League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 919: Ye Che... I am very glad to meet you.

On the way, all the heavy bark branches that fell from the sky, when they fell on Xiaoqing, were worn as if they were illusory. Xiaoqing was not surprised because she was also part of Shenglin. √八一中文√网W√wW√. ★81zW. CoM

Soon, Xiaoqing approached Xiaguang and saw a man wrapped in seven pieces of metal equipment lying in it.

These seven pieces of equipment she naturally knows, so the body suddenly shocked, and the face was even more alert.

But very quickly, this was wrapped in the people's sullen, the tone made her exclaimed, "Ye Che???"

She couldn't think of it, and the meeting with Ye Che Shenglin's world is in this case, in this case.

"He...how can he wear the source forest, which can be troublesome. When the forest collapses completely, he will be sealed by the last force of Shenglin!"

Xiaoqing's brow wrinkled up, then looked up and looked up, and now there are countless blue forces, and began to accumulate.

She knows that the mission of today's grandfather Shenglin is to seal the "source forest."

So even if it is ruin, it will sway all the energy and seal the "source forest".

At the time of Xiaoqing’s enthusiasm around Yee, Ye’s understanding of the swordsman’s heroic skills has reached the most critical point.

That is a big move!

However, the understanding of the big move is not so easy, you can master it.

So Ye Che, caught in a dead end, that is, can not understand why Juggernaut has been consistently added, and then ignore any reduction skills.

This problem, Ye Che knows, as long as he gives him a period of time, slowly recalling the inheritance of memory, he can certainly understand.

But now, when I realize it early, I will get rid of the bitter sea one step earlier. Therefore, he has not slacked off.

"Right, what is the name of the source plan of Juggernaut?"

Ye Che’s mind suddenly flashed.

"Lin, is Lin... and the other source plans the skin, united, it is the wind forest volcano, the meaning of Lin means ... its Xu Rulin, like a static forest, solemn, strict, not to alarm the enemy, not to stun the snake... And if I don't understand the mistake, this Xu Rulin is actually accumulating strength and exploding in an instant! This powerful force that bursts to the extreme can ignore countless reductions!"

Ye Che's eyes are getting brighter and brighter, and it's well understood that a bicycle can be used to reduce it by external force.

But if it's a truck, a train, or even something ten times more powerful!

The Promise of the Juggernaut, on weekdays, is actually equivalent to a kind of savings. Once the enemy is killed, the whole force bursts out through the power of the ranks.

That unstoppable explosion, no one can make it slow down.

At this moment, with Ye Che’s imagination and comprehension, he only felt that the whole body was light, and he had been wrapped in Ye Qi’s seven pieces of equipment. The “source forest” suddenly slackened, but it did not fall off. But as always, wrapped in Ye Che.

But at this time, Ye Che had been able to act on his own. Immediately, he glanced up and sat up on the ground.

But just sitting up, a familiar and anxious voice has been printed in Ye Er'er.

"Ye Che, don't move, don't move, the power of Shenglin has locked you. If you move, it will default to you to escape, and the power of seal will come soon!!"

This voice is Xiaoqing! ?

Ye Che immediately turned his head and saw a Tsing Yi, a tired little green, standing there, his eyes fixed and looked up.

"Xiao Qing... Are you okay?"

Ye Che’s eyes are bright.

"I'm fine...but Grandpa and the Holy Forest world..."

Xiaoqing looked down at Ye Che, and his eyes flashed a faint, but quickly returned to normal. At the same time, he said: "The world of Shenglin is about to be destroyed, but as long as it is not being destroyed, it will always execute Grandpa’s orders. That is the seal source forest, it is now on you, so even you will seal it together, can you take it off!?"

"Let me seal it together?"

Ye Chewen heard that he was cold, and he really wanted to seal himself. That is not as good as death.

Immediately, Ye Che quickly wanted to try to take it off, but now, these seven pieces of equipment are like a Siamese baby, growing on themselves.

"Obviously can't..."

Ye Che smiled.

At the same time, he has noticed the sky above the ancient trees, where there has been a collection of nearly a hundred miles of blue light.

These cyan ray flashed with daunting light. The space in that place has been twisted and blown. Not to mention that Ye Che was shackled, even if it is the peak of a diamond, even if it is, I can’t bear it.

This is the accumulation of all the remaining forces in the Holy Forest world, and it is necessary to destroy the "source forest".

"What should we do now?"

Ye Che knows that he has no other way and is locked, so he can only ask Xiaoqing if there is any way.

Xiaoqing's eyes flashed and did not answer, but suddenly revealed a face of nostalgic color, and then slowly turned to look at the interior of the old blue tree.

On the ancient tree wall, the vines are green and there are countless exotic flowers and plants on the ground.

However, it is now a mess.

"Ye Che... Do you know... When I was a child, when I was a child, I was tired of it... because I am here... I have lived for too long... so I always have a wish..."

Xiaoqing said with a smile, the whole body, but there are countless blue particles, slowly emerged.

"Xiao Qing...you?"

Ye Che did not know what Xiao Qing said these words, but there was a bad feeling in the vagueness.

"How big the world is... I don't want to stay here again, I want to go and see... So my growing buds were finally selected by my grandfather, but now I finally understand that the biggest place in the world is Home……"

With Xiao Qing's words, her body's blue particles are getting more and more, more and more, but with the appearance of cyan particles, her arms and legs begin to slowly disappear.

"Xiaoqing, stop, what are you going to do!!?"

Ye Che seems to have guessed something, his face changed greatly, and he will rush to stop Xiaoqing.

"Don't come over, Shenglin has been destroyed, Grandpa has gone... I have been calculating you before, now it is my compensation for you..."

Xiaoqing’s face is very quiet, Ye Che feels, Xiaoqing’s mind has been decided.

For a time, Ye Che could not help but stand in the same place, because in this short time, Xiaoqing has been transformed into a blue tree by human form.

Around the big tree, countless vines rushed up and greeted the blue energy that slammed down.


When the two are in contact, there is no explosion, but they are intertwined.

But although it is a blend, the vines of Xiaoqing are too insignificant compared to the blue energy that swept through the hundred miles.

Soon, the vines were drastically reduced under the pressure of this cyan energy.

"I can't stop it, I can only slow down the offensive for you, and the rest is up to you... Ye Che... Actually... I am very glad to meet you..."

If there is no sound in Xiaoqing, it will sound from the big blue tree.

The next second, the blue tree slammed, it seemed to be overwhelmed, and it collapsed directly.

In an instant, the cyan-sized cyan seeds fell from the air.


Ye Che’s heart was inexplicably painful, and his body had already jumped up, directly against the blue seed, and rushed over.

As soon as she reached out, she took her to her hand.

But in the next second, the huge blue energy that slammed down has already been shackled on Ye Che.

Ps: The world of Shenglin is almost finished, and then the bigger world is unfolding, and it is guaranteed to be more exciting. Thank you for your support.

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