
The two touched each other and made a terrible roar. Eight ★ one Chinese network WwくWく. ★8√1√zW. CoM

Ye Che's whole body bone knot card creaked, Galen's deadly blows smashed twice, and only the force of the seal was splattered.

Ye Che's eyes are bright, just want to swipe the third time, but only feel the palm of a light, the clenched hero, even directly in the power of the seal, turned into a gray fly.


Ye Che's face changed, he remembered that with his star, the quality of the two-star hero, how could have withstood the erosion of the seal power.

But Ye Che can't stop. Once he stops the attack, he will be surrounded by the power of the seal.

At that time, even if Ye Che has the ability to pass the heavens, he will be sealed here and died until he is starved to death.


"The fire of breaking!"



One hero after another was summoned by Ye Che, Anne's original element of fire, the card of the master card, and the sword of Jianhao, but they all supported it for three seconds, and they all annihilated.

Even if it has reached the 7-star ice crystal bow, it only supports more than ten seconds.

Ye Che did not have time to react, and all the heroes were swallowed up by the power of the horrible seal!

Under the mighty energy of the entire world of the Holy Forest, Ye Che's figure is like a glimpse of the storm, it is negligible!

"A world in the field that is about to be destroyed can actually be so strong..."

Ye Che took a heavy breath, and when he did not know what he was, he already had a hint of despair.

In the face of this power, what is the golden bone, the heroic skill, the true meaning, all have no effect.

Unless the position is raised, or against the field...

Thinking, Ye Che’s gaze swept his own 100-meter field, but he stunned, because he was shocked, and on the five hero statues, I didn’t know when, there was a silky blue seal. Force, lingering on it.

Moreover, what makes Ye Che feel incredible is that the power of these blue seals is slowly coming in against the five hero statues.

"Hey... how is this possible!!!"

Ye Che’s eyes wide open, these five hero statues can actually capture the power of the Holy Forest world! ?

At this moment, a horrified sound came from the 100-meter field. It was the strongest king who had already passed the breath, Fickley.

"The trough...the power of the hero, it is the power of the hero, the kid, you will not be the warehouse of the strongest king who ransacked!!!? No, even the strongest king, it is impossible to have so much The power of the world, this...this...this is not scientific!"

"The power of the hero?"

Ye Cheyi, without any mistakes, Fickley is talking about the power of "Mao Kai", what is the hero's power?

But you can't rob any of the strongest kings. If you really can be robbed, then the robbery is a real hero!

“Fickley said that my field is already a childlike figure in the world after having five heroes. Does it mean the same with Saint Lin?”

Thinking, a speculation that made Ye Che excited to the extreme, came from the bottom of my heart.

"Try it!"

Ye Che took a deep breath, then endured the trembling mood and slowly opened the 100-meter field.

Ye Che’s eyes stared at the 100-meter field. He knew that if the guess was not correct, he would only have no way to live.


At this time, as Ye Che opened the 100-meter field, the phantom flashed in an instant, and the five hero statues in the field seemed to have been unable to hold back, and even flew out of the field, and then fell straight on the road. In the power of the raging blue seal.

Then, Ye Che only felt that the five-inch-size hero statue seemed to have a soft squeak, and the next second, a very bright light, lit up from the five hero statues.

This light is like a kind of signal. When it first appeared, it was originally squeezed tightly. The force of the seal that wanted to seal Ye Che was like a traction. Actually, the five hero statues were madly surging.


The power of the seal fell on the voice of the five hero statues, as if the water fell into the rolling oil and the sound of the harsh sound.

It was with this harsh voice that the five hero statues began to grow taller with the naked eye.

One inch...two inches...three inches...four inches... seven inches...

In a blink of an eye, it grew to more than two decimeters!

The two-centimeter hero statue looks exquisite and exquisite, and the force of the whole body is flashing, standing in the air, and it is very different.

Ye Che is stunned, because he remembers the words of Fickley, that is, when the hero statue is one decimeter high, it will make the field more capable!

Then the first ability that is produced now is the solid world!

When Ye Chugang thought of it, he noticed that the entire 100-meter field was full of shocks, and the feeling of a thick, pale sky dissipated from it.

Ye Che did not test, but a mysterious and mysterious feeling let him know that the 100-meter field at this time is at least five times stronger than before! ! !

This five-fold increase makes Ye Che fully confident that with the defense of the 100-meter field, it can resist the impact of the diamond iii field.


Five hero statues are still standing in the air, and their shimmering bodies, like whales swallowing sea water, swallow up the power of seals.

Originally, even Ye Che killed countless 10,000 abyss demons, and only a long statue of heroes, now it has grown to a height of three decibels!

"Is this the power of the hero's origin? Actually, it can make such a big growth effect on the hero sculpture... I don't know... when the three-point meter, what ability can appear in the field..."

Ye Che was even soft when he was bombarded before, but at this time his eyes were shining with excitement.

Finally... In the face of Ye Che’s look, the five hero sculptures finally reached a height of three decimeters!


A strange sound appeared in the field of 100 meters.

In the next second, the entire 100-meter field began to swell, shrink, and contract.

Then, it seems that a certain critical point has been reached, and the sound of a sudden burst of sound, the entire 100-meter field, hard to expand to 500 meters.

In addition to some peculiar areas, such as the special field of special physical birth.

In the general field, strength is measured by size.

Because the bigger the field, the more force it can hold, the more powerful the attack can be released.

Now Ye Che's 100-meter field has expanded five times, which is equivalent to the intensity, which is more than five times more than before!

And this strength is not only the defensive power, but also the all-round improvement!

But this is nearly three decimeters of improvement, the strength of this hundred-mile seal has actually shrunk by a third!

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