League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 969: : 350 million battles!

Ps: I am sad reminder, I have never been out of the National Day or have gone back. I have no experience this time. I am in the field. I am going home today. The total distance takes five hours. The traffic jam is blocked until 5 pm, and I have been rushing until now. Come out in two chapters. August 1 Chinese √WW★W★. 8★1zW. CoM

But it doesn't matter, I should be able to get four more chapters today, and there are two chapters before ten o'clock in the evening, in order to make up for it, tomorrow, seven more, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, all five! ! !

In order to make up for it, tomorrow's seven more, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, all five! ! !

My friends are sorry, today is really no way, only one more chapter.



On the VIP table, there was a slap in the back, and it was very straightforward to ask for a price.

However, at this time, a woman who was sitting in a regular diamond seat and had been obscured, wearing a blue and white color fight, suddenly shouted: "100 million!"

"100 million!!!"

"Digging grass, who is this woman, so great!?"

"Nima, double the price as soon as it comes up, how do we play!?"

This call, instantly made countless people dumbfounded, one by one touched the sweat on his forehead, looked at the woman.

The woman listened to the voice, not very old, at most in her twenties, but not only sitting on the diamond seat, but also such amazing financial resources, it is really amazing.

However, at this point of view, there is a man wearing a fight next to the woman. The two seem to be companions.


Just when Ye Che’s gaze fell on these two people, he suddenly saw it, because at this moment, his “source forest”, which had no movement at all, actually moved a little.

"The two men..."

Ye Che's eyes narrowed slightly.

The woman’s voice is not soft, but it’s a bit hoarse. The breeze is covered with blue shawls. Although it is a thin layer of shawl, there seems to be some strange energy on the shawl. Unclear her appearance.

"This is professional, and the confidential work is much stronger than my half-hanger..."

Ye Che's sentence.

At this time, as the woman doubled the price increase, it immediately attracted a few words.

On the VIP table, the magic face is expressionless, faintly said: "120 million!"

"I added 20 million battles directly, God!"

“It’s not a level force!”

Many people screamed that some women, but with their eyes, looked at the magic.

The woman shouted for 100 million yuan. It seems that it has been doubled. It doesn’t really matter at all.

Because no one knows that the value of this god's essence can be more than 100 million!

But after 100 million, it’s different, and the price increase of 10 million is really competing for financial resources!

After all, this addition is a battle, it is in the Supreme Palace, the city of the sky, the heroic city including the magical sea area, the general purpose of the Chinese region! ! !

"140 million!"

Wang Yu stunned his eyes and sang.

"150 million!"

"160 million!"

"170 million!!!"

Soon, cold, chaotic, and chaotic Yunyang have opened their doors.

Every time the price is quoted, the ordinary platinum diamonds are attracted to them.

The battles that made them desperately fight, so many of them were scorned and they were read out in their mouths. It must be said that this is the benefit of the background.

"200 million!"

At a price of 170 million, a metal-filled sound suddenly sounded from the entire auction venue.

The source of the sound is not in the VIP seat.

But on the second floor...

"The power of the drill I, finally shot!"

"Crap, the essence of the gods in the field of drilling I, the help is also great, they can not let go!"

Many people whispered.

"But 200 million, more than double the price of the gods of decades ago!"

"Oh, really rich."

These people began to shake their heads and sigh.

At this moment, a very loud voice slammed from the VIP seat, "230 million, I am 230 million!!!"

Listening to this voice, everyone still did not respond, Beijiang has stood up and smiled, first glanced at a nightmare, then swept over Ye Che with a victory and playful eyes, and then slowly extended Three fingers, said: "Three hundred million!"

"Three hundred million..."

The wolf's heart sinks directly into the bottom of the valley. He is now wrong, and the mistake is too outrageous.

This 300 million is enough to buy ten treasures of his pawn. This is the gap that he will never overcome.

Clear, are you sure?

Thinking of this, he looked at Ye Che, but the expression of Ye Che did not change at all.

"So calm, don't he..."

The greedy wolf has a big heart.

"Three hundred million... This is not like the price that Belle can afford..."

Wang Yu frowned.

"It is estimated that he has any chance. It seems that this **** is the best competition. We have another opponent..."

The magic sound is also a bit heavy.

Their clan is indeed much stronger than the Beijia, but they are not the best figures of their respective clan, but Beijiang is the younger one of the Beijia.

Therefore, although the original financial resources, although they are stronger than Beijiang, they are not much stronger.

But now, this Beijiang seems to have any chance, and the financial strength seems to have increased a lot.

However, no matter what, they will naturally not weaken the momentum of the level of power, after all, this price has not yet reached their bottom line.

Although it is completely higher than the price of the gods, but the competition is in the future, the strength is imminent, and the invisible price and attractiveness of the gods naturally rises in geometry.

However, when Chaoyang and other people were planning to bid, a slightly familiar voice followed the words of Beijiang and rang, "300 million wars..."

"It is him!"

"Who is this kid, there are so many battles!"

"But it should be his limit. Didn't you see that he only increased the price by a thousand battles..."

The nature of the bid price is Ye Che, but only on the original basis, the price increase is only a thousand.

At this time, the entire auction venue was quiet, and all of them fell on Ye Che, they were really surprised.

If this guy is born noble, why not sit in the diamond VIP seat and sit on the VIP seat, you can avoid a lot of trouble, otherwise he is a young Junjie on the ordinary table, so the price is really too eye-catching.

I am afraid that when the auction is over, it will be stared at by countless people!


Beijiang’s eyes are cold, and everyone in the place knows that this kid has been hated by Beijiang.

"310 million!"

Beijiang opened again.

"310 million one thousand..."

Ye Che is close behind.

"320 million!"

Bei Jiang’s expressionless bid.

"350 million!"

At this time, I have not waited for Ye Chu’s opening, and the woman with the fight has increased the price. All of a sudden, the price has increased by 30 million!

Ye Che's gaze fell on the woman for the second time, with a little thought.

On the forehead of Beijiang, there was a cold sweat.

He currently has all the battles, there are 600 million!

But how long it took, the price of the gods has reached more than 300 million.

Not only Beijiang, but the rest of the Yunyang and other people, including the drillers in the attic, one by one is also sinking to the bottom.

350 million, more than three times more than the price of the gods in previous years.

Fight again, after the finale is afraid that you don't want to buy it.

At the scene, with the price of the woman's 350 million, some silence.

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