League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 910: Endless city owner

Ye Che did not care so much, his eyes only fell on Wang Yan's body, and then pulled out an orange-red bow from his body, and then led the bow to pull the string. Bayi Chinese Network Wくw★W√. 81くzW. CoM

"call out!"

A terrible wind rang, and in an instant, Wang Yan’s mouth was in the distance, and there was a tragic scream.

The top of his head, like the few guards, floated the damage of 999,999,999.

Then, Wang Yan fell heavily on the ground.

Looking at this damage value, Chao Yunyang and others, eyelids jumped a few times, fist Tianheng and Zao Wou-Ki, and Wang Yu, could not help but retreat, away from Ye Che away.

At this time, the endless palace is still shaking violently.

Then, with a loud noise, the endless palace of Ye Che, a few hundred meters away, has collapsed.

Then, a huge statue of the statue emerged from it.

These statues are very delicate. The sculptures are all beautiful women or handsome and perfect men. They have swords in their hands or swords and shields. Each statue has a big tree behind it.

Ye Che, and this group of people look all the way, and finally, their eyes are gathered at the top of this vast and deep temple.

At the top of the collapsed palace, there is a giant throne up to a kilometer. The width of the throne is over a hundred meters. At this moment, on top of this giant throne, a figure sits at the front.

This giant figure sits high above the throne and sits there with his body tall, nearly five hundred meters.

It was bare upper body, only covered with a simple coarse cloth at the waist to cover the lower body, with a ring-shaped crown on the head.

At this time, it noticed the eyes of everyone, especially Ye Che, and immediately stood up from the throne, a pair of huge eyes like a drum, and died on Ye Che.

Among them, the red light flows from time to time.

"This is the endless city owner..."

Ye Che took a deep breath, but did not worry, he is now 17th, and another gold.

In addition, "Mao Kai" said that these city owners have been weakened, so Ye Che is not afraid, and even a little excited.

"Death! Endless!"

The endless city owner just got up and walked straight.

In his hand, there is an extravagant moment in an instant, but full of the endless blade of the fierce color, and then, a horizontal pull.


Really as quiet as a mountain, moving like lightning.

This endless city owner looks huge, but the attack is almost at its best. Everyone, including Ye Che, did not see how it was shot. He saw the space in front of it and was directly broken by the endless blade.

This broken force, rushing to Ye Chefei.

And the endless city owner, even the volley flew up to several kilometers, and then suddenly fell, the huge version of the endless blade in the hands, one down, is moving towards Ye Che, not giving him the opportunity to escape.

"Oh, buy it!"

"God, flee!"

Hundreds of people present, including everyone following Ye Che’s coming, screamed at this moment, and the scorpion escaped.

However, Ye Che did not escape, this holy forest world is not the power and degree, everything, with the data to speak!


Then I saw the endless shackles of the endless city lord, and when the volley hit immediately fell on Ye Che, a piece of golden equipment emerged from Ye Che.

One... two... three... four... six!

A full six pieces of perfect gold appeared on Ye Che.


At this moment, the two attacks of the endless city owners fell on Ye Che.

In the next second, two astounding figures flew up on the head of Ye Che.




"What!? Not breaking the defense!!!"

"Where, what the ghost, one of the most powerful bosses in the world of Shenglin, even the defense of the clear god, can not break?"

Many people who saw this scene only felt that the three views would collapse.

The endless city owner is also a bit sluggish, and apparently did not expect that his attack will be so low.

In fact, it is normal. In the late stage of Shenglin World, it is good to have a complete gold installation for each level. After all, it is too difficult and difficult to study a nine-turn copy. It takes a long time to study.

Under this specialization, it is difficult to study the method of customs clearance for another copy of nine turns.

But now Ye Che's six pieces of perfect gold are all in one, and the endless city owner has been weakened by "Mao Kai". It is normal to not break the leaf's defense.

"It really weakened it..."

Ye Che's look is slightly moving, but the moment is a slight smile, the **** sword in his hand is only a faint thorn.

"卟", the body of this endless city lord, not as strong as imagined, directly into the **** sword did not enter, overhead, also a hundred million damage value.

The amount of blood has fallen by half.

A sword blew up the half-blood of the endless city owner, hurting the horror to the extreme.

Then, Ye Che made up another sword. This seemingly powerful and endless city owner fell heavily on the ground.

This scene made people in the venue silent for a while.

Fast, it is too fast.

The battle is fast and the end is fast.

It seems that the two are not at all a level.

Shenglin World Notice:

叮 神 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死 杀死

叮Tester Ye Che killed the endless city master, now can control the throne of the city, used for cloth orders, cloth information.

叮 Endless city to kill the gods, cancel!

Listening to these three messages, Ye Che did not think there was any accident, but the words of the throne of the city...

Thinking, Ye Che took the past to the throne of the endless city owner under the horror of everyone.

The above method of operation is very simple, and Ye Che quickly found the place where Bu Shenglin’s notice was made.

A little bit of indulgence, a message that has made countless warhead leaders cry and tears have been scattered.

Clear God: "In 1 hour, all the battle groups of the Holy Forest world will be dissolved! Otherwise, I will personally defeat the door. Second: everyone, join the Lord God, otherwise, will be regarded as the Lord God to teach the enemy, kill innocent! ”

Ye Che’s out of this message is also a last resort, otherwise it may take a long time to wait for someone to fill up.

At this time, I just killed the endless city owner, just in time for this prestige, this information will be the biggest.

However, Ye Chubu's is a breeze, but the leader of the battle group who heard the information, but the face is all pulled down.

Those members are good, because many of them have already wanted to join the Lord.

Think about it, there are at least seven copies now, you can enter the equipment infinitely without the prestige value, who does not yearn for this welfare.

It’s just that those leaders of the war group understand this truth, but they always feel wronged.

However, there is no way to grieve, and the **** of the gods is now slaughtered by the endless city owners. It is even easier to kill them.

No one would doubt that Ye Che just talked about it casually. The previous prestige was placed here, and no one dared to be a joke.

So half an hour later, the number of Ye Che's main gods has exploded to more than 30 million.

And this number is still growing madly.

Ye Che’s heart sighed with relief, then went to the transmission array and went to the second city, the city of destruction.

When the six major cities are completely destroyed, it is the first battle group to achieve the day of the seal land!

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