League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 926: Welcome to the 4th of the Dray League

“It’s good. Bayi Chinese website W★wW.★81zくW.CoM”

Yunkong nodded with appreciation. "The dragon turtle has five shoes to open the q skills plus, the middle road to the road is up to seven seconds. This kind of support, with the card, can guarantee the dog head education, as long as the dog heads up, forty After a minute, what lineup is on the opposite side, it will be vulnerable!"

At this point, the domain emperor has begun to ban, directly to the ban of the same powerful power of the machine.

The book of Yun, then banned the small fish that was restrained.

Then, it was the last ban of Jin Lao, and this ban was very unexpected. It was actually giving vine a ban.

To say that in the later stage, who can pose a threat to a horrible dog head and a high-defense dragon turtle, it is not a Weien.

At the end of the ban election, the five began to choose heroes according to the previous plan.

Ye Che looked at his lineup, especially on the order, the dog head played by the domain emperor, carefully looked at it, frowned and frowned without revealing the trace, and then chose a version now, it looks very weak Hero, De Lavin.

This lineup of one's own side, there is really no problem in the rough look. There is no brain in the wild to protect the dog's head. When the dog is up, there is a level of Kerry.

But if, the other five heroes are not waiting for the connection, are they all targeted?

In this way, it may be counterproductive.

Therefore, in order to ensure this situation, Ye Che chose a hero who is extremely strong in both the early stage and the late stage, and the glory execution officer, De Lavin! !

"Delvin? Ye Che, do you not listen to Jin Lao's words, he said that he chose to have a displacement, or control, and you choose what is not good, but choose a Levin, you do not know the heroic After the revision of the world, Delevin has been sluggish, is it weak??"

The domain emperor is really a little angry. This is a death ruling about the destiny value. It is very important for him. Naturally, he is very angry with Ye Che’s Hulai.

"But I majored in Delevin, playing other heroes, I am not sure..."

Ye Che spread his hands and said innocently.

"Forget it, Delevin is on Levin... Anyway, I am a nurse who is enough to keep him from dying!"

The empty road of the clouds.

If it is before, she will also say Ye Che, but see Ye Che has been selected, in order to avoid damage, so she quickly played round.

The domain emperor also knew this, so he did not speak.

Soon, time went into countdown and the atmosphere became extraordinarily tense.

The domain emperor, the sky of the clouds, the book of the cloud, and the face of Jin Lao, became extremely dignified.

They check the talents and runes over and over again until the last second.

Ye Che is not too sloppy, after all, whether it can be out of the world of Shenglin, so it is also serious.


With a dull bang, the ten people on the altar of the two summoners began to enter the Summoner's Canyon.

This game, Ye Che here.

On the single domain king: the dog's head flashes, stalking

Zhongdan Jin Lao: Card flashing, transmission

Hit the book of wild clouds: dragon turtle flashes, disciplinary

Under the road Ye Che: De Lavin flash, treatment

Auxiliary cloud space: nurses flash, weak

The other side of the camp, when entering the Summoner's Canyon, also fell into the eyes of Ye Che.

But the lineup looks like

On the single wave ratio, in the single...Izèrell?

Ye Che saw the ez with the flashing igniting, a slight glimpse, it seems that after the high position, some are unwilling to be lonely.

This kind of death ruling, even someone dared to play ap Izrier.

Ye Che's gaze continued to slide, and it was a strange wild hero who was printed in Ye's eyes and died.

Hit the wild dead song!

"Hey, these foreign forces will really play..."

Ye Che was surprised by some secret passages.

However, the opposite adc and assistant are still normal, Lu Xi'an and Bron.

These two heroes are perfect match, and they are extremely strong in the way. Every time Lu Xi'an releases a skill, he can instantly double it twice. With the passiveness of Bloom, he can dizzy the enemy very quickly.

I don’t think there is anything in the opposite lineup, but if the opposite ez and the dead song are well matched, it’s hard to say...

Ye Che Shen is stunned, ap Ize and the dead song are nothing, but how they all get up, it is horrible.

The damage of ap Izei's big move is extremely high. After the scraping, the dead song will be opened again. It is easy to cause it to open yet, and there are many people who have residual blood.

Ye Che is still habitual thinking, the brow of the domain emperor, but wrinkled, looking at the opposite id: "It is a few of them, order gods, and the devil's monastery ..."

"Order of order?"

Ye Che’s heart was moving, and suddenly she thought of the first time she played the challenge. The Ruiwen, who was met by her own male-dressed girl, seemed to be orderly.


Ye Che's mouth is slightly picking.

"Dead songs and ez have routines, but don't be held by them, ok, we keep the dog's head, the dog's head is up, everything is easy to say."

Jin Lao is analyzing at this time.

"Yes, ez and dead songs are all devil's monasteries. This force likes to study some wonderful games. We must not be distracted by them!"


With the completion of the discussion, five people, slowly from the spring, born!


Five bursts of sound, the dog's head with the scepter, the mysterious card master, the dragon turtle covered with thick thorns, the rich nurse, and the wild Devon, one after another falling in the spring Above.

"When you buy equipment, we play a group!"

As soon as he fell into the spring water, Jin Laojun took over the command and said.

Here he is the oldest, and his experience is naturally rich, so even the domain emperor has nothing to say.

The lineup has hard card control, and with the dragon turtle taunting, it is obviously stronger than the five heroes on the opposite side.

Moreover, the card selection has a lot of cooling time, which is enough to control several times in a wave of first group.

Hearing that he wanted to play a group, Ye Che’s heart moved, and he bought a hand of Duo Lanjian suddenly, then changed a straw shoe and two bottles of red medicine.

Then, with the momentum of the four people smashed out.

Blue side, foreign forces, only Bron and Bobby.

But the control of the two, one needs several times flat a touch, one needs to nail the wall, so it is unstable.

And Ye Che’s side is much more stable.

Five people rushed out and went straight to the Xiaolong River.

But when they were about to step on the river, all five people had a tacit understanding.

The strength of the opposite side is not worse than this. If you go out, it will not be slow, so it is very likely that they are already in the grass. In this case, nature can't be ruined.

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