League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 937: Five people

"Now young people are becoming less and less esteemed to respect their predecessors..."

Jin Lao’s pretentious gesture shook his head, and his face was unremarkable. August 1st Chinese Literature Network WwW. 81zW. CoM

Just when the three of them talked privately, and some of them were blushing and arguing about Ye Xue’s affiliation, Ye Che had already controlled Dravin’s return to the spring, bought a **** sword, and attacked shoes.

Then add a warhammer worth 11oo gold coins, because of the passive relationship of Delavin, the more the knife is added, the more bonuses can be obtained after killing the enemy.

So when everyone only has six or seven, and at most eight, Ye Che's De Lavin is already a big deal.

Drinking blood swords, attacking shoes, Kaulfeld's warhammer, these three pieces of equipment, at this time for De Lavin, is simply a symbol of invincibility.

Especially the Delevin controller, the technology is still so coquettish.

"Friends are killed!"

Just when Ye Chegang just went out, there was information on the death of the doghead on the road.

Lu Xi'an, the former Pope of the Blue Party, was disgraceful on the way, and ran to the road and Bobby, and killed the dog's head.

"Oh, my, I saw the opposite side of the game, and I ran a little."

The domain emperor quickly apologized.

Ye Che did not care. For a nine-minute, eight people, De Lavin, if this is not enough, then you can't blame your teammates. You can only blame yourself for not being able to.

"Golden old, this blue buff I accepted, I am going to pass the customs, they come to catch me, you can advance infinitely."

Ye Che passed the blue buff area and said.

"Oh, take it, my blue is your blue, it doesn't matter."

Jin Lao said with a smile on his face, and his tone was soft and soft.

Ye Che inexplicably snorted and did not answer the words. After taking the blue buff three times and five and two, he quickly rushed to the next road.

The domain emperor, the three empty clouds, but the contempt for the Jin Lao newspaper.

At this time, Ye Che came to the road and looked up. In addition to the small soldiers in the line of sight, it was completely empty.

"I want a tower to let me..."

Ye Che smiled and glanced at the nurse who did his duty, and then quickly attacked the blue defensive tower, but one tower, he was obviously not satisfied.

Seven hundred years ago, there was a main anchor of Dreven, called Vincent. After he gained the advantage, he could completely ruin the springs of the kings. Ye Che now only intends to clear the road, and naturally he is more confident.

The five people in the blue side naturally saw De Lavin, who was leisurely attacking one of his towers, but his heart was silent.

They need time, even for two minutes, when the grade of equipment will go up a step.

And if the five people join forces to catch Delavin now, the price paid will be too great.

At least, you have to lose three towers.

In addition, they all noticed that this Delevin had not lost an axe either in pursuit or in the position. Hey, except for the deliberate seduce of ez skills, this is really terrible!

Delevin's axe drop can be controlled, but there are often players who play Delevin because the control is not good enough to drop the axe, or is hit by the enemy skills, but Ye Che does not have one at a time, which means he can even advance in advance Determine the direction of their non-directional skills!

In this case, Lu Xi'an and Bron even did not dare to appear in the scope of Draven's sight.


With a roar, the blue side fell down a tower.

Advance and continue to advance.

On the top of the head of De Lavin, the shield of the blood-sucking sword overflowed. The bloodthirsty axe in the hand slammed forward. The remote mage soldier directly cut to death, and the melee soldier never used the second axe.

Soon, the line was pushed to the second tower of the blue side.

Bron’s figure finally appeared not far from Deleven.

The passage of time, the two towers of the blue side, the blood volume in the attack of Delavin, quickly passed.

"The two towers can't be thrown, playing wild, Bobby, adnetbsp; when the second tower has one-half of the remaining blood, Bron screamed.

Just after Lu Xi'an and Bobby killed the dog's head, there was no chance to advance, because the card directly passed the big move, q seconds nearly half of the small soldiers.

So both of them returned to the city. At this time, they could just come down.

Bron is still talking, Ye Che is not axe to fly out, "pinging!"

With a loud bang, I saw Bron’s blood volume, and it fell sharply with exaggeration. It directly dropped the boss’s section, and a quarter of the blood was gone.


Bron's face changed dramatically. Although it was expected that Dreven's damage was exaggerated, but did not expect to exaggerate to such a degree, with this damage, second adc does not only need two knives?

But it is also normal, Bron has only 6 levels, but Delevin has 8 levels, which is two levels higher.

Not to mention the large lead of equipment.


A flying axe throws out, Ye Che does not stop, "blood sprint" opened, hard to catch up with the defensive tower, forced out the Bron's ice shield, only to retreat.


Bron's face with Lexa is black, how long has it been so bad, so many years.

But now, it’s so embarrassing to be forced by a new person.

At this moment, the card quickly reminded: "Be careful! ez is gone!!"

"On the road miss, the opposite wave should also be on the way!"

The domain emperor also said to fly.

In this game, all his support was given to the road. Even the big move was used to help the dog's head guard a large wave of soldiers, so at this time they can only be anxious.

"Nothing, this wave is coming!"

The dragon turtle is fast interface. From the wave of the battle that just got off the road, Yunzhi’s book understands that this wave of Kerry’s point has completely fallen on Deleven.

So he decisively gave up the dog's head and began to focus on Delavin.

In a tense atmosphere, Ye Che is the most calm and laid-back.

He knows that the Second Tower is actually a tower of dignity. It is a shame to lose this time. Therefore, I am afraid that I will go out of the nest this time.

At this time, Ye Che's De Lavin, just broke the second tower, a terrible green light, has been washed out from the shadow corner of the wild area.

This figure is a dead song, one step earlier than the dead song, and a Joel with a hammer, Bobby.

In the wall, a horrible energy fluctuation swelled, and the ez wall opened the big move, the golden barrage, and the precise shot on the cloud of the nurse.

"Kill the nurse!"

This wave, the blue side is still carrying out the policy of killing the nurse first.

The reason for dare to be so confident is naturally because they have five people!


Ez big strokes have been scraped, the empty nurse of the cloud is half of the blood is gone, this is the damage of ap Ize.

"A good trick to get a good drill."

Ye Che secretly praised, this place where ez is making a big move, it is just in the place where there is no eye in the sky, this is also a kind of prejudgment.

At this time, with ez shot, Bobby, dead song, Bron, and Lu Xi'an, all moved.

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