League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 944: Achievement diamond

Numerous diamond segments continue to transform Ye Che's body, bones, body creaking, dirty and vibrating, such as the sound of sorrow. Bayi Chinese Network W√wW√. 81zW. CoM

I don't know how long it took, until Ye Che's bones were all rounded up, and Ye Checai turned his eyes on the field.

Why diamonds are so much stronger than Platinum is based on the power of the field.

With your own domain space, you can arrange hero skills in it, because this field is your own, so as long as the energy is enough, it is entirely possible to use heroic skills without stopping.


At this point, Ye Che finally graduated to complete the diamond, so he then began to intend to smelt the field.

The force of the rolling position, such as the fire began to fight against the 500-meter-sized field.

Ye Che’s power at this time is so powerful that it is equivalent to dozens of diamond powers.

At that time, the emptiness of the emptiness, the sorrow of the world of Shenglin, seems to be shattered at any time.

Ye Che did not care, his eyes focused, his body was like a transport ties, carrying the power of a flood of diamonds, began to cover the field.

Then expansion and quenching began.

Under the strengthening of the power of diamonds, the space of 500 meters in size began to expand and strengthen, and it sounded like a roaring roar.

"Bad boy, stop, stop, there is such a melting field for you!? The field of Vulcan in labor and capital, it is a shame and shame to fall in your hands!!!"

However, the field has just expanded by a hundred meters, and an angry and ruinous voice rang, it is Fickley.

Ye Che slightly frowns, isn't the field so smelt?

As soon as the body flashed, Ye Che had already entered the field.

The original 100-meter field has already changed dramatically.

Inside the blessing of the five heroes, the brilliance, the energy of various attributes, flying around, looks strange.

Ye Che does not need to look, can sense all changes in the field.

"Kid, do you know that you are arrogant and arrogant!"

When Ye Che saw it, he saw Fikly squinting and said in a harsh tone.

"is it?"

Ye Che's voice is not salty or light.

"Hey, you don't disdain, the method of your smelting field is so rough that it is extremely rough, and it is a waste of a lot of power. The effect is still unsatisfactory, and it is completely unpleasant."

Fickley Road.

"How do you practice?"

Ye Che sees what Fickley said, and asked directly.

"You let me out, I teach you!"

Fickley's eyes glowed.

Ye Che rolled his eyes and said nothing, turned and left.

"Oh, wait!!"

Fickley was anxious, and quickly said: "This way, as long as you promise me, the day you will be the king, let me out, I will help you, how?"

After this period of time, he also saw the abnormality of Ye Che, so he made this request.

"On the day of the achievement of the king, let me out? Help me all?"

Ye Che’s footsteps.

"Yes, your talent and enchanting degree, I know it. The achievement of the king is only a matter of time. Once you have achieved the king, you don't need to taboo me. In the meantime, I will fully assist you, as long as you Give me a promise, the day of the king, give me freedom! How!?"

Fickley Road.

"Sounds tempting..."

Ye Che touched his chin.

"Of course, I am a good man, Fickley, but the characters of the storm hundreds of years ago, I will take you to fly, you will definitely be world famous!"

Fickley saw Ye Che seem to be tempted and smiled.

I want to think, Ye Che has a discourse, not salty and not rude: "However, I refuse."


Fickley stayed, "Why!?"

"No, it’s very uncomfortable for your words. I’m not happy, it will make you unhappy.”

Ye Chedao.

After that, you have to leave the field space.

"This stinky boy..."

Fickley hated it, he knew that this kid just wanted to kill his own prestige.

But now, the initiative is not in itself, no way, can only send a killer.

"Kid, don't you know how to save your little green lover?"

Ye Che really wants to dry this guy, what I want, Fickley actually said that he was shocked.

"Are you sure you didn't lie to me!?"

Ye Che slowly turned his head, his face was flat, his eyes narrowed.

Looking at Ye Che's expression, Fickley's heart was cold, and he knew that if he didn't prove it quickly, he was afraid of suffering.

"Your little lover, not death, but exhausted his heart, fell asleep, her attribute is wood, all the sons of heroes who find wood attributes, supplement energy, naturally can be resurrected, but the son of the hero is too rare When I saw it, I wanted to find the properties of the wood, I was afraid of hope."

Fickley Express.

But Ye Che is a big bright, and in a flash, he thought of 6 Yao.

6 Yao, is the son of a hero!

Just don't know the attribute, right.

"Fickley, if you say nothing, I promise you, the day of the king, give you freedom! But if you dare to lie to me, you will know the consequences."

Ye Che took a deep breath and said.

"Reassured! The power of the son of the hero, once activated, you can hardly imagine, it is easy to save the gimmick of the wood property."

Fickley waved his hand.

Ye Che nodded, forcing the excitement of his heart, flashing the space of the field.

In the field, Ye Che has no intention of continuing to smelt.

Because the hero is completely destroyed, there is no variety of materials, and if it is smelted, it is completely unpleasant and there is no such effect.

So Ye Che intends to wait until the hero is repaired and purchased to purchase the material before continuing to smelt.

Standing in the broken world of St. Lin, Ye Che looked up and looked everywhere, all in a mess.

There are only a few thin seals left to maintain the weak enchantment.

"time to go……"

Ye Che sighed a little, and did not see how he started. The whole person had already risen to the ground, and he slammed with a huge sound of breaking the air, breaking the enchantment of the holy forest world with little effort. , rushed out.

This is the real flight!

Soon, he broke the broken world of St. Lin and stood on top of the blue waves.

This is an unknown sea area, the sea breeze blowing, Ye Che's broken clothes creaking, he looked a little fascinated behind him.

I saw that the leaves had just broken through the enchantment of the Holy Forest world. The cracks continued to spread, and in less than three seconds, the entire enchantment of the world of the Holy Forest had been turned into nothingness.


When the sea water poured in, the world of the Holy Forest, which once made hundreds of millions of people struggle and kill the blood, has been slowly covered by the sea.

"The Holy Forest world is also ruined, Mao Kai... Is it really dead..."

Ye Che said to himself, he always had some doubts about the death of Mao Kai in the mouth of the source.

That is a hero, even the son of a hero in the mouth of Fickley, so powerful, not to mention the hero.

"Look out the source forest first."

Ye Che shook his head, did not do more entanglement in this matter, but intended to take out the seven pieces of equipment, "source forest", explore and explore.

These seven pieces of equipment, I do not know exactly what kind of form exists, can actually be integrated into Ye Che's body, he is naturally surprised.

Just when Ye Che was floating on the surface of the sea and planning to explore the "source forest", a few kilometers away from the place, there was a man and a woman who were escaping in an anxious crazy gliding.

Behind them, one side of the waves up to a thousand meters, rolling madly.

This wave, like a conscious, hangs and falls, is actually locked in the two men, to catch up.

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