League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 992: : The grave grass is very high...

Ps: Must see!

The things in the group have delayed a lot of time, and the mood is not good. Today, there are two more, tomorrow's six more, and later management is not given casually. One of the management in the group is angry, and they start to play without a brain. It is very active, and when he kicks, he will retreat. When he finishes the matter, he runs. Do you think it is very 6, very clever?

I am really uncomfortable, my heart slammed a fire, my mother, I played my true love powder, and lived up to the trust of his management.

Was kicked a group number: 494798163.

There are no more witty people to punish this villain, all kinds of torture tools are casual, this is his QQ: 9o5531962.

His QQ: 9o5531962.

His QQ: 9o5531962.

The important thing is said three times.

Some people may think that I am over-the-top and careful, but when I think about it, I will understand what it feels like.

The people of the yang dynasty, the unsolved, the ghosts know what the child has experienced, and when they are young, they must be stimulated.

If you accidentally kicked, please re-add it. After all, this kind of naive lack of brains is a lot, don't mind, sorry.

Then the seven groups of new group number: 591472596, did not add to hurry.

Tomorrow live broadcast unlimited firepower, water friends competition.

Then there is the condition for obtaining the management. The following conditions, if any one is achieved, can be managed.

1, within the group, 3o personal joint recommendation.

2, the book owner (because I don't have time to judge your ability, you can only judge your love of the book, the degree of love of the lord and above, will not mess.)

3, familiar, from the beginning into the group, all the way to come.

Any of the above can be managed, just want to make the group harmonious, the little friends are happy to discuss the plot and the League of Legends.

Becoming a manager, but also want to perform duties, irregular benefits, above.




"The baby is bitter, but the baby doesn't say ???"

Hearing the explanation of the lean man, the national character face big man almost squirted out a blood.

"Ha ha ha, that's too funny for that kid."

"The baby is bitter, but the baby doesn't say, oh... this is exactly the same as his mood at this time!"

After hearing the words of the lean man, many of them heard the sound.

It’s also a bit of a slap in the face of four people. I didn’t expect the mask youth to be so damaged. I’m afraid that the national character face is now even the heart that wants to die.

Sure enough, after a few seconds, I saw the Chinese character face big man, the face was black with charcoal fire, the red was black, and the black and red was out of the big chaos.

Throughout the distance, I can feel the grievances in his heart.

Everyone has a very tacit understanding, but they have not mentioned his embarrassment, but after a few dry coughs, they all pretend to be nothing, and re-focus on Ye Che.

Wang Hao naturally wouldn't care about his feelings. Seeing his gloomy coming, he said faintly: "Hey panic!?"

The Chinese character face the big man nodded heavily, especially when he saw those who wanted to laugh and forced to hold back, and the face couldn’t help but the face was suddenly ashamed and annoyed.

"Then continue to swear, the hall is lost to the diamond V, I still want to give you revenge for you!"

Wang Hao snorted.

The look of the Chinese character face Han Han was even more exciting.

"Okay, what's so funny, just the situation, for any one of you, the ending will be different!? This little guy is drilling V, can open Zhao Xin's strong standing routine, it is indeed a gift Hey, I don’t have to test it after I see it, otherwise it’s really unfair, and I’m waiting for it.”

Kim is old.

When this sentence came out, the public suddenly became dumb.

Just the kind of situation, let alone change them, even the king can not change the ending.

It is completely equipped, and psychologically suppressed.

First, the weak escape swindles e, and when standing up, this outfit, playing weapons without e, is simply abusing.

For a time, they were all silent.

"This kind of outfit is strong on so1o, but there is defense on the opposite side. It is easy to crack for the outfit, but the general qualifying, and even the death ruling, can't wait for Zhao Xin's output. At the time, in a nutshell... this kind of outfit will be surprisingly successful for the first time."

Wang Shudao, he said, in fact, it is also reducing the depression of the national character face.

However, this is true, and many of them nodded.

At this time, Ye Che has already stepped out of the 87th battle after killing an unknown or ordinary or king.

Behind him, a group of people in Yunyang, including Beijiang, are all looking down.

At first, only Beijiang killed Ye Qi, but now Yunyang, chaos, magic, Mozi, Wang Hao and the top dozens of diamonds in the top dozens were sentenced to death in Ye Ci.

Ye Che’s previous flicking behavior made them just have to fight the battle, the power of the ranks was exhausted, and the energy was greatly damaged.

This will inevitably affect the performance of the first level, which is tantamount to breaking the future!

Ye Che just faintly glanced at them and continued to march into the eighty-eighth battle.

The helmet part of the "source forest", with the extraction of the virtual shadow energy, the hotter, Ye Che has some can't wait to see, how it will eventually change.

"Kid, you dare to continue to squat, the second level is definitely your death!"

Sitting on the ground, squinting and yelling at Ye Che, who was about to step in.

The top 100 people, also blinking in the eyes, looked at Ye Che coldly.

If Ye Che arrives first, they will move to the back of the ranking.

Especially the chaos and other people, they were originally very hopeful to win the first, naturally do not want Ye Che to continue.

"Someone once threatened me so much. Do you know what happened to him?"

Ye Che said with a calm face, after finishing, not waiting for the chaos, faintly said: "His grave grass is now higher than the grass of the Summoner Canyon..."

Chaos: "..."

Zhongfan: "..."

Jin Lao: "..."

Wang Wei: "..."

Konjac: "..."

"Mom egg, this kid can really be loaded... He knows, but there is a big diamond in front of me!?"

Many people in the virtual shadow channel are speechless.

After Ye Che finished, he ignored the face that had already turned into a pig liver color, directly facing the eighty-eight battles, and stepped in!

These people have made up their minds and killed themselves in the second round. Ye Che will naturally be polite.

Eighty-eight battles!

Eighty-nine battles!

Ninety wars!

Under the horror of everyone, in just one hour, Ye Che is fighting again!

From the spring water, there is only a distance of kilometers.

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