League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 987: : To taste it, its taste is very good (four more!)

At this time, Ye Che spoke. Bayi Chinese Network WwくW. 81zW. CoM

His eyes glanced up and down the 30 people who were ruined, and they were full of more than a dozen seconds. They swayed the bottom of the heart of these 30 people and shook their heads: "Taste it, it tastes so good... ..."

"Thank it, it tastes so good? What the hell?"

These 30 people are a bit stunned.

Another tens of thousands of people who heard this sentence also felt inexplicable.

At this time, the lean man was out, he smiled and said: "You adults, this kid means..."

Speaking of this, lean men pointed to their outfits, weirdly said: "Say you... spicy eyes..."


"My day!"

"Nima, this kid is going to be so arrogant, people have to kill him, he still dare to ridicule!!!"

"I am serving, but... the costumes of more than 30 people at this time are really hot eyes, hahaha."

Many people laughed loudly or whispered.

After Beijiang heard the explanation of the lean man, Bei Jiang almost couldn't keep up, and he wanted to spurt blood. He pointed to Ye Che's fingers and couldn't speak.

Ye Che accidentally looked at this lean man, it is really a personal talent, actually learned his own words several times.

Recalling that his spring is underwater, the bottom of his heart is not heard.

The rest of the people, after hearing Ye Che’s words, sighed one after another, they did not adjust, for fear that they could not control the direct opening.

"This voice..."

The otter also went to the leaderboard, and naturally heard Ye Er’s voice, but it was shocked by the bottom of his heart, but it was incredible.

"This is impossible... that Ye Checai Platinum III... and this is already a diamond V, but it is the genius of all levels of power, and is currently ranked first! The two can not be compared!"

Thinking, the otter shook his head and felt that maybe the sound was just a little similar.

At this time, Ye Che looked at those who were still in the bb non-stop Beijiang, chaos and other people, impatiently said: "If your strength, mouth is so powerful, I have already passed my rankings, less nonsense Say, I want to fight, I am always waiting!"

After that, I stood up straight and went in for the 84th.

"This... is this kid a man?" After we finished the 80th battle, the power of the paragraph was almost exhausted. This kid hit the 84th all the way, and the brow did not wrinkle."

Seeing that Ye Che continued to pass, they couldn’t help but scream.

And when Ye Che’s breath came out smoothly and headed for the 85th, the mood of these people began to be anxious again.

Five wars, the gap between the five wars! ! !

They are the top talents of the younger generation in the Chaohu Lake, but now, even a drill V is better than nothing, this is a big loss.

And sure enough, many of the virtual shadow channels are quietly whispering.

"I heard that Beijiang is a master of the Bei family. I didn't expect to even have a diamond V."

"What top talents, it doesn't look too good, it is worse than us, compared to the real enchanting, it is not as good."

"Look at the young man, his face is not red and not breathing, hey, this chaotic Yunyang, the gap between them and this young man is too big."

Listening to these words, Bei Jiang almost violently walked, chaos Yunyang, chaos and other people's faces, but also a piece of iron blue.

However, they have no way to prove themselves.

They have been fighting, and they have exhausted, unless they use the power of blood.

However, it is now used, after the 90th battle, and what to do in the last battle!

You can think of it without guessing. The absolute level of metamorphosis in those battles, if you use the power of the bloodstream too early, I am afraid that the connection is impossible. It is all the same thing.

Thinking, they are struggling with their faces.

At this time, Ye Che has been smashed through eighty-five battles, eighty-six battles, and has gone to the 87 battles!

"Can't wait any longer..."

Beyond the virtual shadow channel, the smashing fingers smashed the white jade table in front of the eyes.

"Is it..."

That country's face is a big man.

And sure enough, the chaos has turned his head and said to him: "This is the 87th battle, you go to dominate! This kid is indeed a dark horse. The opponent who drills V is completely difficult for him. He played too It’s too easy, you’re going to frustrate his anger, otherwise his relaxed state will be too overwhelming for the geniuses of our chaotic seas.”

And Jin Lao also said: "It should be like this, otherwise those little guys, there is no confidence in being hit by this momentum, but you can increase the difficulty of his alliance, you can do it. Really won't win, I will change the rules of the ninth war with me and I will definitely see where his limits are! At the very least, I have to exhaust his power!"


The Chinese character's face nodded heavily, and then he slammed his arm and waved it. This name has disappeared from the original place and entered the land of big chaos.

"Are you, is it unfair?"

The konjac frowned.

Slightly smiled and said: "This little guy has pitted so many diamonds I, II, and in the end it is not for us to wipe his butt, this is the price he needs to pay... and he is too embarrassed. It must be crushed and tempered, so as not to be a candidate, it is proud."


Konjac, and Wang Hao nodded.

At the same time, Ye Che has moved into the 87th battle.

This battle is naturally a coalition battle!

Moreover, the strength of the enemy has reached the drill IV, and it is necessary to defeat the five in succession.

Drilling the enemy of IV, Ye Che did not put it in his heart.

This level of enemies, in the league battle, and Ye Che's difference is too great, random heroes can easily win.

However, the habit of being cultivated has made Ye Che not look down on his opponent, and he chose a normal hero to perform solo.

The first battle Ye Che chose a weapon that was a bug, and then began to configure rune talent.

"The helmet of the "source forest" has been able to shine on its own, and I don't know what will happen in the end."

Ye Che secretly said.

The "source" of the spirit in the "source forest" helmet has dissipated, and Ye Che naturally does not worry about what will happen to it.

Instead, think of its power, the heart is a little faint.

Just when Ye Che chose the hero, on the other side of the fog of war, a ray of light flashed away. The next second, a mouthful of evil tastes provoked, the deep-spoken national character face, slowly fell there. .

"To start..."

In addition to the virtual shadow channel, the chaos and other kings, as well as the people stopped talking, their eyes were condensed on Ye Che's body, and the scene suddenly felt silent.

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