League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 934: Is it appropriate to bully the empty sister paper?

De Lavin’s quick and violent operation, they naturally saw it. Bayi Chinese Network W★w√W★.く8√1z★W√. CoM

Because of this, it is not going to give up this wave of killing.

Otherwise, the road is really completely defeated.

"Dead song!"

Ez snorted.


The face of the dead song is extremely serious. He knows that this Levin is really strong. Whether it is operation or a momentary decision, it is definitely not something a new person can do.

"I don't know how his Levin, compared with the repair..."

The moment the death song flashed out, suddenly thought of this.

Then, with a stroke of the arm, the "wall of pain" skillfully falls on Delavin's body.

In an instant, a huge and miserable green wall appeared in the sky, making Delevin shift greatly.

And magic resistance, also reduced by 15!


The eyes of the dead songs flashed coldly, and the fingers began to bulge. The horrible things were going to burst at the foot of Delavin.

At the same moment, ez is also the "Arcane Jump" to drive through the void, falling in front of the Delois 3oo code, "secret shooting" and "essential pulsation", synchronized flying.

Bron is even more frustrated with De Lavin, who has various kinds of reductions, and is directly attached to Deleven, and does not let him escape from himself.

DeLeven, the dead song, blew a quarter of the blood, and a Bron's q. If all the skills now hit Delavin, even if the nurse adds blood and loses weakness, Delavin can't escape. It is.

Don't forget, ez's ignition has not been lost, and there is still flash.

However, while he was about to throw a igniting, a holy figure was in front of Delavin.

It is the nurse of the sky!

"call out!"

Almost before the death song q skills to be blown out, the air of the cloud snorted, and a flash was directly in front of Delavin.

The deadly q skill "absurd" has a feature that if there is only one enemy in the skill range, it will cause double damage.

Originally, a q can destroy the "absurdty" of Dravin's 2oo blood volume, and this instant damage is reduced by half.

The same skill of ez is the same. The q skill is blocked by the nurse. Only the "essential jump" falls on Delavin.

I have to say that the understanding of the help of the cloud is really thorough.

Many people think that as long as their nurses don't die, they can always add blood, which is correct.

But just if the sky is not so fast, De Lavin's blood volume is estimated to drop to less than a quarter.

That way, even if she opened up and opened her blood, De Lavin opened the treatment and could not escape.

Don't forget, Bron has always been attached to De Lavin, and once passively stunned, Delavin is the shackle.

And because the sky of the cloud is so blocked, the form turns!


There was no fluster in the sky, and the staff waved, and the top of the five friends of the friendly army immediately had a glimpse of green light, and the blood volume soared.

The big move of the nurse is the same as the dead song. It is also a group effect that ignores the distance. Not one is to cause damage to all enemy forces, and the other is to restore the life value of all friendly forces.

Then, the staff will draw another stroke, "Star Infusion"!

In this short period of time, De Lavin's blood volume has directly returned to a full state.

Then it was almost synchronous, when the two skills of Yunkong were released, the weakness has already fallen on the top of the dead song.

The biggest threat now is not ez, but the death song and Bron.

The q-skills of the dead songs are cooled, and after the cooldown of the wilderness, it is 1 second, so it is the most sensible to give a dead song to the dead song.

"It is the help of the king, it is reliable..."

Ye Che smiled slightly, Yunkong has done what the assistants should do, and he is doing so perfect, then, it’s time to perform!

He will let them know how stupid they are to kill themselves without killing them.

However, Ye Che is not in a hurry to shoot, because his body is passive, has been stacked on three floors.

Sloppy shots will only make the opposite side vigilant.


Ez's general attack, De Lai was really dizzy in place.

"Kill the nurse!"

The blue square ez, the dead Ge Bulong three decisive and tacit understanding.

Directly spearheads, facing the nurse.

They know that the nurse is not dead, it is difficult to kill Delavin!

Bron Q skills have been cooled, but not in a hurry, but flat a nurse, forced her to a small soldier's corner, q skills "cold bite" came out.

"Hey, hey!"

The dead song ez grabbed the opportunity, the skills and the general attack on the death of the nurse.

The details of this dead song are extremely horrible. The first q, actually not a dizzy nurse, but first killed a small soldier next to him, and then began to attack the nurse.

This q skill falls on the nurse, it is double damage.

And each of his q skills has just been shot, the general attack also immediately fell on the nurse.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

Absurd, general attack, ridiculous, general attack, dead song attack, very rhythm, it is an old dead song.

At the same moment, ez's ignition was still on the nurse's body, preventing Dr. Levin from treating her.

Ye Che's De Laiwen just woke up from the dizziness, and the nurse's blood volume was less than one-third.

"The three big old men are so bullying a sister paper, is it really suitable..."

Ye Che consciously recited it, but forgot to drive the voice of the friendly army.

"I didn't get it wrong. How many years have you actually dared to call it a sister paper?"

The domain murmurs.

"I... I didn't hear anything..."

The book of the cloud coughed and said.

Kim Lao remained silent, but his cards seemed to have leaked several small soldiers at this moment.

The empty face of the cloud is like a frost, but the bottom of my heart has an incredible feeling. I am actually being teased by this new person.

"Three comrades, it is not good to ignore me..."

Ye Che is still chanting, and she does not know that she has to be blacklisted by the sky.


The skill "blood sprint" touches, and the glory of the executioner is both ups and downs!

Flying quickly to the first handle, and then striding forward, ignoring the scope of the dead song "亵渎", the hand is a spinning axe, heavy to the dead song.

"You still don't leave!?"

The sky was so shocked that she had just come over and sold to cover Delavin’s escape.

Unexpectedly, De Lavin did not retreat at all, did he think that 1v3, against the three kings! ?

"I still have some money and blood..."

Ye Che casually returned a word that let the cloud go to the air, you a small diamond, in front of the king to pretend to be correct!


The flying axe swayed heavily, smashed the space and obstructed it, and went straight to the body of the dead song.

For a moment, the blood of the dead song is less than a quarter of the blood.

Then take the axe and cut it again! ! !

The two axe attacked, not only the nurse could not think of it, the blue side did not expect, they thought that Levin escaped, but did not expect to not shrink.

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