League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 929: Reversal of the situation

"Haha, Pope 6666, there is still one card left, kill!"

Bobby and Bron laughed and had to say that seduce from ez, Bron backhand, and now, every step of their calculations is extremely accurate. Bayi Chinese ★ Network Ww ★ W√. √81zWく. ★C★o√M

Originally there were two hard-controlled purple parties, but instead they were inferior.

I have to say that the alternative learning of the blue side skills has turned into a magic.

However, when Bobby and Bron still wanted to pursue, there was a scream of screaming in the dead song, and the sound of ez panicked and rang.

"Delvin, and, still full of blood!!!"

Bron and Bobby and Lucian turned around and couldn’t help but stunned.

When did this Levin, what was it?

I saw a very healthy **** De Lavin, holding a sharply rotating flying axe, and axe and an axe squatting on ez.

Behind De Lavin, the dead song has already been turned into a body, lying on the ground.

"How is it possible that this Levine has been ruined twice, and the blood bottle has been used for a long time. How can it be almost full of blood now??"

There was a horror in the eyes of the three.

I didn’t know what I thought of, and I quickly looked at De Lavin’s equipment bar. I saw a bottle of red medicine in the De Laiwen equipment bar that had resisted countless injuries.

"Oh... the sandals are four red, do you want to be so disgusting."

Bron, whose id is Lexar, said quite speechlessly.

Before I saw DeLavin's domineering, I thought it was this newcomer who wanted to show it in front of the domain emperor and others. It turned out that this little boy had such a deep heart.

It is no wonder that this De Lavin is completely indifferent to the **** local tyrants, but this is actually carrying a four-bottle red medicine in the first group.

Generally speaking, when playing a group, very few people just take the medicine when they start playing.

After all, the value of a bottle of medicine in the early stage is too big, and the effect is also great. It is related to the length of time and the advantage.

Therefore, they all bite their teeth, because they have already seen that both sides of the first-level group have the meaning of not accepting the loss.

But this Levin, there are four bottles of red medicine in the body, but it is very unscrupulous.

"Go to ez!"

Bobby said with a serious face.

Originally, they built a layout with Bron and ez as the axis, and got a big advantage. It can even be said that the overall situation has been fixed.

I thought that because of this Dreven's full of blood, the situation began to confuse.

"Well, Delevin is full of blood!?"

The purple king's domain emperor, Jin Lao, Yun Zhikong and Yunzhi's book originally had some heavy mouth corners, which were instantly high and their eyes were bright.

"Quick and fast, Jin Lao, retain Lu Xi'an!!"

At this time, the domain emperor is still stable. For him, this game is not only a game, but also a matter of destiny, so naturally it is as exciting as seeing Tiancai.


Jin Lao’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light, and his card master was desperately pressing Lu Xi’an.

Originally, Lu Xi’an had Bobby and Bron’s cover, and naturally there would be no danger.

But now, because of the danger of ez, Bobby and Bron can no longer care for him.

This is a very sensible choice. With Lu Xi'an's blood volume, in the case of De Lavin's case, it is definitely dead.

Therefore, Bobby did not go to Bron, and he gave up Lu Xi’an who had no flash and treatment to meet ez.


Ye Che's eyes are not shocked. Deleven is a cumbersome flying axe used by ordinary people. At his fingertips, he is like an elf-like jump, flexible and light.

In the past, the ez of the blood dissatisfaction was only half of the life value.

Ez didn't dare to fight back. He didn't flash now. The arcane jump was also used when he just played, and it was just an ap Ize, no attack.

And this **** Deleven, there are shoes in hand, the ez can not get out of the scope of Delvin's general attack.

"we are coming!"

Finally, when there was a third of ez's blood volume, Bobby and Bron, in front of ez, made it impossible for Delevin to export to the ez.

Behind Bobby and Bron was the card, so ez made a detour, and ran around the grass behind the red buff.

Lucian is naturally dead, so the scene becomes 2v2.

Both Bobby and Bron did not flash. They could only bite their teeth and they went to Delavin and got up.

They dare to play, but also because the card has no mana.


Jin Lao said that although it is said, it has already brought a hint of inquiry.

Originally, this wave had to be lost to his family. It was all based on the full blood of De Lavin, and he began to reverse, so his attitude was unconsciously changed.

"What to withdraw, hit!"

A trace of unquestionable words, from the voice of the friendly army, rang.

Ye Xue is also a polite person because of the identity of these four people, but in the League of Legends, he is the supreme king, even the domain emperor, Jin Lao, for Ye Che, are only junior!

Listening to this discourse, the four people have a strange feeling in their hearts.

When, a diamond can command them in the League of Legends, but this Pod Levin is indeed a great credit.

In the early stage, I resisted several injuries and changed blood, and now I reversed the whole situation.

Even if I don't say it now, I only say that I have changed blood several times. If it is not like that, before the death of Lu Xi'an, I can still support it for a while. Maybe because of this time, the purple side is only afraid of death and injury.

"That's it!"

Jin Lao’s eyes were condensed, and the war was congested. Ping a had already rushed to Bron a.

"No blue is crazy!"

Bobby snorted, but because the card was a little far away from him, he could only output Delvin, and Bron also did.

Soon, Levin was stunned by Bron's dizziness.

The amount of blood has also dropped by half.

"My e skills will be right soon!"

Bobby screamed.

However, when it was too late, Delevin had just woke up from the stun of Bron, and the whole person had suddenly disappeared into place.

Deleven, actually flashed out, but no one noticed, the moment he flashed, the axe in his hand has changed from one to two!

"What does he do?"

A question just emerged from everyone's mind, and I heard an exclamation in the grass on the left side.


The exclamation, accompanied by the sharp edge cutting into the meat, makes the scalp sound.

Ez originally wanted to sneak up and run. After Bobby e lived in Delavin, he helped to output two times. Now his arcane transition has cooled down, and he is not worried about his safety.

After all, the cards are not flashed.

But what I thought, just after entering the grass, I felt a glimpse of my eyes, and a smirked executioner stood in front of myself.

In his hands, the **** and full-bodied axe was even straightforward to himself.

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