Kai” spending so much to lie to himself.

If you don't believe it, it is because the information from Xiaoqing is too disturbing.

Especially after the end, even the friends disappeared, so even if Ye Che believes in "Mao Kai", I feel that something is wrong.

“Mao Kai’s voice wants me to form the first battle group and then go to the seal land. This is mentioned more than three times, is it...”

Ye Che has stepped into the endless city in the deep thought.

This time, Ye Che did not make any cover, and went straight in, and immediately attracted an endless exclamation.

But no one dares to come close, the reason is naturally that Ye Che is still in a state of being wanted.

If in the past, this kind of clear **** is inconsistent and embarrassing, then it is sad reminder.

So they are all looking at the eye with awe and watching it again, no longer dare to do it.

In the absence of a crisis, Ye Che will naturally not kill innocent people. These people are already considered to be the majority of the young people in the Asian world, and they have a great role in resisting demons.

Once you kill yourself a lot, the loss is too big.

Therefore, Ye Che directly ignored these people at this time, and did not hurry to take steps.

It’s 24 hours away, and it’s 4 hours, but 4 hours is enough!

Yes, he has been waiting for less than 24 hours, but he plans to kill a city and a city directly, so as not to be surrounded by six major city owners, and also waste time.

But the transmission array of the endless city, Ye Che has been banned by the endless city owners.

Therefore, we must first solve the endless city owner, that is, go to the city palace!


The sound of Ye Che's step on the streets of the endless city is melodious and even.

As he moved forward, he followed a large number of people behind him. These people were really curious. They didn't know that this killing **** went back to the endless city and planned to do something.

As Ye Che's direction gradually became clear, an incredible speculation emerged from their minds.

"This direction... is the palace of the endless city owner?"

"Absolutely, the end of this direction is the endless palace of the city!"

"Why is he going to the palace of the city to see this murderous... Is it... oh..."

The testers who followed the leaves of Ye Che were all shocked.

Ye Che is in such a whisper of whispers, slowly standing in front of the endless city of the palace.

The palace is extremely majestic, and the overall bronze color is like a prehistoric beast lying in the sun.

"Well, clear God!!!"

The eight guards in front of the palace stood still lazily. As Ye Che approached, they seemed to feel something. They immediately pointed their eyes at the id of Ye Che’s head, and then his face changed.

"The criminal is clear, death is guilty!"

The eight guards did not know what the fear was. They took a long handle and pointed it at the knife.

Ye smudged them a faint look, and then did not see how to make a move, but the palm of the hand slightly fiddled.


In an instant, there seemed to be a metal tremor, and then a few damages that caused all the testers' glasses to fall off the ground, and they started to rise from the top of these guards.






In the distance, I saw everyone with this blood deduction, and a blood spurted out.

"This hurts, we still have a fart, he is already invincible!"

"Don't think about it, this time the Holy Forest world, the first is the clear god!"

These people said with a faint face.

Ye Che, after solving the eight guards, did not delay the time and went straight in.

Soon, a bustling, square-filled square has been printed in Ye's eyes.

Ye Cheyi, obviously did not expect to have gathered so many people here.

These people naturally noticed Ye Che, and could not help but stay in place.

Soon, the arguments were getting smaller and smaller, and then they fixed their eyes on Ye Che, but in the eyes, they flashed from time to time.

This group of people, it is a chaos of Yunyang, chaos, Wang Yu and other several forces.

They dare not go out of this palace. Naturally, they are afraid of Ye Che’s revenge. If you think, even if you hide in the endless palace, Ye Che will come to the door.

Ye Che did not make a sound, just looking at them, his eyes kept glanced.

Standing in the middle of the crowd, Chen Tianheng and Zao Wou-Ki, his face changed instantly, and quickly stepped back a few steps, hidden in the end of the crowd.

Ye Che did not show them, but after a slight indulgence, directly faced the hundreds of people and went up.

Chao Yunyang Wang Yu Wang Yan and others, sucking a cold breath, everyone was scared in the eyes, they did not dare to approach, seeing Ye Che close, and actually retreat.

There were a lot of people who followed Ye Che. At this time, I don’t know who brought the head. Soon, Dabo people came in and wanted to see the details.

Then, they saw Ye Che alone facing so many elite geniuses, and saw Ye Che take a step forward. These hundreds of people, including Chao Yunyang, Chaos, Magic and others, all took a step back. .

Then, these people glanced at each other and saw the horror in their eyes.

These people are all the young elites of the younger generation, and they are afraid of this kind of god, afraid of such a degree!

"What do you want to do, here is at the foot of the endless city!"

The magic of the magical demon, seeing Ye Che away from himself and so on, the closer he is, and he has to bear the guilty feeling and speak loudly.

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