League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 990: : Open and play!


The fog of war slowly dissipated. Bayi Chinese ★ Network Ww ★ W√. √81zWく. ★C★o√M

Ye Che, who is holding a nearly two-meter long gentian bright silver gun, and a national warrior face dressed in a purple battle suit and holding a red light pole, is far from each other, nearly 5 meters apart.

The war has not started, and the scent of chill has already slammed from the smashing between the two.

"Zhao Xin...weapon?"

Beside the square deep puddle, including the chaos, they shook their heads.

Looking at Zhao Xin’s outfit again, he was directly sentenced to death.

"I will say it, he will also look at it a bit. Now, in the face of real masters, the irrationality of equipment comes out. This kid’s output equipment does hurt a lot, but in the face of weapons with physical immunity skills, he Have the opportunity to output!? Even with the purification, but the weapons master in the two seconds to open e, can completely unscrupulously output Zhao Xin, and Zhao Xin can only escape!"

The old man of the goat Hu touched the beard, and when he spoke, he took a look at the sword and Qingyang.

I saw that his face was slightly ironish, and his heart was dark.

He and Jian Qingyang have no hatred, but the two have been watching other people's battles, like to face, who does not accept anyone, perhaps because of the difference in fighting habits.

"It’s not wise to do this out... It’s thought to be a dark horse, but it’s overestimated. At his level, it’s up to the Diamond III III. No more.”

"The weapon's outfit is much better! Lanton's reduced crit damage, reduced attack, Mamotius's phlegm. This is to prevent the opposite side from choosing a magical hero physical outfit, the remaining three, rundown, Straker The challenge of the handguards is that he has meat and output. The last mercury machete is to eat some control from the opposite side, and the weakness, huh, this is the Bureau of Bureaucracy!"

Many people have judged that even the chaos, Jin Lao, Konjac and Wang Hao have nodded and expressed their approval.

If you change them, even if Zhao Xin is out of the way, he can try to play it, but the young man is only drilling V, absolutely crushing.

"Grinding his heart, let him know that there are people outside, there are days outside!"

"I bet ten seconds gg!"

"Ten seconds is too long, eight seconds!"

All the people, all licking the tea, gambled.

At this time, Ye Che has already controlled Zhao Xin and walked over to the weapon.

The battlefield is very large. The scope of the entire battlefield is equivalent to the middle road of the Summoner's Canyon. The two are in the middle section, with a kilometer in front and rear and a diameter of nearly 20 meters.

“Full output out?”

The Chinese character face shook his head and even felt a little boring.

The physical hero has full output and weapons to fight, isn't that looking for death?

For a time, he was even lazy, and directly controlled the lamppost, facing Zhao Xinchong who was coming.



The footsteps of the two, stepping on the ground, the sound of killing.

Although it has been determined that it is a crushing bureau, this kind of killing does not look at the whites, and those who are arrogant and arrogant, all of them are tied to the two.

The two sides are getting closer and closer.

Finally, under the pupils of the slight contraction of all, the weapons and Zhao Xin finally have to enter their respective spells.

The face of the Chinese character face is overflowing with a sneer.

However, at this time, it is convenient to open the eyes and see that it is too late, then Zhao Xin seems to suddenly think of something terrible, and suddenly turned around and ran.

The look of the fart and the fleeing, compared with the previous strong look that is about to be strangled, is completely spicy for everyone’s eyes.

"Run... ran ???"

The Chinese character face a big man, run? But escape useful, see how long you can run!

"Shasha Shasha Shasha ~"

Soon, an extremely speechless picture appeared in front of the four kings and the public.

I saw the virtual shadow channel in the battle of the seventy-seven, a full blood Zhao Xin running in front of the desperate, the weapon master is desperately chasing after.

This is not the point. The point is that this **** Zhao Xin Zhao Xin knows that he can't beat it, why should he do it! ?

You know, when you are out, you are already choosing the hero.

One minute... two minutes...

The master of weapons has chased Zhao Xin for two minutes. Because it is a direct battle, there is no grass and no jewelry eyes, and the flash of the national character face can not be easily handed over.

Coupled with the lack of shoes on both sides, actually staged such a farce.

"This is a kid, I don't believe they let me pursue a lifetime!"

The national character face is expensive, and this is still calm. It is even more thought that Zhao Xin deliberately wants to disturb his thinking.

"Kid, it doesn't make sense to waste time like this!"

The national character face Han Han cold road.

"Make meaningful~"

Ye Che slowly sighed in front.

"Do you want to lie to me to flash!? Oh, dream!"

The Chinese character face suddenly thought of this, and when he smiled coldly, he continued to chase.

However, at this time, the opposite of Zhao Xin, who was on the verge of turning around, seemed to have made some mistakes.

It was this one that made Zhao Xin finally enter the scope of the weapons master q skills.

Fully chasing for two minutes, the national character face Han has long slammed a fire, seeing Zhao Xin enter his own attack range, in order to avoid him running away, do not want to think, directly "counterattack storm" + "flea" use, Straight to kill Zhao Xin.

"Finally started!"

Everyone waits for someone to shine.

Looking at the weapon that was thrown, Ye Che’s eyes flashed a smile.

In the League of Legends, when is the most uncomfortable?

It’s not the five kills at your fingertips, not when you are caught, not when you kill your head, but when you are chasing the enemy.

When you want to kill a residual blood, killing ten seconds, twenty seconds, thirty seconds, and even more than half of the map, it finally makes him into your skill range. At that moment, anyone will put all the skills. , in order to keep him!

This is also the case at this time, the weapon is directly e-skills, and killed against Zhao Xin.

"Puff puff!"

The purple robes of the master of weapons, screaming in the wind, they must have a lamppost on Zhao Xin’s head.

But in vain, a burst of drink, slammed out from Zhao Xin’s mouth: "Yeha!"

"New moon sweeps!!!"


I saw the weapon master who was only 1oo yard away from Zhao Xin. This moment seemed to be bombarded by the typhoon of level 12, and it was suddenly hit by five or six hundred yards.

"Hey, this can be done."

"There is no reaction, knowing that you are fainted and you are dead."

A few of them nodded slightly.

"But it is the same death, even the biggest life-saving big move is gone, how to fight with weapons."

"Don't you continue to flee, wait for the big move to cool down?"

"Ha ha ha, you are still so humorous."

Some people laughed.

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