League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 999: : Crystal Guard Battle! (sixth more!!!)

"believe it or not!"

Ye Che faint, after finishing, I want to close my eyes and continue to rest. ★ Bayi Chinese Network WくwW√. ★8く1くz★W. CoM

"court death!"

When you are looking for death, the demon is so angry that his palm is lifted, and a very horrible energy fluctuation, born from above, over the sky, is even more roaring and faint.

The magic ink has apparently moved the real anger, and even the field has been dispatched.

From that time, he was blinded, and he had already wanted to shoot Ye Xue. Now, with the original spring water incident, his anger directly reached the critical value.

However, before he started, a more powerful force slammed the demon ink.

Under this pressure, the so-called power of the magic ink, as a child, directly collapsed.

"What do you want to do?"

An indifferent voice slowly descended, and an old man in a black robe fell from the sky.

"Big... adults..."

Under the pressure of this singularity, the devil ink has some difficulties in speaking, but when she thinks of the resentment of the original spring water, she immediately pointed to Ye Chedao: "This kid, hiding the original spring water, by unknown means. , kill it!"

"If you become the first place, you can do the same! But no matter what, through the first level, it is forbidden to fight, want to kill, even if you go to the second level, who dares to be in the first level, do not blame, don't blame I am not righteous in the old man!"

The black robe is hoarse and sound.

Ye Che frowned at him and couldn't understand why he didn't explain it to himself.

The original spring water was sucked up. This black robe was absolutely seen. Could it be that it was deliberately so that these people would be more devoid of their own killings?

Ye Che secretly thought that for a time, looking at the look of this black robe, some were not good.

"Kid, don't blame me, I am not allowed to say it on the top. It is estimated that it is a punishment for you to absorb the original spring water. The second level, you can do it yourself!"

Black robe seems to feel Ye Che's gaze, sighing that this kid is bold and daring, even when everyone dares to disrespect, the voice said.

"It’s a punishment... I’m sucking up the original springs, I’m not sure, I’m not allowed to **** it!”

Ye Che is somewhat speechless.

Now it seems that he must bear the crime of hiding the original spring water. The second level is not to say that the top 100 is the only one who wants to participate in the greed.

After all, that is the full force of the segment of a few hundred meters in diameter.

Listening to the black robe, the devil ink, chaos Yunyang and chaos, all take a deep breath.

They know that even if they can't wait to make a lot of money at this time, they can't do it.

"Boy, I advise you to hand over the original spring water, otherwise, the second level will make you feel better than death!"

The devil inks the cold channel.

"Hey? I have a hundred ways to hide the spring water, but you have nothing to do."

Ye Cheyuan’s words were returned.

"This kid, there is really a hatred, this demon ink has just threatened him with a hundred ways to torture him, and this counterattack."

The black robe has a slight smile on his heart. Before the chaos of the king himself gave him a voice, he knew that the potential of this kid has attracted the attention of the kings. His natural attitude towards Ye Che is also good. less.

"Zi Moxi, don't be angry, wait until the second level, he is not so hard!"

Chaoyun Yunyang opened, comforted.

"Oh, I am not angry, I have to see for myself, this kid is in the second level, how is it dead!"

The devil's ink eyelids flicked a little, and the mouth was cold and frosty.

At the same time, Wang Hao, Bei Jiang, chaos, and the ice-cold ice-moon and other people wearing the fight, all passed the first hundred battles.

However, everyone who has reached the original spring water is stunned, watching the dry spring water, and wanting to die.

"What happened, lying in the trough, the original spring water?!!!"

"No, I am still waiting for the promotion. If it is not good, the power to restore the position is also good!"

The people who arrived at the original spring water were either stunned or surprised.

Wait until the chaos, the devil ink and other people explained, everyone knows, the original force spring water, by the kid, inexplicable means to hide.

For a time, everyone looked at Ye's gaze and spurred the fire.

The killing in the eyes of Beijiang has reached the point of being as substantial.

Even if it is ice and ice, it is also staring at Ye Che, and the original spring water is extremely important to them. Not only can it be restored to its peak state, but it is more likely to go further.

The full spring water of the original force has been "hidden" by Ye Che, and their natural killings have multiplied.

However, in the case of the black robe, no one dared to shoot, can only look at sitting there, a peaceful rest Ye Ke.

The time passed by, and after about seven or eight hours, almost half of them passed the first hundred battles.

This half of the people, about three million people, that is, the rest of the people, all were eliminated!

"The first level, the end of the battle alliance!"

"The passer, 3.28 million people!"

"First place, merit value + 1 million!"

"Second place, meritorious value + 50,000!"

"Third place, merit + 40,000!"

"Fourth... Tenth..."

The majesty of the faint voice, only reported the top ten merits, and then these merits are shown behind the light curtain itself.

Then, continue: "The first prize is 1 level crystal 1oo, 2 crystals 1o, 3 crystals!"

"Second place, extra reward 1 level crystal 5o, 2 level crystal 5!"

"Third place, extra reward 1 level crystal 1o, 2 level crystal 1!"

"Level 1 crystal, level 2 level 3 crystal?"

Ye Che's heart moved, I don't know what the rewards are, but I remembered that before the black robe said, the top three extra rewards will play a big role in the second pass, and my heart is suddenly a little pleasant.

The other three million people, although they don't know what the meaning of crystal is, they must be unusual things, and their faces are all envious.

However, among the more than three million people, nearly one hundred of them all looked at Ye Che with hatred and hatred, while the rest of them looked at Ye Che’s look, but they were extremely greedy.

This mask youth, not only has so many crystals, but also suspected of having the original spring water, naturally makes them very excited.

It can be imagined that in the second pass, where Ye Che will go, it is a toon, whoever wants to take a sip.

The greedy wolf, and the otters, naturally pass.

The greedy wolf Mo Yan looked at Ye Che, his eyes were shocked, and now the clear **** is as powerful and domineering as the Shenglin world. So the huge original spring water, one person said that swallowed it, and did not leave a trace of the top genius. .

In the eyes of the otter, it is hateful, very unfortunate, she ranked ninety-eight in the first level of this time!

"The first level of the end of the alliance, the second level, the crystal guard war, open!"

When the black robe was finished, he waved his hand sharply, and a circle of tens of thousands of meters in diameter appeared at the feet of everyone.

"Second off transmission, start!"


At that time, the situation changed suddenly, and the scene in front of Ye’s eyes began to blur.

At this moment, countless killing voices rang from the ear.

"Ha ha ha, finally have to close the second, kid, be prepared to be unloaded!"

This voice is Beijiang.

"I said, the second level, let you live better than death, a hundred kinds of criminal law, let you try it all over!"

"You, the second level, join hands to kill this person!"

"It's best not to let me meet, otherwise, kill innocent!"

The sound of ice and cold was introduced into Ye Er's ear, causing Ye Che to frown slightly, and soon the transfer was over.

At the same moment, a one-meter-sized, bleak crystal throne was printed in Ye's eyes.

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