League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 980: : Rapidly eliminated!

Ps: The sedentary back is uncomfortable, and the five days of the five days are replaced by seven consecutive days. August 1 Chinese √WW★W★. 8★1zW. CoM



In the fifty-first battle, this battle is a real battle.

As soon as he entered the battlefield, Ye Che’s eyes were slightly brighter, because the actual opponents were finally replaced by humans.

The illusion that is not far from the front is a woman. The woman is long and fluttering, and her face is wearing a mask.

It is not difficult to guess the weapon held in her hand and the green ninja. What she majored in is the Shadow of Shadow, Akali.

The sight of the two men, just touched together, in the woman’s eyes, directly shot the fierce light.

In the hands of the weapon like a hook, it suddenly burst into a dazzling diamond light.

"call out!"

While Ye Che was looking at her, the woman who was covered in green flowers did not see how to make a move. The hook in her hand was coming to the extreme, and she flew out directly, pulling out a series of afterimages, and the air was also Under the circumstance, a scream.

Ye Che's face is slightly changed, the toes are slanted outwards, and the body is tilted, so they have to hide.

However, when the hook was galloping in the air, it actually changed the angle with the direction of Ye Che, and slammed it on Ye Che's body.

Followed by this woman's second hook, the second hook is flying a lot slower than the first one, however, it is strangely falling on Ye Che.

"This is... the skill that is really in the fifth layer, and the time is attached to the weapon!"

Ye Che’s heart was shocked.

At the fifty-first level, you will meet the opponents who have the fifth layer of sincerity, how to play those ordinary platinum diamonds! ?

Seems to feel Ye Che's stay, this woman's mouth seems to have a sneer, the whole body followed the hook, and slammed into Ye Che.

This is Akali's big move, "mystery! Magical cherry killing chaos", with the hook, can make terrible damage.

According to her assumptions, the next blow will definitely kill the enemy in front of her, but her attack has not yet fallen on Ye Che, but she has stopped.

She held the hooked arm and, before she waved it, she was pinched by a palm like a reinforced iron.

When she did her best, she could not break free.

A single blow can't be done immediately, and her whole body is like a thunder, and it rises up, then the other hand rubs it to the ground!


A loud sound, a round thing like a wave of water, covered the range within ten meters.

This is Akali's "Olympic! Xia Array!", as long as she is in this area, she can hide for 8 seconds!

However, she failed again, and the true level of Ye Che’s field has already reached the sixth floor.

Under the sinister repression, her body shape, such as being illumined by a 2oo-watt bulb, is straightforward under the perception of Ye Che.

Ye Che finger slightly!


The woman has been squeezed by the wrist that has been clenched.

However, the benefits of the battle projection appeared at this time, she did not feel pain at all, at this time her face does not change, the other hand's green sickle in the support of the force of the diamond segment, crazy rotation, "Olympic! Sanhua! ”

Seeing this enemy in front of him is so tenacious, Ye Che brows slightly wrinkled, his hand bones, the vagueness of the faint color flashed away, the next second, his arm explored, actually directly into the hook of this rapid rotation.


In the eyes of this woman who can't believe it, the hooks are all broken, and countless pieces of iron splash.

Then, the blood was collapsing. This master's battle projection of Akali only felt that the neck was cold, the front was black, and the soft fell on the ground, and then slowly began to dissipate.

"On the 51st World War, the enemy is so tenacious..."

Ye Che said to himself, and after the "source forest" took the projection energy clean, he stepped out.

However, although the strength of the enemy has become stronger, it has been tenacious, but the degree in the first group is not much slower. After all, the real battle has just begun.

But if you go through a dozen more games, then you may be.

This kind of battle is especially difficult. It is not only necessary to guarantee the winning rate, but also the degree of guarantee. If you want to support it, it is easy to talk about it!

This requires horrible endurance, enough to withstand this non-stop wheel battle, and at the same time has a strong nerve, otherwise sustained high-load combat, high level of nervousness, even if the power of the paragraph support, the spirit can not support.

In the master's tricks, once you are distracted, then you can imagine the next game!

Finally, when the 61st battle was reached, the middle-aged man who ranked first was at this level and stayed for five minutes before passing.

These ten minutes, so that dozens of people behind him, all entered the sixty-first battle.

At this time, those at the end of the crane entered the fifteenth battle.

This also means that the unfortunate scene is about to be born soon.

Sure enough, these ordinary gold diamonds, all the way to the fifteenth battle, have exhausted countless energy and the power of the ranks.

In the face of the 50th level of the enhanced version of the opponent, began to fail again and again.

The 50th level is okay, it is only a coalition war, and in the fifteenth war, in the face of a word, the actual combat opponents who come up, these people can not help but complain,

Soon, the failure rate of some people fell below 5o%.


"Retire, eliminate, eliminate!"

With the fall of the voice, at least tens of thousands of people in this period of time, directly lost the qualification to continue fighting, can only stop in the place, a look of bitter smile.

In the 50th and 50th battles, more and more people were eliminated. In just five minutes, 100,000 people could no longer move forward.

"The gap is too big. In the same segment, someone has already rushed to the 63rd battle, and the worst, but was directly eliminated in the 52nd battle!"

Outside the big chaos, someone said with a brow.

He couldn’t see what his expression was on his face. He said faintly: “It’s normal to live the natural fit of the fittest! It’s just an appetizer. After the 70s, you can really see the real pros and cons. In the statue of Lu Xi'an, the images of the young and handsome young men have been recorded for five centuries. After we activated, they evolved directly into the field to form a strong enemy! After the 70s, they faced It can no longer be just a single enemy. Only then can we test out who is the true top genius! It’s a pity that the heroic idol needs to take the power of three or four years to evolve once, or put those geniuses in it. In practice, I am afraid that I will soon become the top player in the league."

The kings and the gentlemen who sit around are automatically ignoring the last sentence that is unrealistic. They just hear the chaos and the sentence is no longer a single enemy.

In this way, I am afraid that no one can maintain the record of victory. Even if the psychological collapse, it is easy to overturn the ship!

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