League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 994: : Entering the original spring water

Ps: Six more have arrived!

There are small friends who like the old saying, then one more today, the people of Yang Shi, who have not solved the thousands of robberies (Ghosts know what I have experienced?)

There was actually one before, maybe you didn’t notice it, I’m too old, and I’m venting it! (I have already made a great effort!)

Finally, it was yesterday’s ban on kicking people. I hope that this is the end of the matter. I was too angry at the time. ^_^. Bayi Chinese Network W√wW. 81zW. CoM

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The original spring water is very large and looks like a large swimming pool at first glance.

Its color is thick and bright gray with a heavy feeling.

At this time, the original force of the compressed springs in the whole spring water is like being boiled. The cockroaches are tumbling and braving the heat. From there, Ye Che can feel a vast and extremely violent fluctuation.

Obviously, this is full of the force of the stage full of spring water, and it is not so easy to absorb.

This original spring water is compressed by the original force produced by the death of a million demons. Its energy is extremely violent, and the pressure generated by compression is extraordinary.

Ordinary platinum diamonds, up to a dozen or twenty minutes, will not dare to wait.

So even Ye Che, I dare not look down on it.


Ye Che's heart is fretting, and the faint sly color of the power of the position is surging on the surface of his body, and the pressure generated by the original force spring suddenly dissipates a lot.

Along with Ye Xue's promotion of diamonds, his body strength is also soaring, apparently not inferior to the top diamond demon.

The light of the power of the paragraph, the Ye Che body wrapped, he is no longer hesitant, body shape, violently swept out, rushing straight into the original spring water.


The gray stage of the full spring water, with the fall of Ye Che, and splashed high.

The bright gray segment of the original force shines in the sun with a strange light, directly attracting people who are still at the pass, envious of swallowing.

Ye Che’s body has just swept into the original spring water, and his body shape is a fierce sinking. A huge pressure permeates him indifferently, and even the hustle and bustle of the body becomes bleak. some.

He only felt that the compressed spring water, such as iron, was heavy, especially with the violent nature of the incident, which caused the skin to hurt.

When I noticed this, Ye Che’s eyes were slightly dignified.

However, in order to capture the original force of the segment, Ye Che is unable to defend, but to withdraw the power of the segment.

"This is the million demon, the force of the compressed position after death, so violent and heavy energy!"

Ye Che said to himself.

In the virtual shadow channel, those people are amazed, and Ye Che naturally hears it. It is not so simple to understand this original spring.

After a slight surprise, Ye Che's body began to sink slowly, from the foot to the neck, all sinking into the original spring water.

In the place where it is in contact with the compressed force, there is a faint feeling of faintness, and the violent fluctuations cause the sorrow of the leaves.

"let's start!"

After Ye Qixin’s slight sigh, he no longer hesitated, took a deep breath, and the whole body sank again. The next second, even the people had their heads, they all fell into it.


When Ye Che's whole body sinks into the original spring water, the diamonds and white gold skeletons in the body have a subtle humming sound, and the Yingying flashes against the erosion of the violent energy.

When the body was completely submerged by the original spring water, Ye Che also sat down cross-legged, his face was slightly condensed, and then the pores of the body were all open, and a huge suction spread from the body.


Just as the suction spread out, the original spring water, which was originally calm, suddenly boiled up, and countless bright gray bubbles burst in the leaves of Ye Che, and the bright gray compressed light was also extremely A savage gesture, lightning-like shot into the body of Ye Che.

This bright gray light and liquid, shot into the body of Ye Che, and then in the glimpse of the body, it burst into numerous gray water mist, crazy infiltrated into the body of Ye Che.


And when these bright gray water mists touched Ye Che's internal organs, his face was also hot in the sputum, and the sound of a cold air was sucked out from his teeth.

Those water mists, like boiling fire drops, wherever they pass, even the meridians, flesh and blood, and even the bones are faintly reddened, as if they were cooked.

"Good violent compression of the original force, but I am afraid this can not stop me!"

The leaves cracked the cracked mouth, and immediately the heart moved, suddenly in their body, the force of the liquefied segment, as if stimulated, began to fluctuate wildly, and then covered the leaves around the leaves, making Ye Che The body is shiny.

The unusual bones of Ye Che’s right hand are more pleasing to the beginning. They are capable of accommodating the power of the position, but they have never been filled. Now I feel the impact of such a huge segment. Even the bone marrow is shaking and excited.

As we all know, no matter how strong a person is, but the inside is still the most vulnerable place, generally invaded by the opponent's position, the injury will be fatal.

However, when Ye Che’s body is strengthened, not only the bones become stronger, but also the body and the sputum become more powerful than ordinary people.

Ye Che, who has such a strong body, seems to absorb the violent compression of the original force, and it seems that there is no such difficulty as ordinary people imagine.


The bright gray water mist, once again hitting the flesh and blood of the scorpion in Ye Che, the pain caused by it was weakened in an instant, and the original water mist gradually merged with flesh and blood. In an instant, Ye Che could clearly feel a violent force, growing like a raging dragon in his flesh and blood.

When the original force of these segments quenched the flesh and blood of Ye Che, most of the original force of the segment gradually began to merge with the force of the segment. For a time, the force of the male segment in the meridians was quietly changing. The more powerful the stronger.

Perceived in this situation in the body, Ye Che’s face is also slowly smeared with a slight curvature. These segmental forces are really big supplements, which not only can make the segment break through, but even make the power of the segment more powerful and concise. Increase in degree, compared to the usual hunting of demons, or playing the League of Legends, do not know how many times faster.

"It’s really a treasure, this full spring, the original force, can not be wasted!"

Ye Che's eyes are slightly stunned in the spring water, looking at the spring water that covers hundreds of meters in diameter, and his eyes are extremely greedy.

Originally, he did not think about the promotion of Diamond IV in a short time.

When you advance in Platinum, it is dozens of times more difficult for ordinary people, but that's fine, just platinum.

But after the diamond, dozens of times of difficulty, it is converted in more than a decade.

The reward of the first level now makes Ye Che see the hope of promotion.

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