League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 923: Strong teammate

Ps: The League of Legends game, it is very expensive to write, some data, camp, it takes a lot of time to arrange, so it is late. Bayi Chinese Network WwW√. ★81√zW√. CoM

Because the main theme of this book is the League of Legends, it is impossible for some League of Legends games to be missed. Otherwise, the essence will be lost, but in the future, there will be more actual combat, and the death ruling will not be written.



Listening to this voice, Ye Che's breath was relieved.

It’s been a long time since the days of the Temple of Heroes, and now I can make a death ruling again. Ye Che is still very excited.

Time, the beginning of a minute and a second.

Although the power of the seal is still being injected into the body of Ye Che, the feeling of bursting has not weakened, but with the physical quality of Ye Che, it can still be supported for five minutes.

Because the time of the death ruling is different from the reality, playing a game there is only a moment in reality, so as long as the death ruling does not lose, Ye Che can finally be regarded as leaving the sea of ​​suffering.

Soon, when Ye Qing’s face was blue and the sweat was flowing, the countdown was over...

"Time is up, identity confirmation... Because of the legendary rating, the maximum difficulty of the death ruling will be opened. Activation is activated... Activated... Start locking..."

As soon as the words fell, the clear light of Ye Che was illuminated above the sky.

Then ignore the space, ignore the distance, ignore the blocking force of the seal, and fall heavily on Ye Che.

"Locked successfully... started transmitting..."


"Transfer success!!!"

Around, the beginning of an acute twist, the old trees with broken walls, a messy ground, are all blurred in Ye Che's eyes.

I don't know how long it took, his eyes jerked brightly and clearly.

Ye Che turned his head and went to the place where he was familiar with the summoner's altar.

Only on the altar of the summoner, there are four blood-red statues standing in blood. This teammate, in addition to Ye Che, has **** statues and blood.

"Hey, what happened to the death ruling, how did you pass a little guy this time?"

A pair of handsome male voices appeared in the distance on the left side of Ye Che.

Ye Che turned to look at the place where there were more than a hundred heroic statues in the place, which was the location of the hero.

Among them, there are four figures in the shuttle, it seems to be picking the hero who will choose.

Among the four figures, a refined man of about forty years, when he pre-selected the hero, accidentally noticed Ye Che, so he asked.

The other three listened, slowly looking up and looking at Ye Che.

Ye Che's eyes and the four people look at each other. In a moment, they only feel the numbness of their hearts. At this moment, there is an impulse to turn around and go.

The eyes of these four people contain a very deep pressure.

It stands to reason that in the death ruling, everyone is equal, and the power in reality will not affect it.

But I don't know who these four people are, just one look, but the Ye Che goose bumps are all up.

If Ye Che is not seen too much in the past, he has also received the support of almost 1o1 players all over the world. He has the basics, the general diamonds, and even the ordinary. If you look at these four people, you will be embarrassed on the spot. It is.

"The domain emperor, this kid is a bit interesting, no wonder the death ruling will let this kid join our battle of life and value. It seems that there is something different."

On the left, an old man with a fluffy gold, some strange looking at Ye Che, said.

His fluffy gold is quite a bit like the golden lion.

"Hey, it’s different from the crowd, and it’s just a diamond. The death ruling is getting more and more unbearable. Anyone is going to send it inside. When our destiny is worth fighting, what about children?`

The man who was called the domain emperor by the old man, snorted, and then looked at Ye Che’s eyes with a bad look.

"The domain emperor? This is his real title, or id, it doesn't sound like ordinary people, and the pressure exerted by these four people is too strong. In reality, it is definitely the kind of Weigao weight, mastering countless life and death. The presence……"

Ye Che secretly said.

In the two worlds, he was conveyed by Shi Jin’s card. He did not hear the words of Chen Tianheng, otherwise he would know that the name of the domain emperor is only available to the powers of the heroic metropolitan area.

In other words, now the domain emperor in front of Ye Che is the strongest person who leads the entire heroic city! !

There is a black and yellow ribbon between the emperor's waist, and a cloak on the shoulder, a crystal blue, is faintly radiant, with the voice of the domain emperor, ups and downs.

"The real ghost cloak, worth 8.88 million wars, local tyrants..."

Ye Che-yu sees this piece of equipment, and his heart is dark and screaming. This piece of equipment he saw in the boutique exchange shop, but only at the time can only look at it.

The domain of the emperor's face is white, but it is not majestic, and the eyes are even more radiant. This kind of unconstrained behavior is obviously extremely domineering, or it is overbearing!

In many cases, he does not need to say anything at all. He only needs to show a little light in his eyes. Those who look at him will be scared.

"Do you want to change your temper? After you scare the little friend, a bad state, you lose the fate of the fate, you pay back my life!?"

On the right, a woman in white, frowning directly, the sound seems to have an inexplicable aura, Ye Che listened, only felt that the pores have to open the feeling.

This woman looks very young, but at most thirty, a word is full of different flavors.

However, despite this, Ye Che knows that the ages of these four people are only at least sixty or seventy years old.

Although Ye Che does not know how many of them are so young, but the appearance is revealed, it is definitely not their true age.

"The air, I am not afraid of the imbalance of the death ruling match, but also lose the fate to those sneaky? At that time, there are more people abandoned in the territory, you blame..."

"domain emperor, cautious!!!"

The domain emperor is still talking, but the words are not over, and a sinking drink directly interrupts his words.

The person who spoke is the old man who is full of gold.

At this point, he slightly screamed, but the domain emperor did not show any signs of anger, but his eyes were slightly shocked, and he stunned Ye Che, and he did not seem to care about Ye Che, he calmed down again.

The space on the side once again stunned the domain emperor, and then his eyes softly settled in the place, Ye Che, who said nothing, said: "You don't have to panic, you are the temper of the domain emperor. Although this game is only a death ruling for you, if you lose, you can call back again, but we lose, but the price is irreparable, so you can't slack off in this game!"

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